I’m doing collages all the time, but yesterday, a very dear friend, also a blogger friend, HPY, tagged me and some others for a special collage challenge, so I decided to make a small extra post with just one collage.
This is my granddaughter Paloma (six now); photos from last week when we shared something to drink at a café. She was obviously amused! 
This could also serve as a special tribute to Paloma’s dad, who is celebrating his birthday today!

This could also serve as a special tribute to Paloma’s dad, who is celebrating his birthday today!

(I posted “normally” yesterday and will do so again tomorrow.)
She is soooo beautiful!
Lovely composition!
Happy birthday to her pop!
Many thanks for sharing such an amazing happy moment!
Kind Regards
I absolutely love your collages and, as usual, this one captures the personality of your subject beautifully.
Also, it was my pleasure (and duty) to sign a tribute... you obviously put lots of time and energy into this, which is a valuable gift to your followers.
Thank you,
Happy birthday to 'The Man'
Ever since Paloma's life began
Tell her when she has been bad :-)
It's hard, but that's being a dad :-)
superbe montage, qui donne envie de rire avec elle ;o)) j'adore cette joie de vivre
Tu as saisi toute la fraîcheur de Paloma !
Un puzzle d'éclats de rire, ça fait plaisir à recevoir.
I too love ALL your collages, but this one is so sweet.
She is so cute and it really shows what a wonderful time you two had together.
Magnifique Peter ! Elle respire la joie de vivre Paloma. Quand on a six c'est amusant de boire un verre à la terrasse d'un café avec Papy Peter!!!
J'ai oublié l'autre suj.
Ton blog sur Paris respire l'amour que tu as pour cette ville et c'est normal que l'on en parle sur d'autre blogs. Félicitations mais c'est amplement mérité.
You have such a beautiful grandchild....and such fabulous shots of her smiling face.
Your blog is very colorful. I like it.
I won't reiterate with the song you heard some days ago, but I nevertheless wish a happy birthday to P. (Not Paloma, who's "horribly" cute in seven versions on your collage.)
And thanks for your participation. I appreciate! I really do.
Have a nice Thursday. Bis morgen!
oh you have captured her best of moods Peter. i remember a Geroge Baker selection song 'una Paloma Blanca'
Its a delightful collage Peter. Your grand daughter is simply beautiful.
heureusement que les petits enfants rient! Les adultes devraient en prendre de la graine. Comment s'appelle le nounours? :-)
Oh Paloma !!! You know I have special mention of her always.
You have captured beautiful Paloma in her best moods.... shy, embarrassing,laughing, happy, amusing and all.
Peter, pls ask her whether she can fly like me ? :-)
Very pretty Paloma and you looks a very proud grandfather, no wonder!
Superb! What fun, what joy she is having. You've really captured her happiness - what a record for her one day. And Happy Birthday to Paloma's Papa today.
Many congrats, Peter, on the wonderful tribute to your blog. So very well deserved - and more. I love the way Sparkling Mirror has showed us all the parts of your blog he loves so much.
Elle est ravissante! Et comme elle t'aime et se sent bien en ta compagnie, on le devine à travers ces photos, sa confiance et son naturel...Ce collage est un très joli cadeau pour son papa. Que de gâteaux d'anniversaire chez vous ces derniers jours!
(j'aimerais bien savoir comment tu réalises ces collages où les photos se "fondent" les unes dans les autres, moi aussi j'en dois un à notre chère Hélène ;-)
Amour au naturel!
She's adorable. Hope this one is going on her wall at home.
Wonderful photos of an adorable subject. Happy Birthday to your son. Nice that you have birthdays so close. Do you celebrate together? :=]
Paloma looks so happy!
Happy birthday to her dad!
Belle comme une colombe... un prénom qui lui va a ravir.
Félicitations pour cette magnifique présentation tout en joie de vivre !
Quoi de mieux qu'un sourire d'enfant... Superbe collage de ta petite fille :0)
Je suppose que c'était pour ton anniversiare Peter ?
Alors bon anniversaire Peter et à bientôt à Paris (après ton escapade à Menton).
Je souhaite aussi un bon anniversaire à Paloma, mais tu as d'autres voeux d'anniversaire à venir prendre sur mon blog, ils t'attendent.
Happy birthday to Paloma's dad and I had a look at the Sparkling Mirror post and left a comment there. I like your post today, Peter.
Almost always the first! Thanks! I appreciate! :-)
I appreciate a lot your kind comments and of course the very flattering post you have made! :-)
The poet! :-)
Oui, son rire est assez irresistible! :-)
Oui, c'est valable pour les enfants en général ... peut-être encore plus avec ses propres enfants ou grands-enfants! :-)
My daughter and her boyfriend were there also, but I din't make a collage with them! :-)
Jus de pommes pour elle! :-)
... et je ne suis pas le seul à aimer Paris! :-)
Thanks! I appreciate! :-)
Vielen Dank ... und bis Morgen! :-)
Thanks! Yes, there are many songs about "Paloma"! :-)
Tu as bien raison! (J'ai oublié le nom de ce petit lion. Je vais demander.) :-)
I will ask her. I never really saw her fly ... so far! :-)
Thanks! ... and yes, the post by SparklingMirror is remarkable! :-)
Je donne ma réponse par mail! ... mais l'outil est PowerPoint. :-)
L'innocense des enfants! :-)
Let's see about the wall! :-)
Yes, we are celebrating together. Saturday! :-)
It was a nice moment! :-)
Oui une colombe! :-)
Oui, à bientôt, j'espère! :-)
Un grand merci! Je les avais vu et j'étais sur d'avoir commenté! Désolé! Je reviens! :-)
Thanks! Did you look on the right post? :-)
What an absolutely adorable cutie she is!
lovely collage too.
Lucky you!
She is very beautiful, and she has a great grandpa.
Happy Birthday to her dad!
SparklingMirror said the truth.
Congratulations Peter!
Happy Birthday to you and your son! Also these precios photographs of Paloma are just wonderful. You captured her spirit and exuberance so very well!! Thank you for sharing them with usI I hope we will get to meet her in person.
Merci aussi pour les jardins des plantes! We will be close as you know and this is a wonderful taste of things to come. I am sure we will spend many hours here and all the other attractions nearby.
ONE MONTH FROM TODAY we will be on our way!
Hey Happy Belated Birthday to your son and Paloma is gorgeous :D
With you heavy program, I don't know how many hours you can afford to relax here! :-)
Thanks... (He may be reading the post. ... if not, I will transmit)! :-)
Don't worry, you know I'll be relaxing with wine many times a day!
I love Paloma pictures!
Belated happy Birthday Peter. My computer crashed on 21st so I could not wish you earlier!
Très mignonne, mais je n'irai pas jusqu'à dire qu'elle te ressemble...
I still worry a little bit! :-)
Sincere thanks! :-)
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