I was too busy lately to prepare what I would call a real post. Anyhow, I wanted to post SOMETHING.
Graffiti is of course an art which is more or less welcome and accepted, depending on where you find it. Here are some samples of, in most cases officially authorised or even ordered, graffiti art (and some posters) around Paris, but also some less authorised.

Graffiti is of course an art which is more or less welcome and accepted, depending on where you find it. Here are some samples of, in most cases officially authorised or even ordered, graffiti art (and some posters) around Paris, but also some less authorised.

One example of officially authorised graffiti is represented by the “Mur Ordener”, a wall along rue Ordener in the 18th arrondissement. On some 200 m (650 ft) professionals and young artists from the neighbourhood have been allowed to create. It started in the year 2000 and it seems that the paintings are replaced or renovated now and then. If you consider what hides behind the wall (SNCF – a French Railways repair shop), I believe nobody really objects to these graffiti?

Walking through one of our China Towns (see previous posts 1, 2, 3) the other day, I could not resist against taking these shots.

The last couple of days, we have had a fantastic weather and I can once more confirm that the spring is arriving - with some two or three weeks delay.

... also time to buy some flowers for your balcony, terrace...

Thank you for a view.
Beautiful graffiti!
It is the way to express all the oppression that humanity lives, especially the disadvantaged, the graphite reflects the reality of the streets!
About the last subject...Friends are like flowers...They planted flowers over our way, in order to support us,we find that spring all over the year.
I'm glad to know that you had a great time with friends!
Léia :-)
How interesting. Some of the graffiti is very beautiful. I just love spring and all the flowers it brings.
Yes they are definitely a show of creativity and their artistic skill too.
Sadly, if anyone found doing this in Singapore - they'll be fined & caned ;(
Nice view of the new graffiti
I love Paris graffiti especially Jerome Mesnager.
Beautiful work cher ami.
No need to apologize for this post, I find it quite interesting... like the colors and contrasts... also like to see a bit of the hidden Paris, a new perspective not often experienced by the vicarious Parisian.
Je le connais bien ce mur Peter; au bout de cette rue, c'est le quartier Marx Dormoy où j'ai grandit, ça me fait toujours bizarre de revoir le passé.
Bonne journée
A bientôt
j'ai vécu Max Dormoy, mais a mon époque (cela fait vieux c.. ;o)) le graffiti n'était pas là. Superbe le premier, une oeuvre d'art.
La Java Bleue : c'est bien parigot ça !
Je haie les graffitis mais il y en un qq uns que j'aime bien. Marais et Gavroche par exemple.
Les Chinois aussi taguent !
Notre Dame de Chine à Paris, ça me laisse pensive !
Fantastic photos Peter - what a collection you have!
Alleys brightened by cartoon art make me happy.
I am also happy that my university building, which will be torn down in a couple of years (not happy about that) has old slate blackboards, which we are hoping will be utilized in new building construction for our English department reception area, so students can write their thoughts and draw too.
Some graffiti are pieces of art, some not. Luckily it's becoming more and more skillful.
Sun also here, but cold!
Et ben , il y a de quoi faire dans tes réserves. Tu as déjà montré le store cependant.
L'homme au chapeau serait-il sur un pignon à Belleville ?
J'aime beaucoup la photo du parc au drapeau, il me semble l'avoir vue à l'expo "Paris en couleurs" = le méridien de Paris. C'était donc une photo de toi ?
J'aime bien quand tu improvises! c'est gai, vivant, varié, coloré, Paris quoi! Et je serai contente de reprendre le fil de l'histoire une prochaine fois, bien sûr.
Graffiti are really very different: some are terribly ugly, some are real art (imho). I can even except them on boring concrete walls (though not allowed) but not on private property or on trams or trains as you can find some here.
We had spring, too, in teh last days, but now it is is cold and grey and windy.
Il y en a des beaux, mais ce n'est pas ma tasse de thé. Je préfère les fleurs dans le bas.
Heureusement il y en a pour tous les gouts.
Et nous avons même droit à la java bleue pour finir (?) une belle semaine ensoleillée. Pourvu que ça dure!
Thank you for cheerful colours, Peter :)
Good spring like, flowering week to you!
Graffiti always exists in commercial businesses -- especially in their advertisements and on roadway billboards. Nobody thinks of it that way but it is a form of SPAM for the brains.
So the modern graffiti that people make is often the cutting edge stuff to be found later in advertising and in new letter and print fonts.
Nice post, Peter.
On aime ou on n'aime pas les graffitis mais personellement je ne peux m'empêcher, lorsque j'en vois, de les observer et parfois de les apprécier.
Where they are is another story.
Ah mon cher, qu'est-ce que ce serait si tu avais le temps de préparer "un vrai" post ! Tu me fais rire, celui-ci est magnifique ! Ta superbe photo d'entrée donne le ton : tu nous manipules comme des marionettes, tu nous emmènes où tu veux et on te suit avec joie de Miss Tic à Ben en passant par le mur Ordener et un petit tour au jardin pour une explosion de printemps. Merci pour cette splendide et joyeuse aventure visuelle !
je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi tu ne mets pas tes images en valeur. Là c'est trop et il y en a d'excellentes qui mériteraient un meilleur sort.
It is so smart to provide legal places where graffiti artists can create. It helps keep private property clean and it legitimizes the artform to a degree. I like it.
Where I went to college there were two large areas that were open to graffiti and it was really part of the experience of college to paint on them at least once. The artwork (etc.) was always changing and sometimes the offerings were surprisingly good.
J'ai dit Marais ce matin, mais ce n'est peut être lui, après tout.
Je n'ai pas de nouvelle d'Alex
Je vais lui passer un mail.
Le mur ordener, fréquement il change(tiens, c'est pas loin de chez moi ça !!).
Pour répondre à ta question sur les cartes postales anciennes, je ne sais pas si on peut prendre celles du net. En revanche, celles qui sont publiées sur mon blog, sont bien de ma collection.
A bientôt.
Ahh...some of my favourite things out and about in Paris!
If anyone wants a major dose of graffiti, check out Les Frigos, an artist enclave in the 13th [19, rue des Frigos] inside and out, and some very interesting ateliers, too!
Thanks for the spring colours and I can't wait to be in my Paris nest again!
[Are the Chinese really taking over??]
I love graffiti. It's been happening for centuries and really does give you glimpse into the culture of a place
AMAZING to see all these!!!
And I love anything BEN does.
Je suis la troisième
Marx Dormoy-sienne ! Toute mon enfance.
Puis, j'ai emigré à peine plus loin, à l'Ouest, de l'autre coté du Mur : )
D'accord avec Alice, trés distrayante la revue d'Art gratuit des rues. Une belle collection que tu possède là, Peter. Je te suis à la trace, en en reconnaissant certain.
Peter, As you may or may not know, I"m not a fan of grafitti but will say if it's authorized I don't have a problem with it. Interesting post as always.
Now , if you don't mind, I"ll just be poking around your blog, looking for sights we will want to visit and where they are! I'm off to find the RR station iwth the park on the top. Toodles!
Amazing Graffiti, I specially liked the first one.
I never knew they can be authorized also. :-)
I love graffiti, especially cartoon ones!
Les rideaux de fer de la rue Cavallotti, avec ses Vermeer ...
the graffiti
simply great!
Dakota Bear:
You are welcome!
I agree with your comments! Still no piano around? :-)
No point of disagreement here! :-)
There are a few places in Paris where graffiti is allowed. Also, privatley some people have asked graffiti artists to decorate. More wild graffiti on house walls etc. will be cleaned by city services, free of charge as I understand.
I can see that you are well acquanited with the more famous graffiti artists! I'm afraid I forgot to add a Mesnager graffiti on my patchwork. Will do better next time! :-)
You don't have to apolgize for anything: :-)
J'espère que ça te fait quand' même plaisir! :-)
Donc voisin avec Carole! :-)
Certains graffiti sont vraiment biens! ... mais il faut que ça soit fait à des endroits appropriés!
On trouve pas mal de chinois catholiques. Ils ont bien le droit à des messes en chinois? :-)
The collection could be greater (it's actually is a bit greater). I forgot to add Mesnager in my patchwork: See above! :-)
"Graffiti" have always exisited. Look at the paintings in the stone age caves, Pompei... Let's see what remains of the present ones for the future generations!
As you say! :-)
Oui, l'homme est bien de Belleville! Oui, les images dans le collage ont déjà figurés dans mes posts!
La pélouse est de Buttes Chaumont.
Merci! ... et donc à une prochaine fois! :-)
I believe we both think the same! :-)
Heureusement!! :-)
Malheureusement ça n'a pas vraiment duré! :-(
Soon (or rather soon) you will also find the colours! :-)
Many of the graffiti artists are today well established and considered as "real" artists. You are right! :-)
I guess we (almost) all agree on this! :-)
Tu te sens manipulée? :-)) Bises!
Je suis incorrigible! :-)
I can but agree with your statements!
Tu avais annoncé le retour d'Alex. Malheureusement un peu anticipé!
What a great collection of graffiti shots! I really like it, all are gorgeous!
... et avec copyright je suppose! :-)
Gina V:
Thanks for rue des Frigos! I will go there! :-)
Not only for centuries, even for a few thousand years! See the cave of Lascaux! :-)
Ben is certainly along the top ones! :-)
Décidemment! Connaissant aussi bien Paris que toi, j'étais sur que tu allais reconnaitre une bonne partie! :-)
You will find it if you open "Gare Montparnasse"! :-)
So I obviously choose the right one as top picture then! :-)
OK. Some of the more creative ones can also be nice! :-)
Malheureusement le Vermeer est maintenant couvert par des graffiti "sauvages"! :-(
Great! :-)
Including the truck? :-)
Gorgeous grafitti! The Vermeer ladies are delightful :-)
Lovely flower shots too. I just bought some daffodils this afternoon!!!
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