(I will revert to my visit to Switzerland, but I wished to give some “fresh” news.)
Every four or five years, since 1989, there is an event taking place in Rouen where some of the world’s largest sailing ships meet. It goes under the name of the “Armada Rouen”.
This year it takes place July 5-14. Some 10 million visitors are expected. A small team of French bloggers (Cergie, HPY, L6 and Alain) decided to go there last Saturday, including for a nice lunch and dinner together. The quays and the town were crowded this opening day.

Some 40 ships are there this year representing some 20 nations. Some of the more prestigious or well known ones are the Italian “Amerigo Vespucci”, the Mexican “Cuatehmoc”, the Norwegian “Christian Radich” and “Stadsraad Lemkuhl” and several Dutch ones. There is also a replica of an 18th century ship, “Grand Turk”, often seen in films and TV series. Most of these ships will then take the direction of Liverpool from where they will leave for the 2008 version of the “Tall Ships’ Race”. 
This year it takes place July 5-14. Some 10 million visitors are expected. A small team of French bloggers (Cergie, HPY, L6 and Alain) decided to go there last Saturday, including for a nice lunch and dinner together. The quays and the town were crowded this opening day.

We had of course also a walk through the city of Rouen, the historical capital of Normandy and visited among other things the central place of “Vieux Marché” (the Old Market), where Joan of the Arc was burnt in1431. One of the best restaurants there, “La Couronne” was then already a 90 years old inn. In the “Gros Horloge” (Big Clock) street you can find a beautiful 16th century astronomical clock with parts from the 14th century.
... and there is of course the “Notre Dame” cathedral, also known for a series of paintings by Claude Monet, made from the same point but in different daylights. (My photo is from late evening). 

Quelle grande fete! I love all the colors and the flags and celebration. You must have walked forever to get all these interesting angles and perspectives - thank you!
Peter, I wrote you a comment and then it disappeared into outer space, so I'm starting again.
I'm glad you posted pictures of Rouen, as I spent some time there as a teenager, staying with a French family, it was an English/French language exchange when I was at school. I remember many places in Rouen, Le Gros Horloge, and the Vieux Marche, and the statue of Jeanne d'Arc.
The tall ships are so beautiful. I have been on many of these ships when the tall ships came to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 2000. BUt always when the ships were stationary, never on a voyage!
Belle forêt de mats. La façade de la cathedrale est dans le bon axe, mais apparemment, Monet avait un peu redressé la perspective.
And our Armada Invencible? oops, i remember, it´s under de sea :P
Nice pics Peter
magnifique tous ces voiliers. j'ai pas le pied marin, je déteste monter sur un bateau, mais cela me fait toujours rêver a regarder.
Les statues des sirènes des bateaux sont très belle, je comprends que les marins ne peuvent pas résister.
Très belles tes photos, tu as eu le temps de faire un post. Je reconnais quelques photos,
je publierai plus tard, à mon retour.
Bonne semaine, bisous.
MAIS non ! Je n'étais pas à Lausanne avec toi ! Qu’est ce que tu racontes !
J'y crois pas, ils ont dû en passer des écluses pour arriver aux lac Léman ces fiers vaisseaux !
Bien sûr, je n’en attendais pas moins de toi, tu as réussi à faire un SUPERBE compte rendu de cette belle journée. On peut juger du magnifique ciel, de la magnificence de l’Armada, et de l’ambiance de la fête qui a envahi la ville.
(Je puis en témoigner : tu as l’APN toujours ready.)
Surely worth of seeing both your post and ships in person including meeting with other bloggers.
Also your post from Switzerland is enjoyable.
But could you arrange better weather for my four grandchildren and their parents in Paris just now, please :)
They are leaving Paris on Wednesday.
Children are 9 -12 years old and they are interested in Disneyland, parents try to be patient with they.
Have a nice week!
I see now from a web cam a little blue sky, thank you ;)
“Armada Rouen” is quite an event, Peter, and while we have nothing to compare, I do recall, a number of years ago when there was an event that lit up New York harbors. It was called "Tall Ships." Do you remember that?
The Russian sailors with their oversize hats were there I see and the ship Amsterdam looked elegant on the fanny. All said, I would say this is going to be an interesting post for a lot of your visitors. I know it was for me.
Thanks, Peter, for your visits to my blog and for your comments. This is my way of repaying that with visits and comments of my own.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville, Ohio
Reportage sympa pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas y aller. Qu'est ce qu'ils sont beaux tous ces beaux et vieux bâteaux.
Je t'ai répondu sur mon blog au sujet de mon petit torchon.
Merci pour cet excellent post, comme d'hab, d'ailleurs ! Bises !
The ships are awesome. They look so majestic! Fantastic images, keep them coming :-)
Also loved Monet's cathedral..the paintings and the photo. Fantastic!
So many people! Looks fun. I've never heard of anything like this so I found your post very interesting. The ships are beautiful and there are so many of them. It must be a sight when they are all under way.
Wow! Did we see all that?
Oh, wonderful, phantastic, all those old sailing-ships with the great details to be seen. It was a good idea to meet there.
Comme tes photos sont belles ! Surtout la première, elle est à tomber par terre ! J'adore les fêtes nautiques, j'ai déjà assisté une fois à l'Armada de Rouen et c'était magnifique. En plus l'avantage c'est que la ville est superbe elle aussi, on peut se promener avec bonheur dans la vieille ville quand on en a assez de la foule.
Yes, it meant a few kilometers (miles) of walking, but it was a pleasure!
One of the ships offered a trip Rouen / Liverpool for 540 €! Still time to join!
Je (maintenant) aussi réussi de redresser la perspective!
Certain things are easier to forget than others!
Le mal de mer est un petit probleème, en effet!
J'attends tes photos!
J'attends ta "version"!
I did (and will do) my best for the weather!
Thanks for your kind comments! I'm happy if you found it of some interest!
Tu peux y aller! Ce n'est pas très loin!
Thanks for your kind comments! About Monet; yes I also find it interesting to "compare"!
On the 14th I believe they will all leave! I'm afraid I will not have the time to go back!
Some of us did!
Yes, it was a nice idea!
Rouen vaut bien une visite, armada ou non; tu as bien raison!
Great reportage! Great photos! Well done, Peter!
Une belle concentration de bateaux... et de Bloggers!!!
En plus le ciel bleu etait de la partie enfin presque!!
These are some great ships....They must be huge in person!
I can't get enough of these sailing ships
Hello Peter,
How is it being back again?
Bad weathere in Paris too?
I am very impressed ( as I am always) by this great photography, I like the way you add them in a frame and also all the information is very impressive...
JoAnn Greetings
BTW: I passed you an award for creativity, come to my blog to see it, My congrats and you deserve it!
Hi Peter,
This NY Times article on the Hidden Gardens of Paris may be of interest to you.
Quand on voit cette forêt de mâts et de voiles en comparaison avec ces tristes bâtiments grisâtres, ya pas à dire, la marine à voile, c'est quand même autre chose!
Bientôt Brest 2008!
Must be gr8 and exciting to watch all these and be there personally...especially the replicas of those back then..
When something interesting like this, walking a long distance is not a problem since you will not even realised it!
Thanks for your always kind comments!
Un peu de pluie le matin, beau temps l'après-midi!
Yes, some of them are huge, however of course not compared with today's tankers, cruising ships...
You want some more?
Sincere thanks for this nice award!
Thanks! A lot of interesting info! It may give me some new subjects for posts!
Brest 2008 va sans doute avoir d'autres navires du même type ... et peut-être en partie les mêmes + beaucoup de petits voiliers. J'espère que tu feras un petit reportage!
To walk long distances is not a problem for me (at least not yet), especially when there are things to see and when you are in nice company!
I had read the post but coming now to comment. I am fascinated by these kind of ships. Have some as souvenirs as well.
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