Today is again the time for the mid-month theme “subways”. As you may have noticed, I often have “guest stars” here, not always having myself anything new or interesting to show related to this matter.
Today I have, as you can see, something very special to show, not a photo, but an aquarelle by Carol Gillott ! She lives in NYC, but she is a frequent visitor to Paris and has a blog completely dedicated to Paris and with a lot of her paintings. I clearly recommend that you visit her blog: Paris Breakfasts. It’s obvious that she’s completely in love with Paris ... and she certainly knows how to illustrate her love, in pictures and text! (I believe that you can even buy some of her paintings, see here). I had the privilege to meet her during her last recent visit here and she kindly promised to help me with a metro illustration. Thanks Carol!!
The “subway” theme is shared with bloggers from New York, Stockholm, London, Budapest, Paris... and now also from Sydney. You can find today’s and other related posts by using the following links:
New York City Daily Blog – Stockholm by pixels – Fresh Eyes on London – Budapest by Andrea Gerak –Sydney Eye - Peter’s Paris.
(You can also find some other related older posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)
Today I have, as you can see, something very special to show, not a photo, but an aquarelle by Carol Gillott ! She lives in NYC, but she is a frequent visitor to Paris and has a blog completely dedicated to Paris and with a lot of her paintings. I clearly recommend that you visit her blog: Paris Breakfasts. It’s obvious that she’s completely in love with Paris ... and she certainly knows how to illustrate her love, in pictures and text! (I believe that you can even buy some of her paintings, see here). I had the privilege to meet her during her last recent visit here and she kindly promised to help me with a metro illustration. Thanks Carol!!
The “subway” theme is shared with bloggers from New York, Stockholm, London, Budapest, Paris... and now also from Sydney. You can find today’s and other related posts by using the following links:
New York City Daily Blog – Stockholm by pixels – Fresh Eyes on London – Budapest by Andrea Gerak –Sydney Eye - Peter’s Paris.
(You can also find some other related older posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)
Beautiful post!
Lovely aquarrelle!
A creative take on the theme. Most appropriate.
Happy subway day !
Peter, you managed to work another "subway holiday"!HA I'm having a little day off tomorrow myself. I love Carol's blog as well. Her artwork is delightful. Good choice. And have a great Subway Theme Day. You worked so hard! :)
Wow, that is gorgeous, Peter.
Happy Subway Day.
superbe aquarelle, je vois que tu restes chez les peintres, voila une bonne idée pour le thème.
Very different post Peter and a great one!
Bravo to the artist too.
Très beau cet art naïf, j'ai cru que c'était un dessin de Paloma. Ne trouves tu pas ces aquarelles mille fois plus jolies que ces affreux tags?
Did you take that first photo of your today's post? It's wonderful, and so different from the ones you use to show us. I even recognize the subway station!
Ah oui ! Superbe aquarelle !
J'irais bien faire un tour dans le metro parisien.
Warm greetings still snowy North Karelia!Your painting post gives nice summer like atmosphere and I certainly click those links, thank you!
Happy spring days to you, Peter !
Now this is very cool. I hope Carole is selling her work.
La communauté s'aggrandit...
J'aime surtout la petite voiture ronde, une coccinelle ? Avec les vélos, une alternative au transport en commun que sont métro et bus (présent aussi sur l'aquarelle). Surtout on peut aller à pied sans se perdre en suivant la signalétique. Et souvent c'est plus rapide, toujours plus sain et instructif que de traîner dans les couloirs du métro.
I like this watercolour very much, Peter, I have some lovely photos of Abbesses that I took whilst in Paris last October. I am pleased to be able to participate in the Subway Mid-month post. Thank you.
L'effervescence de la rue parisienne aux teintes de l'aquarelle, ça adoucit l'atmosphère.
Et ce "signe rouge" du métro révèle la ville à lui tout seul.
Bon choix, Peter.
Carol Gillott does have a lovely sight and her work is very good even as your work is excellent. Nice post, Peter.
I try to do some things that are inspirational in some way. Not always successful. Gobsmacks
Carol is such a talented artist. I've subscribed to her Paris Breakfasts for a long time. Lucky you meeting her - well lucky her meeting you - as I will soon - so lucky me too.
I love this aquarelle.
Mais, mais, cherche ta silhouette sur cette aquarelle et je ne la trouve pas! Il faut absolument que l'auteur y remédie, un blog sur Paris sans Peter, ce n'est tout simplement pas possible!
Oh! Tres bien, Peter! Merci! I have added Paris Breakfasts to my Paris blog's sidebar. Love it.
THANKS very much Peter for the Metro post!
It was a delight to meet up with you and visit and learn about so many Parisien places.
Kind regards,
J'ai visité la galerie virtuelle, c'est puis, tous les restos sont au même prix, c'est chouette !
Peter, si tu aimes les "bouches" de métro, vas voir celles de la ligne 3bis (porte des Lilas, St Fargeau et Pelleport : les voyages forment la jeunesse).
Elles ont un design style années 1930 et sont hors du style des autres stations de Paris.
A bientôt.
I lover her site! I'm always happier after a visit there.
That aquarelle is cool!
What a colourful work of the subway ;) I like it and yes I'll visit her blog soon, thank you Peter :D
This is truly divine! I'll head right over to her blog. I've been looking for something to hang in my entryway:)
25 personnes avant moi qui sont montées dans le métro? est-ce qu'il reste une petite place? :-))
Yes, Carol is gifted! :-)
A nice way to let others take care! :-)
Good that you also have found Carol's blog! :-)
Yes, thanks to Carol! :-)
J'étais aussi très content de mon idée! :-)
Yes, bravo to the artist! :-)
Tu surestimes Paloma! :-)
What can I say to such a comment? :-)
Tu connais la direction! :-)
Yes, compared to you still icy photos! :-)
When I checked a couple of weeks ago, all was sold! :-)
... et maintenant même les téléphones portables ont le GPS, pour voiture et pour piétons, mais non pour le métro! :-)
Welcome to the team! ... and if you don't mind, I would be happy to publish a few of your photos here! :-)
Oui, je suis très content de mon choix! :-)
I guess we all agree on the quality of Carol's paintings! Go to her blog to see more of them! :-)
Yes, soon! :-)
Carol trouve son chemin toute seule à Paris! J'ai juste eu le plaisir d'une journée avec elle! :-)
You did the right thing! :-)
I hope we can make it again! :-)
Merci! J'y vais! :-)
I can understand! Not easy to give a better image of the Paris atmosphere! :-)
Cool! Yes! :-)
I already noticed that you visited her blog! Good choice! :-)
Good idea! I thought of buying this one! Who is bidding the most? :-)
Bien sur!!! Tu es plus que bienvenue! :-)
You'right Peter, Carol is completely in love with Paris. Her paintings are unique!
Thank you for sharing!
Lovely painting! On dirait que c'est dans une bande dessinée. J'ai visité son magasin aussi. Merci pour la publicité, Peter. Tu pourras demander une commission à l'auteur plus tard.
Happy you foudn Carol! :-)
Aucune commission! Juste le plaisir de montrer ce que Carol sait faire! :-)
She certainly has captured the feeling of Paris. Wonderful works!
Dusty Lens:
Can but agree! :-)
Génial, Peter.
Là tu bats le record du meilleur post sur le thème Subways, laissant loin derrière toute autre tentative.
Le charme, le talent, l'atmosphère, tout y est. Bravo à Carol Gillott!
Merci!! Ca va rendre la chose encore plus difficile le mois prochain! :-)
Very lovely picture, thanks for sharing!
Happy belated Subway Day Peter!
Finally my post is up as well...
Better late than never!
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