This the second of some posts on Paris perfume boutiques. As I mentioned in my first “perfume post”, this is done in collaboration with “Signature Scent” in London, who writes and I illustrate. Here are the links to her blog and to her second Paris post, basically the same as this one. As from here, the text is by “Signature Scent”.
I’m delighted that Peter Olson from "Peter’s Paris" is guest-posting for "Signature Scent" again today. This is Peter’s second instalment in our guide to perfume-shopping in Paris. What’s more, Peter has taken some enlightening pictures from inside the inner sanctum of Guerlain’s flagship store* at 68 Champs Elysées.
The celebrated Champs Elysées is a natural home to what was a family owned business for five generations from 1828. Only in 1994 did Guerlain become a subsidiary of the luxury group LVMH**.

The founder of the business was Pierre-François-Pascal Guerlain who initially studied Chemistry in London. In many ways the uniform apothecary-style presentations stay true to the foundation of the business as a perfumeur vinaigrier (perfume and vinegar maker).

The founder of the business was Pierre-François-Pascal Guerlain who initially studied Chemistry in London. In many ways the uniform apothecary-style presentations stay true to the foundation of the business as a perfumeur vinaigrier (perfume and vinegar maker).

Stylised window displays, ornate bottles and unique packaging all ensure that Guerlain and its products remain a key part of the luxury goods market.

The sparseness of the interior of Geurlain’s flagship boutique is uber chic in a way that only the most prestigious labels manage to achieve.

This is how the official Guerlain website describes the interior design of 68 Champs Elysées, “The visual effects of gold and transparency join forces as lights glints through glass bead curtains.”

Guerlain remains one of the most influential perfume houses. Thanks so much to Peter Olson for capturing these images of the Guerlain store. Click here to see Part One of the guide to Shopping for Perfume in Paris.
Added by Peter: A little collage with some other pictures.
Added by Peter: A little collage with some other pictures.
*/ Building from 1913. **/LVMH is the abbreviation for Moët Hennesy – Louis Vuitton. In addition to Guerlain, here are some other brands in the group: Kenzo, Fendi, Chaumet, de Beers, Perfumes Christian Dior and Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, TAG Heuer, Dom Pérignon, Berluti, Moët & Chandon, Samaritaine, Le Bon Marché, Veuve Cliquot, Hennesy, Château d’Yquem, Krug, Ruinart...
«Louis» remembers this store well. They really do a fine job of conveying their luxury image in their total presentation.
Oh you know what I'm going to of the list for my next trip! I'm glad you've had this nice assignment Peter. Guerlain won't be the only stop I'm sure!:) The shot with the gorgeous bottles is my favorite. And hopefully Chanel will be on your list? Take a whiff of #5 pour moi.
C'est pour moi le plus bel immeuble de cette avenue.
Et en plus ça sent bon alors....
Bonne journée Peter !
on se croirait a Prague ;) belle serie
C'est vrai c'est un bel immeuble. Je suis entrée un jour dans ce somptueux magasin, juste pour voir et sentir.
on pourrait se croire dans un musée, c'est magnifique. ils t'ont permis de prendre des photos sans problèmes ?
Une petite entreprise, qui ne connait pas la crise...
J'espère que le marché du parfum se porte mieux que celui du champagne. Quoique, sentir les gens surparfumés/after-shave'isés/etc dans le métro, ce n'est pas toujours agréable.
sparkling perfume bottles... I'm attracted to their beauty!
Le flacon fait le plaisir et la valeur aussi du parfum. C'est d'ailleurs pourquoi Lasiate te parle de Prague où le cristal est roi.
I deleted a spam.
I certainly could stay there for a long time sniffing all perfumes. My favorite is still Shalimar by Guerlain!
Another beautifully scented perfume post. Those bottles, and the environment of the boutique, are so elegant.
I remember my first visit to Sephora down the street - lots of variety to choose from, but not as gorgeous as this.
Hi Peter!
Sorry, I am a rare visitor, but my time is very limited now ... even some time I'm thinking about stop blogging. But... you know how beautiful is Blogland.
So my blogging will be irregular, but I'll snoop here to see your beautiful photography
very often.
Very beautiful show of beautiful perfumes. I do not use perfume, but I feel wonderful fragrances here. I always admire and I like perfume bottles. Sometimes it is job of art.
Take care!
Des flacons superbes, des couleurs superbes, une belle collaboration Peter.
Tu as pu photographié sans problème(s) à l'intérieur?
My my, this is such an impressive set of pictures and they smell good too! ;)
"The visual effects of gold and transparency join forces as lights glints through glass bead curtains." Sounds like they are describing a work of art. In a way, considering the time and thought it must take to design each perfume, and to design perfect setting for the perfumes, it is all a big work of art.
L'Artisan is my go to place in Paris for perfumes. The perfect place to get a souvenir that lasts for months and month.
The guy in the second picture from the bottom appears to have a halo around his head. Is Jesus now a perfume salesman?
Fantastic photos! I can almost feel the different scents!
Peter, my parents had a summer house at Sesimbra where we went every year in the 50s. I have wonderful memories from my childhood as I still keep Sesimbra in my mind as the small fishing village it was then...
Une des dernières luxueuse institution sur les Champs.
De somptueux flacons dorés comme des écrins qui conservent de précieuses essences raffinées, de subtils mélanges ...... qui s'évaporeront dans le sillage des femmes. "Chacun de mes parfums est le portrait d’une femme !" Jean-Paul Guerlain...Qu'on ôte de la vente le mien ! ;-)
Une fois passée la porte, il ne reste plus qu'à trouver l'essence qui nous est destinée, ou à se la faire offrir.
Oh this is my favorite place ... splendor, magnificence, beauty and fragrance ...
Really beautiful shots, thanks for the post!
This post smell so good Peter and yes, I love perfume for sure :)
aaaaaah, good smell here!
If I don't have my perfume on I feel naked! I mean naked among other people...if I forgot the parfum.
Autch! you know what I mean! :)
ps. I'm waiting for you to dance with me!!!
Ze chat in front of Guerlain?
Now all I need is pictures of the chat...
And they didn't mind you taking these beautiful pictures?
Great perfume post with gorgeous photos! I enjoy when I review the Perfume Part One. Well done!
PS: I sent your blog link to a good friend of mine, Maria Augusta (a very nice Brazilian virtual friend) that live in France. I bet she will love your blog.
This post is so elegant and charming!
Hmmm I nave a kind of urgency inside my heart now...I MUST buy a new perfume! :)
Perfume shopping is the one thing I had NO desire to do in Paris (although shops for the bath were another thing entirely!). Having said that, I think I missed out on something -- those displays of bottles are lovely!
Louis la Vache:
They do! :-)
Chanel IS on the list! :-)
Cerainement un de plus beaux buildings!! :-)
Tu as raison! :-)
Ca vaut la visite... même sans achats! :-)
Je n'ai pas demandé! :-)
Il faudrait faire un effort pour aider le marché de champagne! :-)
Nice to see you around again! Empty or full bottles? :-)
Sans doute, mais peut-être aussi pour l'architecture? :-)
Simony Silva:
"The" perfume by Guerlain! :-)
Sephora is of course fine (belonging to the same group), with all brands, but it's of course a bit supermarket! :-)
I hope you will not stop blogging - at least not totally! ... and always appreciate to see you here! :-)
Krystyna bis:
Perfume bottles certainly often is art, maybe starting with Lalique? :-)
Oui, mais discrètement ... et sans poser des questions! :-)
V Rakesh:
Nice if you felt the smell! :-)
I agree completely! :-)
Le Belette Rouge:
I hope that you had a look on the preceding perfume post then! :-)
I also saw the halo. Didn't do it by purpose! :-)
Sesimbra sounds promising!:-)
Le choix est énorme, difficile à trouver "le bon", pour soi-même ou pour "l'autre"! :-)
I can well understand why you like this place! :-)
Another one! Good for the perfume market! :-)
Dancing, perfume... !! :-)
I will try to send you a picture of a "chat" or a "chien"! :-)
ParisBreakfasts bis:
As said above, I didn't ask, but tried to be discrete. :-)
Thanks!! Looking forward to see Maria Augusta around! :-)
You didn't buy any during your last Paris visit? :-)
This place is worth visiting even without buying! :-)
of course, full botlles ;)) what a pity that I can't smell the scent :D
Peter tes photos sont magnifiques. Je me doute que le sujet est plaisant et que ces vitrines sont déja belles en elles-mêmes, mais tout de mêmes, tu as fait du beau travail."Signature scent" a bien fait de faire appel à toi !
I suppose you can find some Guerlain bottles in Hanoi? :-)
Tu est très gentille! :-)
::sigh:: Oh, Peter! So lovely. I am having a fragrant flashback. Guerlain is the home of so many, many perfume masterpieces -- it's Mecca for Perfumistas like me. That their store is such a visual feast as well is the icing on the cake.
A place to visit then! :-)
I just take the Dom Perignon... or the Krug!! ;)
Not a bad idea! Hope to share a "coupe" with you one day! :-)
Today, Guerlain's popular Eau de Cologne Imperiale is considered an unisex fragance, but, it was created specifically for Maria Eugenia de Montijo, Napoleon III's wife. According to M. Guerlain this fresh fragrance would help relieve the Empress's severe migraines. Thank you so much Peter for another wonderful post! Maria O. Russell
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