After some
12 years of blogging and having had the pleasure to have some 3.5 million “page
views”, I feel that I have to slow down my blogging activity. I have a number
of other activities and the feeling that I “must” publish two posts per week is
somehow getting “too much”. I feel that, from now on, I will post in a more
irregular way, when I really believe that I have something to tell or show… maybe
once a week, maybe more ... or maybe even less. But, I will continue. … and in the meantime, I
have the pleasure to meet a great number of visitors from all over the world,
people I have had the privilege to learn to know thanks to my blogging.
Bonjour cher Peter,
Ce petit billet me ramène à moi... J'ai ressenti la même chose à une certaine période et j'ai dû mettre un frein à la régularité de mes publications et aussi parfois à mes visites dans le monde de la blogosphère.
Je souffrais de manque de temps... et peut-être ce sentiment de devenir "addicte".
J'ai beaucoup de plaisir à y revenir mais à mon rythme.
Je serai toujours très heureuse d'ouvrir l'une de tes pages et d'y découvrir tes trésors...
(Peut-être seras-tu présent lors de mon vernissage ce 17 octobre prochain au 6 avenue Delcassé dans le 8ème arrondissement ?... ce serait bien)
Gros bisous 🌸
Dear Peter, I have enjoyed and learned so much from your posts about everything. You have been a wonderful teacher and guide for all of your readers. Best wishes for your other projects; I'll be happy when you post something, and when you are busy, I can find and read previous posts again.
Many thanks.
I enjoy your blog and your FB posts but do get what you are saying. I hope I will be able to meet you again in the not very distant future.
thank you so much for your wonderful, informative blog...one of a very few I check every day...you deserve to semi-retire!
Once in a while is fine with me. You have accumulated so much information for those traveling to France and it is right there for us. And I'm sure when you have something new we need to know about you will tell us. Enjoy a looser "schedule" - all of us need to do that.
I've said it to others and will say to you -- you own the blog; it doesn't own you. Living your life and exploring all the wonderful things there are to do is more important. I'm glad you're not hanging it up altogether because you are one of my "happy spots" online and your absences will make the posts all the more welcome and appreciated. Now, go have fun!
(And by the way, this is a beautiful photo!)
I appreciate all the information you post for us all to enjoy. When Blogging no longer brings the author joy then it is time to assess.... I look forward to reading your occasional blog posts.
Enjoy the semi-retirement.
Peter, you have earned this slow-down and our respect. Thank you for introducing me (all of us) to 'your Paris.' It is a remarkable city with both obvious and hidden treasures, all shown and told with wonderful detail in your blogs. Paris would benefit from more ambassadors such as you.
Kära Peter, din blogg är en skatt!
You've spent the last 11 years providing gorgeous photos and generous content...please take more time for yourself.
You've provided curious, captivating & comprehensive posts that are available to anyone - at any time.
Enjoy this extra free time - hopefully you will be able to spend it with your adoring fan base!
Santé et xxx!
Thank you Peter for all the information you passed on through out the years. Yours is the only blog I've kept in touch with since I acquired a computer! I wish you all the best no matter what you do in the future. Take care.
Que d'informations accumulées... Bravo. Continue à savourer.
Je suis un peu dans le même cas que toit, Peter, moi aussi ça fait longtemps que je blogue, depuis 13 ans, et moi je suis un peu à court d'idées, alors j'espace aussi mes publications car je voudrais publier moins pour pouvoir publier mieux.
Et puis en ce moment j'ai des soucis.
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