

The Paris municipal undertaker services were occupying this 1873 building as from 1905 until 1997, as a monopoly until 1993. In 2001 it was decided to make it to an artistic centre for the City of Paris and heavy reconstruction work has been made. It was opened officially October 11 and got the name of “104”, from its street address, 104 rue d’Aubervillers.

In total some 39 000 m² (420 000 ft² or 9.5 acres) offer room for all arts, exhibitions, concerts... There will also be a library, restaurants, bars... , but the day I was there, a few days after the inauguration, the place was still in preparation. I hope I will get some good reasons to return.


krystyna said...

What can I say...thank you Peter.

Virginia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SusuPetal said...

The place looks airy and light, something we'd need here too. I mean the light. It's pitch dark on a Monday morning and it's raining...

Thérèse said...

Vu le montant de l'investissement espérons que ce projet sera rentable... et fonctionnera.

Olivier said...

c'est une bonne idée de réhabilitation d'un immeuble, et le mélange des arts, de la musique j'adore

alice said...

De l'art dans les quartiers, une belle idée!

hpy said...

I'm sure that you'll find some resaons.

Kate said...

The building is certainly massive and has room for many exhibits. In your explanation you say "undertakers" as former exhibitors; do you mean morticians?? Just curious. Have a good week, Peter. Enjoy the waning days of summer.

Anonymous said...

quel marcheur infatigable tu fais! Allez ! a pied jusqu'à la grande cataracte!!!!
mon blog dédié à Manille mais moins fourni que le tien ;)

Anonymous said...

moi je me pose des questions quand même. Pourquoi inaugurer quelque chose qui est encore en préparation? Ils sont fous ces parisiens.

Mona said...

yes it does look like it is still in preparation ! A nice lot under one roof 104. My house is named 107 :)

PeterParis said...

Thank YOU!

... and here the sky is blue! :-)

Il faut espérer!

PeterParis said...

Oui, c'est bien qu'on arrive à faire ces vieux bâtiments utiles!

L'idée est bonne! Maintenant il faut fiare des chose concrètes!

Let hope and believe so!

PeterParis said...

Yes, the public, municipal, undertaking activites were concentrated here. Now, it's private and spread out.

Je prendrai l'avion ou le bâteau!

Je connais ton site sur Manille! Très, très bien!!

PeterParis said...

Un peu fous sans doute! Il faut être un peu fou de temps en temps! (Je pense que l'inauguration se faisait en fonction des dates disponibles du Monsieur le Maire.)

Another number full of culture!

Shionge said...

What a place for undertaker services back then and with this transformation I would never realise that :)

claude said...

Je vois qu'il y a plein de trucs à visiter à Paris, j'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre sur ma ville !

Azer Mantessa said...

104 ... one for ... an artistic centre

cool :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, quite big, but those times it was a monopoly and worked for the total of Paris!

Il faut revenir plus souvent!

A simple name!

Marie-Noyale said...

I like the idea,but I have have mixed feelings with what they did with it.. it looks a lot like the big malls we have here..
Le mieux ce sera de venir voir!!!

Adam said...

I visited the weekend it opened and it wasn't really clear how it will be used. It is a little reminiscent of the Tate Modern in London, but the idea here is to use more as a space in which to create art. I'm not sure how many people will be tempted out there outside of any organised events, but my son loved it there. At the moment it's like a giant adventure playground!

Maxime said...

Quelle magnifique structure !
J'avais vu une photo dans la presse, pour l'inauguration, mais là on a vraiment envie d'y être !

PeterParis said...

I think the architecture is fine; they have well used the old structures, but eveything is completely modern when it comes to equipment. Now, they just must make good use of it. Also the place is a bit "far away" and not so easy to reach.

We could have met! I was also there during that weekend! Yes, Im' a bit worried about the difficulty to reach the place; it's a bit away from the streets you mostly take. You must really have a reason to go there!

On est d'accord pour les beaux travaux qui sont faits!

Adam said...

There is one other reason to be in that area though. The new Jardin d'Eole park almost opposite the 104 is a very successful regeneration project too.

Ming the Merciless said...

The furthest I've been away from the city center of Paris was Republique.

This place looks interesting and definitely not a touristy place.

Adam said...

Ming - I thought Republique was the centre of Paris!

GMG said...

This is new; have to get there to see... ;)