
Parc Monceau in the rain

Referring to my recent post “Dancing in the rain”, I feel that I would like to show some more photos from my walk in the Parc Monceau. There was a special feeling with the autumn, the rain, the few people…

Some people walked under umbrellas…

… others looked for a shelter.

Some birds worried about the weather, others didn’t.

Many leaves on the ground, but some still on the trees, and some trees and bushes even offering flowers…

Fewer leaves on the trees makes it easier to view the remarkable buildings around the park.

I already made a post about all the statues to be found in the park. Here are just a few of them: de Maupassant... and Chopin (composing “Marche Funèbre”, let’s listen to it once more).


French Girl in Seattle said...

Lovely walk, Peter, in spite of the rain. This just reminded me it's been a while since my last visit to le Parc Monceau. Maybe I will make it back there before the end of the year. :-) Merci for the photos. I will be sharing with the French Girl in Seattle community tonight. -- Véronique

Anonymous said...

What an exquisite homage in photographing the prevailing mood of a city shocked by so much horror. The rain mirroring the tears of many and the Marche Funebre as a background for those thinking their last farewells to the departed. Kudos to the poetic composition of ce photographe impeccable.

Valentina Igoshina, what a marvel! I know she's played in Paris several times. I love her technique, her passionate nature...
I thought I would never be impressed by another pianist other than Martha Argerich, an Argentinian, considered by many as the greatest living pianist.

I love this post, M. Peter
Thank you!

Thérèse said...

Effectivement un temps qui incite à la mélancolie, mais dans un parc il y a toujours lieu de se réjouir de la verdure même l'hiver.

Anonymous said...

Love your Parc Monceau post. I was there in mid-October when there was only 1 Seward Jonnson installation. However, I have seen most of his work at the Grounds For Sculpture in New Jersey. An occasional rainy day in Paris can be pleasant since it tends to reduce foot traffic. Keep up the good work!

joanna said...

Ce sont ces moments de calme dans le temps lorsque nous découvrons la joie de l'âme, belle promenade Peter, merci

Shammickite said...

The park is beautiful in the rain, even nicer than in the sunshine. It's reflecting the mood of Paris.

Studio at the Farm said...

Beautiful photos, Peter! I enjoyed this visit to Parc Monceau. It looks to be a quiet and contemplative day there.

lyliane six said...

Il y a un dicton qui dit :" Quand il pleut , tu fais comme les parisiens, tu passes à travers les gouttes"