
Mid-month theme - subways.

Ming has left NYC and blogging - at least for a while and I'm not sure how our common mid-month theme about subways in different cities will continue, but for once I had some own pictures, so I continue.

The mid-month theme is still shared by bloggers from Stockholm, London, Budapest and Sydney. You can find today's and related posts by using the following links:

(You can also find some older related posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)

Most ot the Paris metro lines were created in the beginning of last century, the first one, line number one, in 1900. The design of the metro entrances and the stations is thus old. In some cases, certain stations were redesigned, "modernised", especially during the 1960's, but there is now a tendency to try to bring them back to their original design. This is e.g. the case with "my" station, Brochant. I posted about it in April last year. The job is still not finished (possible to work only a few night hours when the metro is closed), but the tiles are now soon back, which possibly may be seen on the right photo below.The last line, number 14, came partly into operation in 1998, has progressively been extended and allows now, since 2007, to travel from Gare Saint Lazare to the Olympiades .

It's driverless, has a high frequencey, rather few stops, runs quicker than the older metro lines and allows e.g. a quick connection between the Gare Saint Lazare and the Gare de Lyon. It's the only line with platform edge doors, preventing accidents and suicides. There are plans to extend it futher, as well south- as norhtwards.

Obvioulsy, the design of the stations, platforms etc. is here different. There are even some green areas at some stations.


Anonymous said...

Ming is on Facebook under his name. I say something each time I see him.

I do like your subway photos. I am always interested in things that we do not have. We don't even have a taxi or a bus in our town.

James said...

Thanks Peter. I like subway and train stations.

Karen said...

I like the new streamlined stations. Our trams at the Orlando Airport are enclosed like these. I never thought about the design being safer but yes, it is. I must ride on them next visit.

stromsjo said...

Good point about the need for closing at night. For political reasons, Stockholm has started experimenting with traffic all night long (currently only on weekends but that keeps changing).

Happy subway day !

Olivier said...

la premiere photo, me fait penser a un monde futuriste, peut etre le metro de l'an 2000 (euh non de l'an 3000) ;o)

Virginia said...

Pretty snazzy Metro line! Perhaps I'll get lost again and end up there! :)

Julie said...

That first image was quite overwhelming when I opened up your post, Peter. Like I was sitting on top of the train - very immediate.

We have a section of new line in our Sydney railway network but it is not underground. I will try to work up a post about it before the end of this year.

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, I enjoyed your blog!

Thérèse said...

Le métro se fait appeler "désir" à Phoenix (la sixième ville des US!) et le tramway vient de faire son apparition...
Alors je me réjouis toujours lorsque je suis à Paris ou quand je viens visiter ton blog.
Peut-être le prendrons-nous ensemble l'année prochaine.

Starman said...

I've used the 14 and like it a lot. I thought the city was going to provide all the métro stations with platform edge doors.

Cuckoo said...

You are fortunate, you are allowed to take pictures. Here, in India we have very few metros (only in 2 cities) at present and for security reasons, not allowed to take pictures.

Neva said...

When I was in Paris, I found the subways wonderful. Love your shots.

PeterParis said...

Thanks! I'm a very sporadic Facebook user! :-)

Espeically, they are useful! :-)

You should! Safely! :-)

PeterParis said...

Our metro is running later during weekends, but never the whole night. Then you can use some special bus service, or taxi, or your feet! :-)

Ca existe déjà! :-)

PeterParis said...

Use the metro plan! You will certainly learn! :-)

Looking forward to see it! :-)

Steve B:
Honoured by your presence here! :-)

PeterParis said...

J'espère, vivement! :-)

Maybe, but I haven't really heard about it! :-)

Not sure you are really allowed, but people do! :-)

PeterParis said...

Nice that you appreciated! :-)

Virginia said...

I"ve seen it now, it's great! Must remember not to stay out too late,oui? :)

PeterParis said...

If you are too late, you must walk or take a taxi! :-)

Anonymous said...

As allways, we learn alot from your posts Peter! I'm not sure I like the idea of trains without drivers.

Happy subway day!
Stockholm by pixels

PeterParis said...

Peter F:
It's the best running metro service ... and it works even during strikes! :-)

Unknown said...

I like the Mesnager version of Spring! This is a lovely post - I love this urban art!

Are you scared to be alone at home need security

Anonymous said...

La ligne 14 est, je trouve magnifique. Surtout la station Bibliothèque. Les plafonds sont très hauts, il me font penser à une nef de cathédrale.
Alors que les couloirs des autres lignes sont bien souvent hideux.