
Gare Saint Lazare - again

This is a bit of repetition; I have already posted about the Gare Saint Lazare, here and here. If you are interested in some railway history, you can look back on these old posts. Gare Saint Lazare is the oldest railway station in Paris, with a beginning in 1837…, but I will not repeat it all here again.

The present building was completed in 1889. It was in heavy need of restoration inside… and after ten years of work, the station is now inside like new. New levels have been created; there are some 80 shops, bars and restaurants… to the pleasure of the almost half a million of people passing every day.

Some pictures first from the outside…

… and from the “new” inside…

… including the restored and cleaned large number of glass decorations indicating present (and past) destinations.

I could not help showing some of the paintings Monet made of the station in 1877.


Starman said...

Quite the restoration. I've caught buses just outside the gare, but never ventured inside.

Thérèse said...

Cette gare fait partie de mon identite. Et ce billet n'est pas fait pour me rajeunir! :-)

Olivier said...

une tres belle gare parisienne, avec la gare de lyon c'est ma preferee

Pierre BOYER said...

Et trop souvent une grande bousculade en sous sol...


Alain said...

Heureusement, l'horloge pendue est toujours là.

Adam said...

Basically they've fused a shoping centre onto a train station. Practical, but without any of the charm of the old 'salle des pas perdus'!

Cezar and Léia said...

Looks like a mall, the gare is beautiful!

John said...

This is a very beautiful and interesting series of pictures, i enjoyed every picture, it has great detail in it, thanks for sharing the artistic work, i appreciate your work!

GED Online

Shionge said...

Sorry I have not been visiting Peter ...I am still here for you and Thank you for the lovely photos as usual :D


Anonymous said...

My favorite railroad station in my favorite part of Paris...

Beautiful photos!


claude said...

Je connais bien cette gare et jai apprécie qu'un ami m'accompagne jusqu'à mon quai, un jour de grève de la SNCF pour retourner chez ma cousine Françoise à Bois Colombes.
Je l'ai connue en travaux cette gare, la prochaine fois que je monte à Paris,je la verrai finie.

wockley said...

Wow! I was there last October & it was 'work in progress'. I like the finished article,but its yet another place in Paris for me to explore-where am I gonna get the time!! ;-)

arabesque said...

when was this fully restored?
a pity we weren't able to see what's inside,
we passed by st lazare on our way to moulin rouge, (haven't posted it though) and thought why its exterior looks dated,
glad you posted these.
much info, tnx!

Parisbreakfasts said...

I'm in the same boat..
I've caught buses just outside the gare, but never ventured inside.
I will of course now thanks to you and Monet!

Jeanie said...

I'm glad you included Monet's paintings -- they really did capture the essence of rail! As always, many miles!