Today’s post is about the partly newly renovated facade and rotundas of “Printemps”, said to have the largest beauty department in the world. It was founded in 1865, the glass dome dates from 1923. I showed you in a previous post the “false facade” that was put up during the renovation works.
There is a bar on the roof, from where you have a fabulous view, which I showed in a previous post. The top picture offers the view towards the Opera Garnier. Below you can see some day and night shots taken from the street.
The locations you see on the below map are the major sites of these department stores; some of them have branch stores elsewhere in the city.
Thanks for this post! I've never been to the bar at Printemps but it is now at the top of my list of things to do on my next trip to Paris.
I did make it to the restaurant/ bar on the rooftop at La Samaritaine before it closed.
These photos make me want to be in Paris!!!!
Et maintenant, depuis que la Samaritaine est fermée, où trouve-t-on tout?
Le décor du Printemps est vraiment très beau.
Beautiful facades and ornaments over the roofs of Paris.
Have a nice weekend, Peter!
la vue du toit est magnifique, on peut visiter les toits du printemps ?
Ah ! tous ces noms de magasins, ça sent bon Paris et ça me rappelle mon enfance et ma jeunesse dans la capitale. Surtout avec les illuminations de Noël.
Belle rénovation du Printemps dont le bâtiment est beau architecturalement parlé.
I agree that the view from the roof of the Printemps is much better than the one from Galeries Lafayette - and generally there are a lot fewer people!
On doit se bousculer en ce moment sur les trottoirs du Printemps et devant les vitrines de tous les grands magasins...Les différentes coupoles sont très belles et insolites, à part la plus importante je ne les avais jamais remarquées!
Bon, mais avec tout ça, tu ne nous a pas dit ce que tu avais mis sur ta liste de Noël!
Eh eh, tu as posté des vues prises de ce bar, je me souviens en effet ; je crois bien que c'était avant une de tes nombreuses fugues de cette année. Tu nous faisais deviner les différents monuments. J'aime bien ce coin, c'est du coté où on entre de Paris venant de Cergy (Aubert et gare St Lazare)
J'aime bien la vue depuis l'Institut du Monde Arabe aussi...
Bon WE à toi aussi, Peter.
We once had a series of great, old department stores in downtown Chicago.
Now there is just one.
You've inspired us.
We may have to do a posting about what once was, and what remains.
The result is fabulous!This department store is really beautiful!
Have a nice weekend!
*** Time to stay at home now! :)
Hej du Peter! Laget? J'aime faire des achats au Printemps! Great fotos of the fancy, updated department store! Halsingar fran Hagen
I had never seen that beautiful glass dome. Your lovely photos always make me feel nostalgic. Now I feel like getting on the Eurostar and doing some of my Christmas shopping in Paris ;-) Have a wonderful weekend. It's freezing on this side of the Channel.
Gosh, some of it looks all shiny and brand new! I'd just love to visit there...
I remember this rooftop view very well. What a fabulous 360 you get of Paris! Now I'm wondering Peter, if it has the largest beauty department why we spent our time in the expresso department?? :) I believe I should have been elsewhere getting help!
I have a photo from the roof that I need some help with. I'll send it along soon. Love the pink lights. For Christmas or all the time?
Hi Peter.."Only in Paris" such beautiful shops ...I also love the Sun Dial post, very interesting.
Happy Weekend!
Un bel endroit où se balader en décembre...
Les toits et les façades, c'est bien joli, mais en cette époque de l'année ce sont surtout les vitrines animées qui sont chouettes !
Some day, I must make it to Le Bon Marché.
great to hear that the scaffolding is finally down - seems to have been there a long time.
On my list of places to visit next week
I have been to Galeries Lafayette but not to this place, the sole reason was that we had heard of the former and wanted to see it.
Maybe, next time. But I must say the best time to visit is always during Christmas holidays.
Am I right?
Hi Peter! So, you started the shopping season... Great!! ;))
The one on top of Samaritaine was certainly a better one, but the view from Printemps is very nice! :-)
Peut-être qu'on ne trouve plus "tout"! :-)
I hope you weekend was nice (despite tne grey November)!
Oui, on peut! :-)
Heureusement certains magasins sont toujours là! :-)
Agree! :-)
Tu as bien fait d'en parler; j'ai oublié de faire ma liste! :-)
Tu as une très bonne mémoire! :-)
The department stores have (or had) their charm. Hopefully they will not all disappear! :-)
I will try to stay here for a while, but will return to Sweden once more before the end of the year! :-)
Leif H:
Tack för hälsningar! (Man sejer hilsen pà norsk?)
Don't forget to tell me before you arrive! :-)
You have some wonderful department stores also in London, but welcome to Paris! :-)
The pink colour is there all evenings! :-)
As I said to Emm, you have some fantastoic department stores also in London! :-)
When I was in Rouen as a teenager on a French language student exchange, I shopped at Au Printemps. I bought a pale blue shirt and some hair ornaments, the shirt is long gone but I still have the hair ornaments!
Good to see you back from your trip to Sweden, Peter, I hope all is well with you.
Novembre aussi - moins de monde! :-)
D'accird, mais j'ai déjà posté sur les vitrines l'année dernière - et en 2007! :-)
The most exclusive one! :-)
Hope to hear from you if you are in Paris! :-)
Yes and no, depending upon if you like the crowds! :-)
I'm afraid I will as usual do my Xmas shopping in the last minute! :-)
Everything is fine with me, thanks! Hope the same for you! :-)
il refont le printemps en automne
bizarre non ?
Je crois bien que ça duré toute une année et + . :-)
Amazing rooftops and photos!
Wow! Gorgeous! (I was there -- it means so much more when you've been there!)
Time to come back then! :-)
I have learned to accept that Paris is in a constant state of renovation.
c'est la vie in Paris
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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