
"Les Frigos"

Referring to my recent post about great changes in the occupation of part of the 13th arrondissement, in the area of the new National Library (Bibliothèque François Mitterrand), I talked about a mixture of new buildings and transformed old industrial buildings. One old industrial building has resisted.

This building dates from 1921 and served until the 1960’s as a refrigerated storage. It was actually a big “fridge” with railway connections. It goes under the name “Les Frigos”. The State Railways (SNCF) took over the premises just after WWII and they now belong to the City of Paris. There were plans of demolition in the 1980’s, but finally the building is still there and it’s since occupied by some 200 artist workshops.

Despite the looks, as well outside….

…. as inside….

…. the premises actually offer a number of good workshops, music studios, architect offices… for all kinds of artistic work; the old thick walls offer a perfect isolation. Originally squatted, the occupants today work with formal contracts, pay a rent…

Once a year, normally end May, there are “open doors”. I just visited like that, without going into the different workshops. 


Studio at the Farm said...

Well ... it certainly is eclectic.

martinealison said...

Un lieu qui "conserve" son originalité... Gros bisous

Olivier said...

un endroit special, on peut dire qu'il a une deuxieme. bravo tu me fais decouvrir des endroits totalement inconnus

Thérèse said...

Une belle idee et une belle decouverte de ta part! Tes pas t'ont bien guide.

Synne said...

We have some similar areas in Oslo - I like the charm, colours and creativity!

Bagman and Butler said...

Wow! I've been having trouble keeping up the last few months but had a chance to look at some of your recent blogs this morning and this one was great -- so creative and fresh and colorful -- and yet your photographic style comes through.

Adam said...

It's good that the place is still there and has resisted the developments that have got closer and closer (and even touch now I think...)

claude said...

Voici une reconversion intelligente.
Pour répondre à ta question, La fleur n'est os top, elle ne sent ni bon ni mauvais, mais quand ma plante est toute en feuilles elle est super belle.

Cezar and Léia said...

wow the perspective in your first composition is wonderful!

Cergie said...

Bravo pour tous ces renseignements, je vois très bien où se situe cet ensemble puisque je l'ai montré ici (post que tu as vu) :


Je trouvais que ce silo ressemblait à un château d'eau.

Shammickite said...

Very different from what I would normally expect in Paris.... and I love it!

Virginia said...

Wait, go back Peter and get a close up of the open mouth painted around the window. As you know, I'm not a tagging fan AT ALL but that is a piece of art. Thanks for delving into this old place. I'm not sure it's "on the list" though! :)
Bon weekend,

Anonymous said...

I love that piano upside down...
How clever!