Within the Paris borders, the Seine River is crossed by 37 bridges, including two for the metro only and two, at the extreme ends, for the circular highway (Boulevard Périphérique). On this map I have indicated all the other bridges. Four of them are only for pedestrians.
You can, if you wish, check the posts I have already made about the bridges Alexandre III, Pont Bir-Hakeim, Mirabeau, Pont-Neuf and Bercy.
Walking along the Seine, you can of course use the “berges”, the banks, and watch the barges (see previous post), you can do some shopping – or just watch – the book (and souvenir) stands. Part of the lower banks were opened for traffic some 40 years ago, but Sundays they are open only for pedestrians, bikers, skate rollers... and during some summer weeks, they are occupied by “Paris Beach” (“Paris Plages”) - (see previous post).
I will revert later about some other bridges, but this time I will just mention Pont Marie. The bridge is one of those connecting Ile Saint Louis (see previous posts) with the northern (right) bank of the river.
It’s one of the oldest bridges in Paris, from the 17th century – the oldest one being Pont-Neuf (the New Bridge). The name of the bridge, Marie (Mary), has nothing to do with what you first may believe, but it was the name of one of its architects. It was originally covered by buildings and shops, as many bridges those days (like e.g. still the Ponte Vecchio in Florence), but they were demolished during the 18th century. One reason for this was that floods those days often destroyed those buildings – and people died. One special thing with the bridge is that all the arches are unique and another thing is that the niches have never got any statues.

Walking along the Seine, you can of course use the “berges”, the banks, and watch the barges (see previous post), you can do some shopping – or just watch – the book (and souvenir) stands. Part of the lower banks were opened for traffic some 40 years ago, but Sundays they are open only for pedestrians, bikers, skate rollers... and during some summer weeks, they are occupied by “Paris Beach” (“Paris Plages”) - (see previous post).

It’s one of the oldest bridges in Paris, from the 17th century – the oldest one being Pont-Neuf (the New Bridge). The name of the bridge, Marie (Mary), has nothing to do with what you first may believe, but it was the name of one of its architects. It was originally covered by buildings and shops, as many bridges those days (like e.g. still the Ponte Vecchio in Florence), but they were demolished during the 18th century. One reason for this was that floods those days often destroyed those buildings – and people died. One special thing with the bridge is that all the arches are unique and another thing is that the niches have never got any statues.

If you wish to see the above pictures "in full", you can find them on Ipernity.
That first photo is one of the prettiest I've seen of Marie, or any Paris bridge.
I was strolling up and down along the Seine and never get tire of it.
Merci, the bridges are my favorites! I took many photos of the bridges on my last trip. Pont Sully is one that I had good results with and of course the Pont Neuf. I hope to capture some as night shots this trip or maybe at sunset??? Your photographs are well composed and just the shots I would have chosen !
Those bridges are just beautiful.
Have I mentioned to you about a Finnish blogger, who has taken photos of /almost) all the bridges.
His blog is http://elvis.vuodatus.net/
and on the right bar of the page under the words Pariisin sillat you can watch at the photos.
tu vas bientôt faire concurrence à Google Map ;o).3 Les quais de Seine, c'est vraiment superbe, quand j'étais à l'école a Paris (prés de l'ile st louis) tout les midi , direction les quais de seine.
Peter, I loved the first picture for it is perhaps one of the most scenic that I have ever seen!
Thanks for sharing!
Les ponts et les quais attirent toujours beaucoup de monde. On devrait peut-être faire une étude pour en connaître la raison profonde. En attendant il suffit de les admirer au loin, sur ton blog.
Ah, les ponts de Paris ! Je les aime tous. Du pont Alexandre III au pont des Arts en passant par le pont de l'Alma celui même où nous allions regarder les crues de la Seine et voir jusqu'où le Zouave avait de l'eau. Ta première photo est très belle.
J'ai toujours un pincement au coeur quand je viens chez toi.
Il est très joli, ce pont Marie! Ce quartier de Paris est propice à la balade et aux photos mais les tiennes sont particulièrement réussies, à mon humble avis.
Bonne journée, fraîche aussi sans doûte chez toi?
Le moins que l'on puisse dire est que tu es plus prolixe (sur ton blog du moins) que Alain, je suis bien contente de savoir le nom de ce pont si photogénique !
J'adore les ponts de Paris et il y a un endroit où on peut déjeuner lors de Paris Plage d'où on voit une belle enfilade.
en réponse, évidement Valls a joué et en plus il a marqué le deuxième but de son équipe ;o)
Just beautiful, would love to go for a nice stroll there!
Pourquoi est-ce que les gens aiment les ponts et les rivières? C'est simple, c'est une fuite en avant, un moment de sérénité, voir l'eau qui coule, c'est comme avaler une pilule rose. Le temps s'arrête, on respire, on écoute le bruit de l'eau qui file, on regarde les gens sur les ponts et on se dit qu'il fait bon vivre. J'ai toujours aimé voir les petits marchands de bouquins sur les berges de la Seine, c'est très romantique. Une belle édition de Jules Vernes côtoie un livre d'art des années 60. On y trouve toujours son bonheur. Bises et bonne journée
Il porte bien son nom ce Pont..
simplicite et purete..
elle est tres belle cette photo,mais ton petit plan des ponts est tres interressant je ne les avais jamais vu tous ensemble et je me suis permise de le prendre et je vais l'imprimer pour mon prochain voyage.
walking along the seine seems nice. i really admire the first picture.
je vois des ponts partout mais finalement c'est le dessous que je préfère
the link is there on the right side of my English blog, and you can get there also via my profile, and here is the direct link:
Peter, thank you for your comment. The two bushes on the picture are actually the tops of two palm trees. We think that the wi-fi is coming from the hi-rise condo building about 100 metres away, I am hoping to avoid a visit from the piggyback wi-fi police!
We are having fun here on the beach in Florida... it's snowing at home in Canada!
Isn't this the bridge that they tell first-time visitors to kiss under when you take a boat trip? I can't remember what the story is exactly.
Lovely. I really enjoyed these photos, Peter.
I am doing something different on my Gordon, Ohio blog. I set out to photograph and describe every house in the village where I was born.
Gordon, Ohio
First of all, I didn't know that there are sooo many bridges in Paris. That's good because like that the city isn't too much divided by the river.
And then: the first, big picture is wonderful.
Ils sont bien agréables, les bords de seine, à l'automne - et c'est une bonne idée de fermer la voie sur berge aux voitures, le dimanche...
That's nice!I appreciate!
I know you have done it for real; here it's only virtually. But anyhow...
Maybe we could try together soon!
Incredible; not only the Seine bridges, but also suburbs, Canal St. Martin!! It's really complete!
Sans jamais tomber à l'eau? :-)
Hpayy you liked it! I obviously put the right one on top!
Je te laisse faire l'étude! :-)
Donc, bientôt une nouvelle visite à Paris?
Ton "humble avis" compte beaucoup! (Oui, il fait frais et gris.)
Trois fois par semaine - un peu comme toi! Ou, les ponts sont relativement près un de l'autre!
You are welcome!
Des pilules roses!! Peut-être tout simplement un bonbon? :-)
Si on cherche bien, je pense qu'on peut encore faire quelques trouvailles chez le bouquinistes ... mais il faut bien chercher! :-)
J'espère que ça va bien aider!
It IS nice!!
Content de te voir ici! Sous les ponts... pas pour dormir? :-)
Thanks; sometimes I cannot find it. I have now made a direct link, for safety's sake!
Happy to see that you are not sleeping between the two bushes... even if the weather is nicer than in Canada!
You may be right, but I don't know! For safety's sake, maybe kiss under all the bridges?
How big was the village? :-) I will have a look!
More than crossing the Ehine in Cologne! :-)
Oui, c'est très bien ... et pendant quelques semaines en été!
Il y faisait tellement froid sur la plage du Pont Marie cet été...
Love all the bridges in Paris. When I was there in 1996, I sat on one of the big bridges in front of the Samaritaine departmental store to drink tea and read a book.
I presume it must have been Pont Neuf?
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