
Tango dancing

If you wish to go for some free tango dancing, you can do it every evening, as long as the the weather is warm and nice. It takes place in open air on Quai (or Port) Saint Bernhard, Place Tino Rossi. It has been going on for some 10 or 15 years.

The photos are far from sharp, but I hope that they show that people are really dancing.

I wish you a nice weekend!


Virginia said...

Bravo Peter! At least one of us got some good photos of this wonderful evening in Paris. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though my camera went down and I came away with only about 4 marginal photos. Maybe that was a good thing. It gave me more time to just sit and enjoy the dancers! You have captured the spirit, the movement, and the mood perfectly.

Neva said...

I wish I could dance like this. Shannon loves to salsa dance and theses shots are awesome!!!

Cymbaline said...

I too love your photos! They have a Renoir feel to them, especially the one at the beginning of your blog. Really unique!

hpy said...

The ohotos not being sharp make them even better (at leastin my eyes). You see the movement, and you can sense the tango feeling. I like them very much.

alice said...

Peter, tu nous fais tourner la tête!

claude said...

Si je comprensd bien ce ne sera jamais le dernier tango à Paris !

delphinium said...

burpppp, j'ai tellement tourné que je viens de vomir mes tartines.:-) trêve de plaisanterie, ta première photo est superbe. Mais la question qui me turlupine, est-ce que le piteur danse le tango? :-)
je t'embrasse et bon WE.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Peter, the first photo is a great one!!! Pls tell me if this nice event will still take place on the 18th of September. Me and my husbant will love to tango and take some photos there!

Katia ParisHideaways said...

Hi Peter, I love your blog! Your pics are great here. I actually just wrote a post on the Tango yesterday, too. Must be something about summer in Paris, you have to talk about the Tango! Even though you dont want too many people to find out about it so it stays a lovely little secret in its own way! Keep the excellent posts coming...

SusuPetal said...

I like the first one: it's filled with heath, passion and drama -just like tango!

have a nice weekend!

Claudia said...

I really like the first photo! Well done! Made me want to dance :-)

Have a good weekend!

Parisbreakfasts said...

I LOVE these swirling figures!!!
This is brilliant Peter!!!!!!

Anne Corrons said...

Great pictures! They made me feel like dancing...

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Not being sharp is giving a special effect of the twists! Thanks for sharing. Even though I wish to dance with my wife there, I'm far from that place.

Have a nice weekend!

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Jilly said...

That wonderful first photograph is pure Renoir! Just love these photographs, Peter. Love that they aren't sharp - they are alive with the movement of the dance and what a lot of dancers. Just fab. Bravo!

Bergson said...

moi je suis tango tango

James said...

That looks fun. I would probably just watch though.
The top picture brings back memories of a dance that we used to do in my teen years in California called the slam dancing. ;-) Have a great weekend.

I hope that's not the Last Tango in Paris.

Thérèse said...

It's moving a lot!

"Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne, nous entraîne..."

Shammickite said...

Wonderful, I'd love to do this! I have no idea how to tango, but I'm a fast learner.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Well done Peter. Think I might have to get some of my blogger friends down there :-)

Virginia said...

Maybe Bergson will join us and he and I will tango?HA

Cheryl said...

I did this ten years ago!!! My first time in Paris, my first time dancing the tango. It was so much fun. Thanks for the wonderful pictures.

rauf said...

sharp no sharp, i really don't care Peter, your pictures communicate, There is a lot of action here. i love to see people enjoying where ever they are.

from cali said...

This looks like FUN! You certainly captured the spirit of the dancers and these photos look like paintings. Did you tango?
Tino Rossi sings one of my favorite versions of Besame Mucho. Imagine my surprise to see a Place named for him. If I am in Paris next summer I will be sure to check this out. Thanks for the info. Hope you have a nice weekend too!!!

Anonymous said...

Nästa helg fixar jag fint väder i Göteborg. Det småregnar just nu, men det är ett varmt stilla svenskt sommarregn. Jag har precis kommit in efter att ha varit ute och sprungit i drygt en timma. Helt underbart.

Jag gillar alla fina fotografier här. Jag har många fina minnen från Paris.

Au revoir

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mo said...

Shows just how hard those moves are.

Ash said...

Wow, this sure looks like fun!!! Lovely photos!

Have a nice weekend, Peter!

Mona said...

Gosh! Those photos are amazing! I love them!

I wish I could Tango too!

PeterParis said...

Yes, that's sometime the problem... you are so busy taking photos that you forget to enjoy the real thing! :-)

There is also a group salsa dancers on the quay! :-)

PeterParis said...

Sleeping Dragon:
Thanks, to be compared to Renoir is nice! :-)

Finns are very good on tango dancing in general! I have seen them in action! How about you? :-)

Tant mieux! :-)

PeterParis said...

En effet! :-)

Piteur est un piteux danseur de tango! Mais, il peut peut-être apprendre avec une bonne partenaire? :-)

I believe that the dancing depends only on the weather, so the weather has to be nice! It should be mid September! Fell free to contact me when you are here, if you feel like it! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, I saw it now; something much more complete than this post! Your blog can now be found on my sidebar, so I invite other readers to have a look! :-)

Thanks for these kind words, by a tango expert! Finns are! :-)

Dance, dance, dance ... please! :-)

PeterParis said...

Happy you appreciate! :-)

Only "like"! :-)

Dancing can be done anywhere! :-)

PeterParis said...

You also compare with Renoir! That's almost too much! :-)

Comme Guy M! :-)

No, it's not the last tango! :-)

PeterParis said...

Merci ... et salut à Edith! :-)

That's the right spirit! :-)

You should, next time in Paris ... and please let me know! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, he gives the impression to be a good tango dancer! :-)

Nice!!! Too bad I missed it! :-)

As long as we can enjoy ourselves, that's nice! :-)

PeterParis said...

From Cali:
Please contact me next year then! :-)

Jag uppskattar hälsningarna fràn Göteborg! Lite regn är OK, lite sol vore bättre! :-)

Yes, difficult, at least for most of us! :-)

PeterParis said...

Ever tried the tango? :-)

You can't know everything, but one can always learn! :-)

Ming the Merciless said...

Excellent tango photos. I love the movement in the photos.

Did you dance?

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the 1st shot! Fantastic, Peter!

Olivier said...

superbe les danseurs en mouvement, j'adore, cela rend vraiment tres bien

GMG said...

Amazing! What a collection!!

PeterParis said...

Ni, I didn't. Are you a good tango dancer? :-)

Thanks! First I thought it wasn't worth showing, but now I start to love it as well! :-)

Merci!! :-)

PeterParis said...

Tango next time in Paris? :-)

PeterParis said...

My dance ambitions are very limited, I just jump around... :-)

Unknown said...

Enjoy every minute of your life. very interesting to read ....thanks for giving this kind of blogs,thanks...
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keegan said...

Salsa dance is full of fun and joy. It keeps the body fit and maintains the posture. It also relieves the mind from stress. I came across an amazing website that enhances the skill of salsa dance
through free online video classes.

joanna said...


I found it --- Tango post that is --
I love the Swirling and whirling and twirling around – images to a thousand stars in the sky ---
-- like my poem "dizzy dancing in our heads. Makes my heart race just looking at them

It would be a perfect time of the year to go to Paris...thanks Peter. what type of tango do they do? do you know? --I have been taking Argentine Tango lessons. Beautiful imagery for me to reflect and dream on.