I mentioned in my last post that I would come back with some photos of some nice little streets around the top of Rue de Menilmontant (see map on previous post).
There are e.g. some small and more or less private alleys – Cité Leroy, Villa de l’Ermitage...- with individual houses and small gardens; the way many of us would like to live. Even in this traditionally “popular” area, it’s getting expensive and the original type of population will probably soon have disappeared. The whole area is getting more and more fashionable. At least, some of these alleys and houses will remain, partly due to difficult ground conditions; so much plaster stone has been extracted here that the ground is like a gruyere cheese.

I recently discovered another little alley close to the Montmartre cemetery, Cité Pilleux, with some kind of continuation on the opposite side of the perhaps not so immediately attractive Avenue de Saint Ouen. Here the gates are more or less closed.

I wish you a nice weekend!
Very attractive pictures Peter.
Very nice, Peter. Some of these streets remind me of the small villages in the south of France. Flowers in pots in front of almost every home on the street.
It would be interesting to see what is beyond the gates. :=]
I have picked a small apt. in the Latin Qtr. near Jardin du Luxembourg..
Hello Again,
I hope you don't mind "catch up" comments?
I cannot believe the people at the top of Rue de Menilmontant are actually real people...You photoshopped them in ...Right?? REAL people could not casually chat after that kind of climb!
Ok...and that mansion picture??? You caged that from the White House.. Right? Just don't tell the President that there is graffiti on his wall..'kay?
Oh yeah...You should probably get that Botticelli’s “Spring” out of sight..It is kinda famous ya know. I don't think the museum would approve of it's current display location.
And, Peter, I'm afraid "mail to nowhere" is NOT a new concept. Just ask any U.S. Postal worker.
Is it really necessary for the Bride to walk up all those steps on her wedding day? Shouldn't the groom try to get her in shape BEFORE the wedding?
Lastly, I really think that there should be laws prohibiting bus drivers from running over bicycles. I mean, they don't need fares THAT bad!
I truly love your pictures and thank you for sharing them and for the commentary on the where and why!
There are many of your pictures that just touch/jerk/impress/... my... soul/eye/inner being. Is it permissible to use them as wallpaper? I don't know the rules on such things...In fact, I don't know the rules on this blog...I hope I didn't offend?
Menilmontant avec toutes ces fleurs et ce charme, quelle harmonie dans tes prises de vue Peter. Bravo.
Very beautiful and peaceful too! Have a wonderful weekend!
j'aime bien la cité Leroy. Toujours de tres beau jolie "village" dans Paris
Rien ne remplace le glamour du français ("Rue de Menilmontant (2) ... plus...") du moins de la langue français veux-je dire.
Un bloggueur de Ménilmuche m'a fait découvrir ce coin le 27.07.07 et j'y suis retournée avec un bloggueur de Montpellier le 12.06.09. C'est vrai que c'est un coin de rêve, mais il est dur d'y trouver qch à vendre et donc à acheter...
(J'étais encore ds le coin hier, ou plutôt dans le 11ème)
Tout ces petits coins de verdure en plein Paris, c'est vraiment très joli.
Tu as vraiment un don (ou un passe-partout) pour ouvrir toutes ces grilles ou autres portes et nous faire découvrir de si beaux petits paradis.
A bientôt Peter et bon W-E.
Plus de pots de fleurs que d'habitants... Es-tu bien sûr que nous sommes encore à Paris?
Tu nous fait découvrier le plus beau côté de cette rue, C'est charmant tout plein.
It is funny because most of these areas were the homes of people very much from the lower middle-classes, and of course outside the city walls. The great and the good would have never dreamed of living there, but that has changed now.
The gates are more or less closed, but you always find someone who has a key!
Tiens, hier j'ai diné 19 rue de Ménilmontand, là
Very nice images, Peter!
There's nothing quite like a pretty gate with flowers, chairs and tables behind it to tempt me inside.
Happy weekend, Peter. BTW, I posted about HOME.
I like, very much, the attention to nature and green things.
How delightful this is. I can't imagine how anyone who lives in Paris or is visiting Paris can live without your wonderful blog, Peter.
Never too much Nature.
Green and colorful plants on the streets - I like it. It invites to stop and relax.
Have a wonderful weekend, Peter!
As always I love your collages, Peter. Your photos makes me want to go to Paris right away.
Peter... you should be awarded by the 'Mairie' of Paris!
You do more for that city than many guides I know...
Absolutely wonderful, your photos...
You really make me feel like going back 'asap'!
Big hug!
I'd love to stroll those tiny streets and lanes, and I certainly will if I ever get the chance to return to Paris!
Congratulations. I'm the numbre 100 followers in your blog. He, he, he.
Great blog, beautiful pics.
A bear hug froMurcia.
petit coucou en passant...
A beautiful area. looks so quaint and peaceful now but what a history.
What Lovely potted plants! I love the hydrangeas!
Great Pictures as usual Peter!
It's easy to understand why the noveau riche want to live there, but it's an ongoing story. The bobos move in and change the area into something unrecognized and very expensive.
When your blog opened, I involuntarily gasped when I saw the loveliness of the top photo. The gate is also outstanding.
A regarder tes photos, on a l'impression que Paris est un immense jardin. C'est vrai qu'il y a encore de chouettes coins entre Belleville et Ménilmontant.
Peter, thanks for your beautiful pictures! So beautiful flowers, greens, gates, houses, streets... Bravo!
I wish you a nice Sunday!
Just had to tell you ...
54th Wedding Anniversary Today
Thanks! :-)
Good! Looking forward to see you again! :-)
Your comments are more then welcome!
I'm not strict with any kind of rules (may be different with other bloggers). Feel free to use any of my pictures if you like, but I would be cursious to know which one! :-)
Merci!!! :-)
Too late to wish you nice weekend! Have a nice week! :-)
On trouve plus de ces villages que ce qu'on pense a priori! :-)
Tu tiennes vraiment bien les dates, dans un agenda bien à jour je suppose! :-)
Avant 1860 non, après oui! :-)
Des fois les portes s'ouvrent, pas toujours! :-)
Je montre les choses telles qu'elles ont! :-)
... except the ones who had a "folie"! :-)
Not always, but fortunately quite often! :-)
J'ai du passer devant. J'était un peu plus haut, au théatre! :-)
Merci! :-)
Yes, I saw about HOME! :-)
I'm not surprised! :-)
Somehow it works! :-)
You are so right! :-)
See you a bit more this time I hope! :-)
I'm waiting for you! Big hugs to you as well! :-)
Welcome here and normally the number 100 should have some champagne! :-)
Just saw the it dropped back to 98! Who left? :-)
Coucou!! :-)
Yes and yes! :-)
Thanks again! :-)
Yes, that's a big problem. But, at least the houses are still there! :-)
Hope you are not gasping any more! :-)
Il me semble que on trouve beaucoup de ces impasses, souvent cachés! :-)
Thanks! Nice to see you back more often here again! :-)
54 years!!! That's a lot! Congratulations to both of you and best regards to Patty! :-)
Thank you so much for all of this information on the Dumas family..
Are you scared to be alone at home need security
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