
Merry Christmas !!

Somehow, despite closed airports and cancelled flights, I managed to get back from my short visit to Sweden. Christmas holidays are approaching and I will not have the time to blog for a couple of days. I take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and, although I hope to post again before the end of the year, thank you for having been so faithful visitors to my blog, more faithful than I may have been, especially lately.

To illustrate - a somewhat commercial - Christmas I chose to, once more, show you the fantastic copula of the department store Galeries Lafayette. It dates from 1912.

Taking these pictures, I discovered some fire protection equipment, which also seems to date from 1912, but looking shining new.


Cynthia said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to read more from you in 2011 :)

Synne said...

Happy Christmas to you too, Peter! All the best for the holiday season and the new year!

Simony said...

Beautiful interior,architecture and lights! Thanks for sharing with us.
I wish you a very peaceful and loving Christmas and may 2011 be a wonderful year for all of us!
I will be here as always, because you bring a smile to my face!
Take care Peter!

Unknown said...

Joyeux Noél Peter

Merveilleuse idée de nous envoyer cette image.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Thank you Peter for your wonderful blog , so informative and fantastic photos.

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year , take care Anne

The Clever Pup said...

God Jul to you Peter. Thanks for posting these. I love Galeries Lafayette.

Cinthia said...

Wonderful!...Merry Xmas! Cy

Virginia said...

What a great shot of the beautiful dome of GL! I have one taken in2008 that I'm saving for later this week as well.

Joyeux Noël to you and your family Peter.

It won't be long now. I've just bought more gloves!

Blogging Her Mind Away said...

Gorgeous - thanks for posting!
Merry Christmas to you!

Olivier said...

toujours aussi magnifique et impressionnant cet arbre de noel, cela donne envie de retourner en enfance.
Bonne fete de noel et plein de cadeaux du pere noel

Alison said...

Joyeux Noël! Thank you for these pictures; I have not visited this grand magasin. That tree must be enormous in person!

Enjoy your time away.

SusuPetal said...

Ha en trevlig jul, Peter, njut och ät!

Studio at the Farm said...

A most warm thank you, Peter, for your fabulous blogs. And I wish you a happy holiday.

Natalia Romanova said...

Joyeux Noel Peter!!!

Jan Heigh said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful photos. This photo didn't seem commercial to me, but rather just what one might expect of a Paris christmas.

Best wishes for the holidays.


Mystica said...

I read somewhere that Helsinki airport never closes despite much more snow than anywhere else so I presumed that Sweden would have been the same!!!

Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.

Jeanie said...

And to you as well, Peter. I am so desperately far behind, I've not visited in a bit. I know with beautiful Paris at Christmas, I have much to savor over the holiday.

I send you smiles, joy, peace and happiness in the new year.

Simon said...

Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year to you. I listed you as one of my blog of interest, a couple of months ago ....and ever since have enjoyed your posting of Paris. Looking forward to your next postings. Have a fun-filled and safe celebration.

Nathalie said...

Merry Christmas Peter, and thanks for these gorgeous Christmas decorations we never tire of. The fire hydrants are just fantastic, I'm so glad you spotted them. They may be old but someone obviously takes the time to polish them - they shine like new!

Thérèse said...

Joyeux Noël et merci pour ce beau partage!

Angeline Quick. said...

Just found your blog. What heavenly photos! I have only been to Paris once when I was 9 but long to go back, even more so now! Merry Xmas :)

Aitor Artaitz said...

Hi Peter,

I also wish you a happy new year in which I hope you write a lot of amazing posts as you have done in 2010.

Thanks for your blog (in my opinion one of the best)

(and "Urte Berri On" (happy new year in Basque Language)

texas home refinance said...

I was just wondering and i got here, I really gt amazed by the blog. Very informaive and very helpfull thanks for providing the post. Hope that we will get more in future.

ftylos said...

Merry Christmas dear Peter..I was in Paris the previous week and i saw the Lafayette´s Christmas tree which was beautiful...Happy holidays my friend

claude said...

Merci à toi et JOYEUX NOEL à toi aussi Peter !
Ce magasin me rapelle qq chose.
Ah, que j'aimerais bien être à Paris en ce moment !!!

Cergie said...

Noël au temple de la consommation !
(On voit de moins en moins de crèche dans les églises, il faudrait que j'aille faire un tour des églises de Cergy, tiens...)

Ruth said...

Joyeux Noël et bonne année . . . and . . . God jul och gott nytt år to you, Peter! I'm glad you managed so well with the weather and hubbub. Lots of peace and joy to you.

Bettina said...

These photos are beautiful and for the first time this year I actually felt the christmas spirit jingle in my stomach, so thank you !
I wish you a very merry christmas with your family, Peter.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Gorgeous photos as always, Peter!

Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
Feliz Natal e Maravilhoso Ano Novo!

Many hugs!
Muitos abraços.

David Macaulay said...

This department store looks fantastic - sure beats JC Penney!

Cezar and Léia said...

Feliz Natal!
Dear Peter, thanks so much for your friendship!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Claudia said...

Merry Christmas, Peter! Cheers from freezing, snowy Buckinghamshire, England (flight to Lisbon was cancelled, we're having to spend Christmas here, away from the rest of the family).

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The cupola dome and grand balconies are perfect for these elegant over-sized decorations.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année, Peter!


Anonymous said...

May your Christmas tree have enough straw yule goats, stars, paper angels and starburts. May your house be decorated with enough oranges studded with cloves, paper hearts and red tulips. May the nisse in your barn be well behaved; may the four candles in your Advent wreath be blazing by Christmas day. For the "doppa i grytan" may your Christmas table have enough of the ham and sausage broth, enough vortbrod for the dipping. The lutfisk of course be delicious! On Christmas Eve may Paloma o Mattias find the almond hidden in their rice pudding and thus win that cute marzipan pig! Peter, your photos of the Lafayette store are a dream come true. Muchisimas gracias.

Ash said...

Lovely post, Peter.

Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones!

BLOGitse said...

Finally back in Casa after busy trip to Finland.

Unknown said...

Si vous venez à l´Escorial, communiquez-le moi.
Bien amicalement

caterpillar said...

Hey Peter....hope you had a good trip...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too...your pictures have captured the Christmas spirit....and it looks all nice and warm....

alice said...

Heureuse de savoir que tu n'as pas passé trop de temps dans les halls d'aéroports!
Je te souhaite un très bon Noël en famille, avec tes petits loulous qui seront certainement très gâtés.
Et aussi, désolée de te décevoir mais je crois que ces gros paquets cadeaux sont vides...!

Harriet said...

Merry Christmas, Peter! I'll be checking back in after Christmas.

Trotter said...

Merry Christmas Peter! Great that you managed to fly in and out...

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Super post! Wishing you a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season!

hulag said...

Pleas keep the gifts from falling! Nice blog. I love Paris

Magdalena Machnicka said...

Thank you, Peter, and very Merry Christmas to you! :-) Have a beautiful and happy time, but go back to us soon! :-)

claude said...

Tu sais , au moement de Noël, quand j'étais enfant, nos parents nous ammenaient aux Galeries et au Printemps. Que de jouets il y avait ! En fait nous venions, surtout les parents, en reconnaissance, pour qu'au pied du sapin on trouve ce sur quoi on avait flashé. Que de beaux et bons souvenirs !

delphinium said...

Joyeux Noël mon ami. Je te félicite, tu as fait un beau sapin de Noël sur ta première photo. :-) Je t'embrasse et te souhaite plein de bonnes choses pour toi, tes enfants et petits-enfants.

Sciarada said...

Ciao Peter, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Olga said...

Thank you for being my follower, visiting my blog and living encouraging words. I'm happy to be your follower. Have a wonderful 2011 with lots of good photos!

Jilly said...

Beautiful shots, dear Peter. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family. Hope to see you next year! love Jilly xxx

mauropucci said...

Buon Natale!!!

Trotter said...

Hi Peter! Hope you had a great Christmas weekend! Blogtrotter Two waits for you in the sun at the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Enjoy and have a great week ahead!

Marie-Noyale said...

J'arrive un peu en retard mais j'espere que tu as passe de bonnes fetes de Noel en famille.
Je t'embrasse.

Shionge said...

Yo Yo Yo......the photos awe me and I'm in a joyous mood now :D

Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year Peter :D

Tash said...

A classic, timeless Christmas photo. Wishing you wonderful holidays and a lovely trip.
I was just looking at the plain concrete freeway overpass today and thinking how in the early days of LA, the utilitarian objects would have a pretty decorative design, like the lovely valves you captured here.

Alain said...

Tu nous ouvres les portes du temple de la consommation.

Starman said...

Bonne Fête !

Owen said...

Hi Peter,
Wishing you the most excellent of holidays, plenty of bubbly, good times with good friends wherever you may be !!!

Hope to see you before too long in 2011, the end of this year was totally crazy...

Vagabonde said...

I hope you had a Joyeux Noël Peter. Thanks for those pictures of les Galeries Lafayette – I never tire of looking at the wonderful copula.

Jeanie said...

As always, beautiful -- the tree and ceiling make me gasp. I hope your Christmas was indeed Merry and Bright. Much joy to you.