The dull weather and some other occupations made me decide for just a one minute walk to the little park, close to where I live, Square des Batignolles (see a number of posts here and here).
I thought I could at least say “hello” to my friends, the birds.

As expected, I was rather alone… only the “boulistes” seemed to not bother about the grey and slightly rainy weather.
The benches which normally are quite occupied around noon were desperately empty.
But there were a lot of fallen leaves. The guy who was raking had a tough job!
Anyhow, I thought my park looked quite nice.

Some flowers and fruits – and a spider - were still around if you looked closely for them.

Even the moss had its beauty.
A last little rose hadn’t yet given up. It was nice to see a few buds … spring will soon be here!
In the park, there is a little alley, named after Barbara, a French singer and song writer (1930-97), an icon, who spent her first years just round the corner and who then was a frequent visitor to this little park.
I wish you a nice weekend!
Might of been dull weather, but you got some great photos. Thanks Peter :-)
The gray day really made those autumn colors pop! Gorgeous photographs, Peter!
I like the photo of a man holing his umbrella.
And your park looks nice! Colorful :)
Sometimes the dull weather can be a nice change. It casts everything in a new light and let's us see things as new. Very beautiful pictures.
The weather may have been dull, but your photos are not. Fabulous. Thanks.
Dull weather, and yet such wonderful pictures!
Do have a great weekend!
There was nothing dull there, your photos make me want to jump on the next flight to Paris, thank you Peter!
Peter, thank you for taking us on the walk with you through the park. For those of us who wish we were in Paris, there is nothing dull about your post. Have a lovely weekend.
un beau final avec cet hommage a Barbara
I love the birds! have a good weekend!
November är en trött månad. Man säger adjö till ljus, värme. Man längtar efter det som har varit: sommaren, minnen, människor man har älskat. Människor, som inte längre är hos oss, men vilka vi aldrig glömmer.
Vi borde göra så som Mumin: sova hela vintern. Men det är ju inte möjligt, tyvärr.
Vila, det kan vi göra. Ta det lugnt. Njuta av att göra ingenting.
Sköt om dig, Peter.
С`est divin, je pleure.
Plein de couleurs, ton square, malgré la grisaille. Chez nous c'est plutôt la tempête. (Je crois qu'elle commence à se calmer un peu après une nuit particulièrement agitée.)
So wonderfull colours and atmosphere...
It is a gift to see color on a dull day. Thanks for taking us on your walk.
I agree with SusuPetal.
It's good to have friends who are willing to pose and connect without any words needed. :)
Have a good weekend!
Wow Peter. What may have started as a lack of inspiration ended up as a beautiful and inspiring post for us all to enjoy. Beautiful shots of the autumnal glory of Paris. You may have to look a bit harder for the beauty but it's certainly there.
these images give a great impression, nicely done. greetings paul ixult
Dear Peter, your daily blog is best of.... everytime
Bonjour Peter!
Wow tout d'abord cette chanson est belle, très belle! :)
L'automne apporte des belles couleurs que vous avez pris ce moment si bien, ce post est magnifique!
J'ai aimé aussi le banc dans le jardin!C'est romantique!
Plusieurs de tes photos pourraient à elles seules faire le sujet d'un post. Elles raconteraient une histoire.
Pas l'Histoire de Paris que tu aimes aborder, mais l'histoire du temps qui passe....
Comme celle de ces bancs qui attendent trempés le promeneur, rendez-vous manqué avec les habitants du quartier. Ils espèrent une autre saison, celle des bavardages échangés côté ombre ou côté soleil....
What a charming park. I must add it to my list of sights to see. Perhaps to enjoy that simple picnic lunch I've been dreaming of, with a baguette and some good ham and cheese. And I can share the crumbs with your bird friends. :)
Well, the weather might be Dull; you would expect some hurricanes in Paris wouldn't you?
But, the beauty of your photographs is inspiring.
Those colors of autumn are a joy to behold. Merci.
Hi PEter, No lack of inspiration here. Beautiful colorful photos.
It might be a dull weather but the colours of the flora are awesome!
Vos photos sont magnifique, je les aime bien toutes, merci pour les avoir partagées. L'automne à Paris est très beau, même sous la pluie, et la voix de Barbara l'accompagne très bien! Merci encore
Hana de Prague
Paris is breathtakingly beautiful. No matter which of your posts I read, I love your pictures of the neighbourhoods of Paris. You are a lucky man to live in such a beautiful city.
Ahh, alas and alackaday.
I wish my boring rainy days were as glorious as yours look!
I found inspiration through your camera lens, all very lovely watered colored skies and vibrant fall colors, and the topper for me was Barbara, I can listen to her sing for hours, a perfect accompaniment to your beautiful photo's, set the mood for relaxing and appreciation.
have a lovely week end,
Still incredible photo's! I can only wonder what it looks like on a sunny day.
Great video. Bon weekend.
Nice weather for ducks indeed!
The weather might be dull, but the pictures of the park make it look great!!
PS: Too busy over there?
Gorgeous photos, Peter! Love the colors of the park, no wonder you had to go for a walk! What a nice way to relax and think about life.
I had to laugh when you said Spring will soon be here!!! I thought it was 6 months away! Take care and thanks for the nice images!
Tu nous files le bourdon ! Temps couvert et vent d'est ici, pour une fois ce n'est guère mieux qu'a Paris.
Oh my! I love these pictures! My favorite is the two ducks with one duck's head under the water and the spider web.
Over there, the dull weather still brings great pictures. Where I live, dull weather brings just dull. Not much goes on unless it stops raining and the clouds begin to go away.
wonderfull colours and post!:)
thank you Peter!
Yes, very very nice and beautiful and I don't mind being all alone soaking in the peacefulness too.
I wish you best of the weekend too Peter :)
The photos are beautiful and well worth taking. Good on you for going out and taking them.
I would not call that a lack of inspiration !
You make the leaves looking even more beautiful than with a ray of sun.
And looking at your pictures listening to the "grande Dame brune"
is a great treat!
Thank you Peter.
these autumn shota are quite stunning - a season we don't really get here so thanks for all the fallen leaves!!
Beautiful photos, Peter!
It's great to live very close at so gorgeous park! Lucky you!
Love the video! Thanks!
Your most beautiful, inspiring and romantic post ever! I can't believe I was born in South America sometimes. All that heat and sunshine bother me a lot. This post describes to perfection my kind of weather. Thanks Peter. Maria O. Russell
Those Displays Are Like Maaagic.
Merci Peter - avec retard et comme les autres je trouve que pour un billet sans inspiration tu t'en tires drôlement bien !
Merci pour le lien. J'adore Barbara.
Gorgeous autumn photos, Peter. Love it!
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