After a
little break… I’m happy to resume my blogging activities again. This will be
the tenth year of this blog (which was preceded by another one), not far from
1000 posts...
In this one
I will be back to Palais Royal, a cold day, no leaves on the trees …
... but with some roses still struggling.
What was
new was a number of chairs, referring
to what was popular during Victorian / Second Empire times – then with
different names like conversation benches, confidents, tête-à-têtes….in a modernized, simplified way.
There were
10 of these double chairs to be seen, but the real special thing was that they
all had something written on their backs – the name of a poet and a poetry
quote. The chairs also offer the possibility of listening to some poetry by
connecting you earphones…
So totally
there are 20 poets to listen to… when the weather gets warmer. Here is the list
of the poets… If you, like me, have until now hardly been a great poetry fan,
time to learn something and possibly change your mind?
Guillaume Apollinaire, Ingeborg Bachmann, Charles Baudelaire, Jean Cocteau, Mahmoud Darwich, Emily Dickinson, Paul Eluard, Frederico Garcia Lorca, Anne Hébert,
Victor Hugo, Ghérasim Luca, Gaston Miron, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Fernando Pessoa,
Arthur Rimbaud, Yannis Ritsos, Tomas Tranströmer, Marina Tsvétaïéva, Paul Verlaine, Walt Whitman.
What an interesting blog and what an interesting place!
Happy 10th Blogiversary ..It is fabulous. Full.of so many interesting poSt's, your maps and photography too. Another amazing idea in Paris 😊😊 Happy new year to you.
How about two chairs for the tourists that don't speak the local lingo?
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero. Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
-Pablo Neruda-
That it is not heard at all, but you are the music while the music lasts.
-T. S. Eliot-
Nobel Prize winners, both of them by the way...
Thank you, Peter.
Love those chairs - thanks for showing them to us.
What a wonderful and innovative idea. I would definitely enjoy using those chairs.
Those chairs are fabulous -- never seen any like that before. I'd love to have those up at the lake to take outside when you have a friend!
I think I have been around for MOST of those 10 years -- Congratulations! I remember yours was one of the first blogs I discovered, thanks to Ruth who knew I had a great interest in Paris. Please keep it up for at least another 10!
Rien de mieux que de la poésie pour commencer l'année. Bonne année Peter. J'espère que l'installation restera et séduira les visiteurs du Palais Royal.
have been enjoying your blog for a few years now, many these chairs
Back In time... coming from your feb 4th 2019 post to re-visit the Palais Royal the Roses, and of course poetry... some of my favorites are indeed among the ones listed...
thank you Peter.
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