We have already a number of times met
Art Nouveau and also one of its more remarkable architects,
Jules Lavirotte (see previous
posts). Here is another example of his creations. You can find it on Avenue Wagram, very close to l’Etoile, half way down towards Place des Ternes with its permanent flower market.
This building, completely covered by ceramics, was completed in 1904 under the name of “Logiluxe Parisien” where you could rent a room or a suite a bit cheaper than in the renown palaces, but the address was of course very central and the look of the building was clearly fashionable. (Some claim it rather served as a brothel.) Today it’s a hotel with the name
Hôtel Céramic, a suitable name.

The names of the creators are clearly visible on the facade and include the stoneware specialist Alexandre Bigot and the sculptor Alaphilippe, artists that we often find in connection with similar buildings.
If you are interested, a double room rate is today 220 €.
You may not be able to book for this weekend, but I wish it to be nice anyhow!
Marie6 (Laetitia) so kindly gave me this award; BFF = Best Friends Forever ! Sincere thanks for the honour! I forward it symbolically or for real to all dear friends who come here so regularly!
Beautiful building. so unusual - terrific photos. the price, well - it's less than a NYC Marriot that's just a plain box of a building -- however with an amazing view.
That building is so decorative! I like the sweeping curved lines of the balconies and the windows. Very feminine! I would not be at all surprised if it was used as a brothel!!!
tout simplement magnifique. et puis le nom "Hôtel Céramique"
je sais pas si tu connais, mais il existe un superbe site sur l'art nouveau des années 1900, plein de découvertes.
Art nouveau is thrilling.
So are hotels. I like hotels, because you don't have to change your sheet, don't have to make food or to the dishes, don't have to dust the room.
Sad that it's so expensive, otherwise I could always live in a hotel!
Peter, have a nice weekend.
Félicitations pour cet Award ! Tu le mérites bien !
Somptueux ce building ! C'est quand plus beau que ce qui est fait maintenant. Je suis fan !
I didn't realize that the creator's name is crafted onto the building itself ;) Always something new here and hey, you deserved the Best Friends Forever Award :D
...Blogging Friends Forever, shionge.
Bravo pour ta nouvelle Gold Card, Peter. Ca te donne crédit illimité de champagne pour tes amis bloggeurs? Yessss!!!
Extraordinaire, cet hôtel... mais à 220 euros la nuit, je vais plutot aller dormir chez ma mère quand j'irai à Paris... LOL
C'est rather stange quand-même, on passe plusieurs fois dans une rue, un quartier, sans rien voir, sans regarder, in fact, et puis, quelqu'un d'autre te parle d'un truc, un immeuble ou autre chose à voir, et c'est là seulement qu'on regarde. Je ne me rappelle absolument pas cet hôtel céramique, et pourtant je me rappelle encore l'avenue Wagram, la place des Ternes et mon ophtalmo qui avait son cabinet dans le quartier, ou presque. (Je suis douée pour écrire des conneries, non? Et merci!)
Félicitations forever for the BFF. At least for the next 36 hours, and we'll see on Monday when you post again. Bises.
AH ! Ca alors, tu aimes TOUTES les femmes et TOUS tes visiteurs. Et ben moi j'ai des favoris et je te dirai pas
(Actually "BFF", j'y crois pas trop. En tout cas cela demande de faire un effort de part et d'autre, c'est jamais acquis)
L'architecture de Lavirotte est belle assez "organique" (dotée d'un bel... ? Non, voyons) et il n'a pas à en a honte quoique il l'ait un peu cachée sous les plantes grimpantes
It is a fantastic site, and in a quite interesting area. Just around the corner from there is the Saint Alexandre Nevski Russian Orthodox church (Rue Daru) which is equally as astonishing.
Peter, Just lovely photographs of this grand lady! Would love to see this hotel in person. Maybe??
Peter, love your post and photos! Art Nouveau is a wonderful style. Thanks for sharing these beauty with us.
Lovely building and ironwork!
I went by Avenue de Wagram so many times and... never saw this Hotel!!!
Thank God,some people take time to look around and share it with the others.Thanks.
And Bravo for the Gold Card.
i loves hotels as i can mess the room and someone will have to clean it ... hahahahaha
congratulations ... nice award
have a nice weekend :-)
Oh my, felicitations sur votre recompense, mon ami! Pardonnez moi.
The buildings are architectural wonders, aren't they? If I can't go to Paris, I can at least see it through your eyes, and you always manage to give me a great deal of pleasure. Thanks, Peter, for so many pleasurable visual treats.
The Hotel Ceramic is gorgeous. It has so much character.
Is ia an expensive hotel?
Amazing job, Peter!
Congratulations on your award!
Have a great weekend1
Yes , the view is something you have to pay for. A nice view over NYC is certainly worth something!
Mybe the lamps in front to be red ?
Merci pour le lien!
Yes, some people live in hotels the year round! ... exclusive ones, but also cheap ones.
C'est sur qu'on donnait plus d'importance à rendre les choses plus décoratives à l'époque!
It's quite often the case - at least in Paris!
Avec ou sans cette carte, il y aura toujours du champagne pour les amis qui viennnent me voir!
Pour les conneries, tu n'es pas seule - heureusement!
Tu n'avais sans doute pas les yeux de blogger à l'époque!
hpy bis:
J'espère sérieusement "forever"!
Oui, je les aime tous (toutes), certain(e)s peut-être plus particulièrement! :-) ... et je suis prêt à faire des efforts pour que ça dure!
You are right! It's however open only specific days and hours and so far I have always been there at the "wrong" moment!
That would be easy, it's so close to l'Etoile and the Champs-Elysées!
Yes, I guess we all agree!
As I commented to hpy above, I believe we see things better than before - with our blogger eyes!
Please try to behave!! :-))
In French! Of course you are appolgized!
The blogging allows a lot of virtual sight-seeing, but it also creates a wish to visit, or re-visit!
220 € for a double room, some 195 for a single one, if I remember correctly what was indicated.
Unfortunately very few things are free of charge.
Double thanks! ... and a nice weekend to you as well!
Encore une belle trouvaille! Je ne pense pas que ce soit aussi joli là où j'ai réservé...Mais ce n'est pas le plus important!
I am just asking myself: what did my eyes do during the years I spent in Paris?
I presume though that I would not be looking at your blog right now with so much interest. lol
I like the wrought iron work best, simple but still beautiful!
happy weekend!
Hi Peter! Let's start with Göteborg! Great city; I'm sorry that I didn't spend enough time when I passed through it in... 1969! But it looks interesting in your pictures! And the 1903 house still looks in good shape...
Le metro des Abbesses vaut bien le voyage! Mais 110 marches à monter, c'est peu-âtre de trop...
I know you're a great fan of Lavirotte, but he actually dserves the attention you draw to his wonderful buildings!
Finally, congrats for another most deserved award...
Have a great week!
Beautiful pictures! If you could please, could you tell me the distance between Le Marais and the Moulin Rouge? Is there a map I could see somewhere?
I've only stayed in Paris once and the price/performance ratio of hotels wasn't exactly favourable in that case. Fortunately, I'd have a lot of hotels to pick from should I return one day.
A belated nice weekend to you as well!
Such a beautiful building. Love those decorations on the wall. These little touches of decoration really make the building stands out from the normal ones. I wonder if the rooms are as beautiful as what I would imagine it to be like.
This is a series of nice photos, Peter.
C'est déjà bien que tu as réservé! A bientôt!
As said before; maybe you were not a blogger then. With blogger eyes you discover a lot more!
Yes, also the ironwork is really nice!
So you also visited Göteborg! Where have you not been? (I remeber now, Machu Picchu.)
110 steps is not that much and you can stop here and there and have a look on the illustrations! :-)
To find a Paris map should be easy. The distance should be some 5-6 km. May I suggest the metro? :-)
Paris hotels are relatively cheap compared to London (even Stockholm)! You should have a new try! :-)
Thanks for the compliments!
According to the publicity of the hotel, the rooms should have conserved some art nouveau style, but I haven't visited them, so I can give no guarantee! :-)
The room rate is pretty pricey for me (still studying) but it certainly worth it as the hotel looks very classy with the artwork and design. You should give us some sneak preview of the interior too! ;p
hi there.. long time no see :P how have you been.. im good, just lazy... too much rendang + ketupat.. that's why..
what? they charged 220 € per room, nvrmind, i'll pass.
Wahou, quelle merveille cet hôtel ! Un peu cher pour moi malheureusement...mais je pourrais peut-être squatter le bar histoire de visiter ?
I hope some of the blogging Paris visitors (you one day?) can make the photo of the interior!
Nice to see you around! Rendang + ketupat!! I'm fine thanks!
Shall we meet in the bar? :-)
all the buildings of paris are so awesome & decorative!
How many times do I have to tell you to come here and see them in nature? :-)
It's a tad better than the St. Roche where I stayed one time (ha), at half the price. Sometimes you have to live it up. It would be dreamy! Have you been inside?
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