

Yes, once more and despite an exceptionally low temperature, I wished to see the annual parade in the 13th arrondissement, celebrating the Chinese New Year. A lot of people, difficult to get the best possible photos... and it was so cold! :-)



Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos and beautiful people. Always reverential to their culture!
Thank you, Peter.

P.S. I was checking my ninth sign of the Chinese zodiac's horoscope, and it tells me this: in the year 2018, you would do well to cultivate wisdom and common sense to learn to accept your former mistakes...

lyliane six said...

Nous étions au même endroit hier, mais avec cette foule, nous ne nous sommes pas rencontrés.

Christine said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. As a visitor to the area, I can appreciate how it came alive!
Thank you
Stay warm in the coming days......

Jeanie said...

Fabulous color, Peter. It looks like loads of fun!

Susie said...

Peter , Such colors ! Looks like an exciting time, even in the cold. Stay warm. Blessings, xoxo, Susie