A walk
along the Seine, between the “Pont d’Austerlitz” (see previous post here) and
the “Pont de la Tournelle” (see previous post here)… reminds me about the tango
dancing I posted about almost ten years ago (see here), but in the daytime you
can just enjoy the general nice feeling of walking along the River…
… see some “nature”…
… some
river traffic…
… watch the
opposite bank and see the exit (or entry) to the Canal Saint Martin (see some
posts here) and a nice three-story-flat….
… and
something particular here – the number of sculptures. Most of these are from
the 1950’s or 1960’s. One good thing, I feel, is that they are just there, solid,
not depending on a rotating mechanism etc… (see my recent posts about rotating hearts and showers). The only danger of deterioration is maybe a little tagging.
One special
word about this sculpture representing Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), which I
already described when it was to be found in another arrondissement (see my post
here). I’m still impressed by how the artist, Jean-Robert Ipoustéguy (1920-),
managed the simplified portrait of the young poet.
Once you
arrive at the “Pont de la Tournelle”, you can admire the statue of “Sainte
Geneviève” by Paul Landowski (1875-1961), perhaps most known for “The Christ the
Redeemer” in Rio de Janeiro… and also have a look at the Notre-Dame - after the
Well, of
course there are also flowers...
… some
equipment for sports and amusement…
… a few
… and a
number of bikes which have been saved from the bottom of the River.
Wouldn't it be a good idea for all those angry people in governments right now to be taken on this calming walk!
An interesting and beautiful walk, Peter. Thank you!
On voit de tout à Paris.
Excellent reportage, comme d'hab' !
Wow, so many bicycles hauled out of the muddy depths of the river! I'd love to take this walk along the river bank, then go and have a coffee in a little coffee chop in the neighbourhood...... a delightful afternoon in Paris.
Beautiful views along that mythical, fabulous river. Love that big rose!
Thank you, Peter.
Maria Russell
Milonga a.k.a. Tango del Arrabal - in Vienna
Tango - in Moscow
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