
Another little night walk

I took a nice little night walk again, maybe less spectacular to the eyes than my recent walk along the Seine River (see here).

I started at Place de la Bastille (see previous posts). The Bastille Opera has since the end of last year an illumination, named “Saturnales”. Why this name? Why not - “Saturnalia” was some kind of Roman winter celebration, in December, a short period of great festivities, when even the slaves had some kind of limited freedom…   

I continued along the rue Saint Antoine, since “forever” the major way to enter Paris from the east.

You pass by the statue of Pierre Beaumarchais (1732-99), a man known for an enormous amount of activities, but today perhaps best known for having created the Figaro plays, later linked to Mozart. The “Temple Sainte Marie” is a former catholic church, given to the Protestants during the 19th century – and of course, differently from the catholic churches, always closed except for masses. There is also the 17th century “Hôtel de Mayenne”, today a school. The doors to the “Hôtel de Sully” were closed. During day time, when the doors are open, this is one of the nicest ways to reach the “Place des Vosges” (see here). 

I took a little side street instead to have a short glimpse at the “Place des Vosges”...

... and another one to see the “Place du Marché Sainte Catherine” (see top picture)… and I also looked at some other side streets.

What I appreciate is that the street lamps in this area, and also in many other Paris areas, are maintained in a style which seems to fit the old surrounding buildings, a feeling of gas lanterns.

Most of the bars were closing when I made my walk. Unfortunately I could also see some traces of crushed windows, traces of some recent demonstrations.  

I finished my little walk, after having passed the “Saint Paul Saint Louis Church” (see here). It was not very late, only a quarter to twelve, but I decided to take the metro and go home.


Karen said...

Another beautiful post. I always liked walking in Paris at night. Quiet and so lovely. Thank you for letting me enjoy it again from so far away.

Jeanie said...

You evening walks are beautiful, Peter. I loved the view of Place des Vosges, which I've never seen at night. It hurts me, seeing the damage from the demonstration. It appears they have moved far afield from the Champs.

Anonymous said...

¡Que hermoso artículo!
Mi foto favorita es esa que muestra el Pabellón del Rey. ¿O será que la foto es del Pabellón de la Reina? En este último se instaló un hotel elegante, segun vi hace poco.
¿Está Margareta en París entrevistandose con M. Macron?
Thank you, Peter.

joanna said...

Interesting post... very few people are out ... it seems like a nice time to stop look snap a photo, and reflect...

finally google is sending your post through to my email.... whatever you did seemed to worked,