
Happy bees...

Bees seem today to have a better life in cities rather than in the countryside, - fewer insecticides… I found this happy bee, arriving, landing … and making its way to the centre of the beautiful flower.

I saw this in the park Jardin Villemin, which you can find between the Canal Saint Martin - which now is clean and nice again (see here) - and the Gare de l’Est (see here).

This now public park used to be part of a convent (Couvent des Recollets), later transformed to a military hospital.

There were more bees around…

… of course attracted by nice flower arrangements.

As in most parks you find installations for kids (and others).

There is also a fountain (not giving any water anymore), one of the first to be made in cast iron, in 1846 (well before the Wallace fountains – see here), which originally had its place elsewhere in the city, but was placed here in 1977.  


claude said...

Quel beau jardin, un havre de paix pour les Parisiens. Quant aux abeilles, je les regarde de loin.

lyliane six said...

ici il y a encore 15 ans elles s’agglutinaient au bord de ma mare et avaient colonisé mon chèvrefeuille et autres fleurs qui ne manquent pas dans mon jardin. Depuis cet été j'en ai vu 3 dans ma véranda je les ai remises dehors mais elles sont à moitié grogies. Quel malheur

Anonymous said...

Las abejas! Que insectos fascinantes!
Les encantan las flores, especialmente las del azahar. Habiendo crecido en un pais donde en cada vereda hay por lo menos cuatro arboles de naranjo, el fuerte y maravilloso perfume de sus flores (azahar) acompañan hasta el dia de hoy el quehacer diario de mis compatriotas, y hace las delicias de las abejas.

Yo tenia una amiga rusa que poseia un collar antiguo con un pendantif de ambar. En el centro de la piedra habia una abeja perfecta, fosilizada.

Au photographe impeccable, au parfait magicien de cet art: bravo, bravo!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love google translate!
In my comment it translates the Spanish word vereda=sidewalk into the word village.
And yes, I do care...

Jeanne said...

What beautiful pictures!