I’m afraid that I will have to make a break as from now and until the end of the year. I’m off to Sweden again for a couple of days and when I will be back there is time for different family celebrations ... and preparations, some visits by friends...!
I will therefore a bit early take the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Especially I would like to thank you all for all your kind comments during the past year, for the great pleasure of having had the opportunity to meet some of you here in Paris and elsewhere... and for all your own blog contributions!
First some winter scenes...

... some pictures to illustrate the 120 years old Lady...

... a few of the Seine bridges...

... some photos from different parks during warmer days...
... a few night scenes...
... and some various sights.
To conclude, if I should choose one photo from this year, I believe that this may be the one. I went home, quite frustrated about not having a single good, clear, photo of tango dancing on the Seine riverside, but finally.... This one is of course completely blurred, but I like it!
Safe journey.
Many thanks for all the gorgeous photos over the last year. I spent many a happy time saying 'oh I know that' and 'I must visit there'
Hopefully we will finally get to meet in Paris next year!
In the meantime I wish you and your family a joyful Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2010.
WOW WOW WOW , Peter fabulous post, love the photos amazing...I absolutely adore the photo of the Tango dancers, reminds me of my Picnic on the Seine :-)
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and your family.. Take care, and thank you for your great posts and photos during the year. Take care Anne
Peter, thanks for the year-end wrap up! Hope you enjoy the Christmas season.
This is an *amazing* post just as you are an amazing person. I mean this very sincerely! :) I am so pleased in this past year first to have found your beautifully informative site, and then to have had the opportunity to meet you this past week.
I want your readers to know that you are a genuinely interesting and kind human being, and that the wonderful things you post at your site are truly a reflection of the dynamic person you are. Thank you so very much for all the good work you do here and all of the wonderful sharing of information you do for people who love this great city (even though I am in conflict with her some days, lol! Your posts actually keep me in perspective that there really is a lot of *magic* to be found here in Paris).
I hope that 2010 will be a wonderful year for you, and full of more wonderful posts here at your site.
As an aside, I am so glad to know that the Sting concert was such a pleasure! Knowing that increases my respect of him as an artist and I am really glad to know it was so good.
Best to you as you travel for the holidays, and I hope we will have the opportunity to meet and share another adventure in Paris again soon.
Bonne année, Peter!
Un bien joli choix de photos. On se souvient au fur et à mesure qu'on les regarde.
Bon séjour en Suède rempli de douceurs!
Bonne fin d'année et que 2010 apporte santé et joie de vivre.
What a wonderful review of your most wonderful photos this year. I"m smiling at the last photo. I too went home feeling frustrated about my photos that evening as you know. And your photos were much better and this one of the tango dancers was just terrific! Good choice. Sometimes automatic, automatic is the best! way to go! :)
Safe journey to Sweden and hopes for a smooth landing!!!
Joyeaux Noël to you and your dear family. See you soon! :)
This is a post to return to again and again in the next few weeks. So many wonderful things to see. You have given us the best Christmas gift!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy your stay in Sweden.
Peter, thanks for this year and your beautiful photos from Paris.
God jul och gott nytt år.
STING en concert, tu en as de la chance (je l'avais vu a l'epoque de POLICE et apres quand il faisait du Jazz), cela devait etre un superbe concert, j'adore ce chanteur.
Magnifique post de fetes de fin d'année, j'aime le choix de ta photo finale, elle est tres belle.
BONNES FETES DE FIN D'ANNEES et pleins de cadeaux pour toi.
Alors a l'année prochaine Mister Peter
Trevlig resa, glad jul, och tack for det har aret.
Cher Peter,
Quel superbe rappel de toutes tes potos de paris qui embellisent ma vie.
Bon séjour en Suède (j'espère que tout va bien) et JOYEUX NOEL ET BONNE ANNEE à toi et à tous ceux que tu aimes. A bientôt !
Bonjour c'etj avec plaisir que je passe te voir et de belles photos. Merci pour ce super voyage j'adore.
Passe toi aussi de bonnes fêtes
Paul McCartney and Sting in the same week! I guess you've had your fill of the English now and are looking forward to some Swedish festivities.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and all your family too, and thanks for all your posts and photos this year, and for the constructive and positive comments you left on my blog.
You show your colors here, a remarkable city through your wonderful eyes. And I agree that the tango picture is brilliant, not sure how I missed it sometime this year.
Be well, travel safely, and have a peaceful, restful celebration with family. See you in the New Year.
GOD JUL, Peter.
So happy to have found you in 2009, and looking forward to many more of your wonderful posts in the coming year.
Have a great holiday!
Wonderful post cards!Thanks for sharing your pictures!
"Que ce Nöel ensoleille votre vie avec joie et des sourires"
God bless you
hi peter, thanks for droppin by my site every now n then...
desolee for not visiting, been really busy these past few weeks.
And i thought i;ll be the first in greeting you a happy xmas! ^0^
well, merry christmas to you and your family!
i hope your trip to sweden will be a memorable one as are the fotos you've shown as this week...
the last bit was the best,yes, it was blurry, but my 1st impression was it looked like a painting.
et ca me plait.
Paris is always a beauty with or without captions. ^0^
i wish you again a safe trip and enjoy! ^-^
see you next year? janvier 1? ^0^
a plus!
Happy holidays to you as well, Peter! May they be filled with warmth and beauty!
Hey Peter...Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year too..you take care and see you next year.
Have a wonderful time with your family and friends!! I'm looking forward to another year of your photos of lovely Paris!
I agree with your choice for favorite picture. It just says "Joie de la vie."
Happy Holidays
Peter, your wonderful photos have kept me close to my Parisian home, during this hard year of work in California. Thank you, and a wonderful Christmas and New Year to you and your lovely family.
Merry Christmas Peter and thank you for your wonderful job with this blog! But let me correct this: the right italian phrase for your panel is "Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo".
Il y a du grand art dans tes photos au hasard, les various sights (spécialement le premier collage) sont mes préférées, ce sont les instantanés de la vie quotidienne. Ca m'amène à penser que, ce que j'aime à Paris c'est le côté "province" qui est préservé dans certains coins.
Le tableau impressionniste de fin est une réussite là où tu ne l'attendais pas.
Mes meilleures pensées t'accompagnent en cette fin d'année jusque dans le grand froid, tiens !
Oh, that Tango shot fills me with joy! Happy Holidays to you too!
Have an enjoyable trip... Wish you a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!!!
What a wonderful end of the year post with so many memories of your photos. I think that the tango photo is like an abstract painting.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. Looking forward to 2010!
Merry Christmas to you too, Peter.
You have taken us thru wonderful journey, I especially like the last photo.
Happy journey and come back rejuvenated.
What a great end of year cocktail of you beautiful shots. I am new to your blog so I had not seen them and I really enjoyed looking at each one carefully, it made me quite nostalgic. Joyeux Noël à vous aussi et Gott Nytt År.
Nous avons failli passer Noel en Suède comme les années précédentes mais la législation suédoise sur l'accueil des chiens nous en prive.
God Jul !
C'est un peu comme si tu nous avais envoyé plein de cartes de voeux! A mon tour, je te souhaite un bon Noël et une excellente année 2010! A bientôt!
c'est merveilleux Peter ces compositions ...chapeau ...:o) ...merci pour cette jolie balade...de bonnes et belles fetes de fin d'années...:o)
Bonsoir Peter!
comme Karine, je profite de ce post de fin d'année pour te féliciter pour ton travail mais surtout pour me réjouir du fond du coeur d'avoir pu faire ta connaissance :-)
Garder sa fraicheur et son enthousiasme d'enfant tout au long de sa vie n'est pas chose facile! Ta curiosité et ton intérêt pour les Hommes sont un bel exemple à suivre pour chacun de nous....
Je te souhaite d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année avec tes proches et à bientôt!
I too wish you a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for beautiful and great job Peter during this year!
I love "your Paris" here.
Enjoy your break!
See you soon.
Have a relaxing break!
Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2010!
Fabulous post! I am always so struck with how much work it is to amass and post so many photos! Know that it is greatly appreciated! Happy holidays and a wonderful 2010 to you!
Thank you. You are an inspiration.
Feliz Natal! (and please, in 2010, could you write something about le Boulevard du Temple and its former theatres?)
Dear friend Peter
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all your family too!
Enjoy your stay in Sweden.
Greeeeeat post!
Thak you for all!
Kisses from Brazil!!!
PS: I love Paris, too!
Thanks for the great pictures. I hope your holidays will be as great also.
Hi Peter! A Sting concert to start and a tango show to end, what else? Great treat... The only problem seems to be the weather; we're are also freezing here at +3º centigrade; but we freeze at lower temperatures... ;)
Enjoy your trip to Sweden and have a great holiday season!
Une année se termine avec son lot d'émotions, mais sans émotions serions nous vivants ?
Tes photos ne sont pas au hasard, tu les as sélectionnées et cela a pris du temps parmi tes plus belles et significatives.
J'ai pensé à toi lorsqu'il a neige, tu en as fait un si beau reportage cette année de cette neige tombant sur Paris.
Des fois je pense "à quoi bon refaire ce qu'on a déjà fait ou ce qu'on verra avec plaîsir sur d'autres blogs". Alors tu n'as rien manqué, je n'ai rien manqué à ne pas prendre de neige cette année, j'en vois ailleurs prise par d'autres
Cependant la Suède, tu es seul à pouvoir y être auprès de ta chère maman et de ta famille ; aussi profite en le plus possible avec le plus grand bonheur.
A plus tard, Peter, pour se souhaiter de vive voix une heureuse année à vivre en 2010..
Oui ta photo du bas inédite est belle. Elle est à l'image des promesses de l'année à venir...
Peter, with this wonderful post you give to us a lovely gift! Thank you so much for your gorgeous pictures!
Enjoy your trip to Sweden! I wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
A big hug to you.
Um grande abraço para você.
Hello, Peter -- wishing you the happiest of holidays and a new year as well. Seeing this post is like revisiting my Paris holiday! I loved every frame!
I must tell you that while my visiting has been a tad off lately (holiday preps got me crazy!), one of my happiest discoveries of 2009 is Peter's Paris! I look forward to many "visits" in 2010!
Merry Christmas!
Bon voyage, Peter!
Merci beaucoup pour les photos vraiment délicieuses de Paris! Quel beau cadeau de Noël.
I put a link to this post on my blog (again!). I just had to share your photos with my friends.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
Spectacular! Oh my goodness, Peter, you are a true artist in photography. Your choices here are so magical they pretty much made me cry. If you don't publish a book, I'll eat the proverbial hat.
I too love your tango photograph - it reminds me so much of Toulouse-Lautrec. it really captures the energy and joy of the dancers.
Thank you for showing us your Paris, your wonderful Paris - I adore your eye and what you show us.
Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope the New Year will bring you once again to Menton.
Bises - Jilly xxx
Joyeaux Noël,Peter, to you and your family. Thank you so much for your company in Paris and for your blog.
I've been on hiatus for awhile but will, hopefully, get back to blogging in the new year.
Thanks for all your wonderful posts!
Merry Christmas, serenity to you and your family!
Thank you for these wondrous views of your Paris. Merry Christmas!
Ah Peter, pour ces voeux tu nous traites comme un prince, avec largesse !
Cette belle carte rouge et or aurait suffi, mais non : voilà que tu nous offres carte de voeux après carte de voeux, comme si notre boite aux lettres débordait soudain !
Tu nous les as bien choisis tes cadeaux : le froid, la neige, le printemps, l'été, les parcs, les ponts, la seine, la tour Eiffel, les rues... tout nous remonte dans les yeux et ça tourne comme ton tango.
Très bien choisie aussi, ta photo préférée. Je comprends tout à fait ton choix. J'aurais fait le même. Le mouvement de la danse et l'atmosphère de fête y éclatent magnifiquement.
Bravo et merci pour cette belle année en ta compagnie.
A bientot j'espère "en vrai" pour de nouvelles aventures !
Have a nice days Peter
¡Feliz Navidad!
Patty and I wish you and your family a blessed holiday season and a healthy and prosperous new year.
Brilliant, as ever!
I've been away from my fellow bloggers and their blogs for a long time now and feel disconnected....! Feels good to be back!
Wishing you and folks a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!
I know you are enjoying a Happy Christmastide with your family and friends.... see you in blogland soon, Peter!
un très beau résumé du blog
Bonne année à toi
Fabulous collage, and the Tango photo is wonderful. Can't get over how rich this post is. Thank you. Merry Christmas and a safe fun filled journey.
Just saw a little French film Paris, it was delightful.
Late as usual,
I wish you a great Christmas weekend with your family.
Thanks for the red and gold card.
You did a marvelous job summarizing your pictures' year.
And this last one is really worth a painting..Gorgeous!
I do agree with Jilly, very Toulouse Lautrec !!
Goodness, Peter, you really have admirers - I understand it very well indeed :)
I wish you plenty of joyful energy, strong healthy and rewarding happiness in 2010!
Warm greetings
et MERCI for all the wonders you give us ! ! !
I love this site! Thank you sooo much for all your posts!
Bonne Année mon ami. Á bientôt!
En cette journée du 31 décembre je viens te souhaiter un bon réveillon et surtout une belle et bonne année pour toi et tous ceux que tu aimes !
Je t'embrasse
J'espère que 2010 sera l'année du prochaine rencontre avec Lyliane qui m'a promis de venir me voir.
Bise !
Bonne année 2010, pleine de douces choses surtout!
Bonne année Peter!
Happy New Year, Peter!
Thanks everybody for your nice messages and wishes!
I plan to resume blogging tomorrow, January 4.
(I have deleted a few messages, which I had to consider as spams.)
Happy New Year Peter!!
PS: What's the programme you use for the collages?
My very best wishes to you and your family, Peter. May 2010 be happy, healthy, and full of joy. And may your wonderful blog be full of even more pictures of the beautiful city that you live in!
Once more, sincere thanks for all these comments and wishes!
There was a question by "Anonymous" Dec. 20 about the theatres along the Boulevard du Temple. I did a little bit on my previous blog:
I could of course try to do something better.
Happy New Year, Peter! Thank you so much for your kind visits. I am back to blogging after a few months of very sporadic blogging. (There was a good reason, I was being an advocate for a seriously ill friend --who survived thank heavens...and I had no time to blog). I am amazed at your blog--still! Lovely posts. Have a nice one, Peter.
Thanks for these words .... and yes there are priorities which may certainly be other than blogging! :-)
That beautiful tango photo would make Quinquela Martin and Renoir so proud of you. Feliz Año Nuevo, Peter!
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