
Square des Batignolles - again and again

Perhaps too much of “parks”, but walking through “my” park, Square des Batignolles, the other day I could not resist. It started with a pigeon which was so happy to be photographed and let me come quite near for a good moment.

Just to remind you about this little park on which I have posted frequently, here are some general views, a grey December day…

… but when you start to look for “details”, there are still many colours around.

You can also admire these trees which have been there since the middle of the 19th century…

… and, of course, the birds.

During the recent ceremony to honour the victims of the November 13 event, Natalie Dessay performed a song by Barbara, which mentions the Square des Batignolles, where Barbara often played as a child.

Here is the same song is performed by Barbara herself.


Anonymous said...

Les floraisons sont un peu décalées pour des raisons que l'on connait... Mais néanmoins ces petites touches de couleurs sont bien appréciables dans la grisaille!

Anonymous said...

Superb performance by Natalie Dessay! Thanks for sharing the clips, M. Peter

Unfortunately, for the families of the victims of that recent horror, there's no magical powder, no poudre de perlimpinpin to mitigate their misery.

They will grieve for a lifetime. Period. The end. There is no “moving on,” or “getting over it.” There is no fix, no solution to their heartache. There is no end to the ways they will grieve and for how long. There is no glue for a broken heart, no exilir for the pain, no going back in time.

I wish people could understand that grief lasts forever because love lasts forever; that the loss of a beloved person is not one finite event, it is a continuous loss that unfolds minute by minute over the course of a lifetime. Every missed birthday, holiday, milestone that will never be. This is why grief lasts forever. The ripple effect lasts forever. The bleeding never stops.

Of course they'll go through life courageously and they'll continue as best they can on their journey.
They will go on...until they go out.....

Thank you so much for the adorable pictures of that pigeon, the flowers, the birds. Your park is an enchanted place.

Jeanie said...

What splendid photos of the bird. You're right -- he was a very cooperative model!

And thank you for the links. The Natalie Dessay song is so moving and lovely.

claude said...

Quelle jolie Publication, Peter.
Catherine a raison, je préfère du Barbara chanté par Barbara.

Thérèse said...

Je n'aime pas les pigeons mais j'aime les arbres qui pour la plupart nous survivront!

Elysse said...

Those pigeon pictures are so nice! It must be such a joy to live so close to a beautiful park like that.

martinealison said...

Bonjour cher Peter,

Il est vrai que cette année plus particulièrement avec la douceur des températures, nous pouvons admirer dans la natures de belles couleurs qui s'accrochent...
J'aime ta visite du parc et la présence des pigeons qui nous font oublier la tristesse...
Les enfants aiment courir et faire envoler les pigeons... les mamies aiment venir les nourrir. Une manière de redevenir enfant.

Une très jolie pensée à toutes les victimes...

Gros bisous ♡

Shammickite said...

Beautiful song, and a beautiful performance. And Hello Mr. Pigeon, you are very sweet!

Studio at the Farm said...

Hi Peter,
I enjoyed this intimate look at "your" park so much - from the photogenic pigeon, to all the bright flowers still blooming, to the little duck's bum in the air as she fished for food. Wonderful ... thank you!

JudyMac said...

Even on a gray December day, this park is a delight to see! Love Mr. Pigeon, I think he knows when the camera is pointed his way. :-)

joanna said...
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joanna said...

All year you take one memorable photo after another, you bring much joy to us who love photography especially of Paris
I truly love the beauty of that innocent pigeon, the close up of the dear ones eyes are very expressive and full of love. In the wake of all the tragedy, seeing this creature of God's making reminds one of the love that exists all around us.