Referring to my post last Wednesday, the Parc de Bagatelle is not only famous for its roses. The gardeners keep it beautiful with a lot of flowers and the bees were still busy last week. 
I already referred to the buildings in my previous post. 
The castle and the close by pavilion are today used for exhibitions and concerts. An annual Chopin festival is organised. At the moment, there is a “crystal exhibition”, not only indoors, but some palm trees, some ponds... have also been decorated by Baccarat, Daum, Lalique and Saint-Louis. 
The old stables and service buildings are today transformed to a restaurant and bar.
There are plenty of peacocks all over the park. I insisted, but none of the males wanted to make a “show” with their dorsal plumage.

You can see these photos "in full" on Ipernity.

Well, that’s the end of another week; have a nice weekend!
These photos are amazing. I've just added this place to my list of must-sees then next time I go to Paris.
Peter, you're coming close to my heart here. The parc de Bagatelle is a place where my father used to go often for a walk - it's not far from my parents' place and he loved the roses. One of the best moments I shared with him not long before he died was a walk in Bagatelle.
And your photos are wonderful. No roses but such beautiful gardens anyway. Your top photo has an amazing tropical feel to it and the palm trees decorated with crystal are just fantastic.
Thanks also for your nice comments at Delphie's place. I felt exactly the same as you.
Je me souviens très bien de cette petite tonnelle vert pâle que tu as mis en ouverture de ton premier post sur Bagatelle ci-dessous. J'y ai passé un bon moment à parler avec mon père de tout et de rien en admirant le jardin, c'est vraiment un bon souvenir.
Wonderful photos! I love the vividness of the colors especially the flowers and the peacocks.
Merveilleux! C'est un lieu que j'aime beaucoup. la décoration des palmiers est sublime. Impossible à faire ici il y en a trop...
Bon week-end!
eh bien c'est Noël avant l'heure. Ça brille, ça clinque . Je trouve que tu satures un peu trop tes couleurs. De jolies macros
fantastic photos peter. Wow what a place to visit!!
Tout est déjà dit ci-dessus, et pourtant tu vas recevoir encore beaucoup de commentaires sur la splendeur que tu nous montres. ALors, je m'abstiens.
bon ben voila, magnifique, j'avoue que je craque pour ce kiosque, on dirait qu'il est fait en dentelle. Et puis maintenant si les palmiers se mettent a mettre des bijoux ;o)
La petite maison cachée dans la verdure me conviendrait tout à fait! Je promets de bien m'occuper des plantes et de tailler la vigne-vierge.
bonjour piteur. J'adore la première photo, elle a un je ne sais quoi qui me plaît beaucoup. Sans doute ces feuilles prises en gros plan et en arrière plan le bâtiment. Et c'est un enchantement ce post. Il y a de très belles couleurs, un vrai régal pour les yeux. Alors que dehors, la brume stagne on vient te voir pour ce moment de sérénité. Bises et bon WE
Very pretty photos!
Very pretty Parc de Bagatelle.
You remind me of an annual Chopin festival in few little bit similar places in Poland.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your parks are just too beautiful. I think if I lived there I'd spend more time out there than at home.
Je ne savais qu'on pouvait avoir le même award deux fois. Félicitations once more !, J'ai fait comme toi, je l'ai reçu d'Olivier mais après je l'ai donné à tout le monde, comme çà pas de jaloux !
Dis moi Peter, plus ça va et plus tes photo sont de plus en plus belles, C'est un vrai régal.
Je suis un peu nuche, le week-end dernier j'ai découvert que je pouvais faire des macros avec mon appareil.
Dommage que la paon ne fasse la la roue !
Excellent post. I really like it a lot and the albino peacocks are really different.
Look at you now, what brilliant photos you have taken, clear, sharp and beautifully colored and of course also all those objects are beautiful.
Congratulations for your well deserved award, I will make same thing with my award and those rules.
Have a happy weekend Peter!
exquisite! I love them all! Specially the swans are my favorite picture!
The flowers looks beautiful. But I do wonder whether is it dangerous to walk around the area since there are so many bees around.
And gosh, the crystal are beautiful... I need you to bring me around if I do come by to Paris. Never knew there are so many beautiful places there.
A long list?
I'm extremeley pleased to hear all these comments!
asian traveller:
Peacocks have naturally some very vivid colours!
Nous sommes d'accord! Bon week-end également!
Désolé, mais c'est mon camera ou que les couleurs sont aussi saturées naturellement!
Yes, a place to visit, if you have the opportunity and the time!
Pour le moment, pas tant que ça...!
Ils coûtent cher en entretien les palmiers!
La place du jardinier en chef doit être recherchée!
Il semble que hier et aujourd'hui j'ai bien choisi la photo à mettre "en vedette"! Bon WE à toi aussi et bises!
To celebrate Chopin in Poland and in Paris seems absolutely normal! Yes, a nice WE to you as well!!
Maybe good for your kids that you don't live here then? :) Of course, you could bring them!
J'ai rencontré une dizaine de paons males... et aucun ne voulait faire la roue!
Albino or naturally white? It's a female. ?
I try my best, still progress to make! I have some good examples to try to imitate!
Two of the swans are crystal!
The bees are very friendly and concentrate on the flowers only!
You can of course count on me as a guide! I'll do my best!
What beautiful photos of an amazing park! Wish I were there now!
Hi Peter! If the weather in Paris is as good as in Lisbon, you must be having a great Saturday, and we'll be profiting from it rather soon with some fabulous shots... ;)
Meanwhile the Parc the Bagatelle is absolutely stunning!
I was thinking of putting some family pics with private access for other members only; any idea which system would be best?
Elles sont superbes ces photos de la campagne a Paris...
MOi j'aime ces parterres de Cosmos..
Si Alice le veut bien je partagerai le petit cottage enfoui sous la vigne vierge..
Bon WE a toi.
wow Peter congrats with your award, and also the lucky one's who got the award from you...
I think YOU deserve an award anyhow, always for all your work ever in/at your blog, its welldone, good organised and colourfull, also informative. I know Paris (from visiting) so I recognise all places, this is again a great post Peter!
Please come and watch my embrella+sky in Porugal while we were ,it was really fun and impressive. Soon I'll show more of what we saw in Praia da rocha....
JoAnn' D eyes
As usual, a picturesque treat. I wonder how peacocks allowed you to click. Generally they are very shy.
What more can I add! This garden is gorgeous and eveything you showed us as well. Maybe I should stop looking because it makes me so sad that we cannot see everything on my vist! Sigh...
Well, maybe later? :-)
The weather is acceptable, thanks!
I will revert about the "family version".
On sera peut-être nombreux là-dedans!
I will visit you blog again soonest! (... but I make some kind of pause during the weekend.) Trust you had a nice week in (sunny) Portugal!
I guess the peacocks are used to visitors. No problem at all to get close.
Yes, unfortunately some kind of priority list is needed this time - again! ... Maybe you will have to add a new trip in some time?
Hej peter! Jag hittade hit av en slump, kanske var meningen? :) vilket liv du verkar leva! Jag blir inspirerad! Tack :)
What a great set of shots with lovely colors...
Hoppas du hittar tillbaka ... inte längre av slump!
Yes, a lot of colours!!
The purple flowers are the best, even better than chandeliers and peacocks. Gorgeous.
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