
Icelandic invasion!

Iceland (population 330.000) reached the quarter finals in the European Football (Soccer) Championships, at present ongoing in France, after making draws against Portugal and Hungary and beating Austria… and England!  Their quarter final against France was played Sunday evening, July 3 ... and finally lost (5-2 to France).

Awaiting the match, a large part of the Icelandic population could be found in front of a bar, close to Moulin Rouge.

A lot of good optimistic mood!

The street had to be closed. The crowd was very kindly surveyed by representatives of the Icelandic police force, “Lögreglan”. For the comfort of the beer drinkers, some temporary conveniences had been installed. 


Cergie said...

Toi aussi tu es un viking et tu as ton nom de famille qui se termine par -son :
(Ton dernier montage est bien taquin)

Creamcheese said...

You captured the true spirit of the underdog in your photos. Even though they lost to France the highlight was winning their match over Britain. They can all return home with their heads held high!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, civilized, full of joy people!
Lucky France! When was the last time we saw an "invasion" so promising?
What a cute post!
Divinas fotos como de costumbre, M. Peter.
Mil gracias

joanna said...

WOW! pure energy fantastic photography Love the 1st photo sets the stage & tone for the other photo shot..

claude said...

Une invasion bien sympathique !