Two of the most important department stores in Paris, Printemps and Galeries Lafayette are neighbours on Boulevard Haussmann. There is obviously a fierce competition about who has the nicest Christmas show windows. I took photos of (I believe) all their windows. Who is the winner this year?
First comes the Printemps windows:

Galeries Lafayette by leaps and bounds!
is it me or are they both scary?
Oh my, how will I choose? I will be showing last year's Galeries Lafayette's windows on my blog this season. They were just too fabulous!!! I like both the Printemps and GL. Dare I ask if they will be up when we arrive? I fear not. :( Well I'll just keep coming back here to enjoy. Merci.
Moi, je vais faire un caprice en posant cette question: et les vitrines du Bon Marché alors? Allez Peter, au travail! ;-)
c'est toujours un spectacle merveilleux, mais quand on veut les voir le Weekend, c'est la folie totale...Merci grâce a toi, pas besoin d'aller sur Paris...
Avantgarde, couture and surrealism are a pleasure for the eye. These windows are works of art.
Have a nice weekend, Peter!
Tu penses bien que quand j'étais une Titie de paris, mes Parents nous emmenaient au moment de Noël dans ces grands magasins pour voir s'ils pouvaient repérer quoi mettre dans la hotte du Père Noël suivant nos réactions devant les jouets.
Je ne me souviens plus ce qu'il y avait dans les vitrines mais je pense que c'était des jouets enchanteurs.
Comme dit Olivier, pas besoin de monter à la Capitale pour admirer tous ces décors de Noël dans ces vitrines. merci Peter !
C'était le Paris Match qui disait qu'une photo vaut je ne sais plus combien de mots, mais cette fois-ci tu n'as malgré tout pas été très bavard! Ciao!
How beautiful they're! I've not been there already.
Vraiment Peter je ne sais pas comment tu fais car quand je prends des vitrines en photos j'ai toujours des reflets.
Bon week end
Mais c'est la version pour adultes que tu nous proposes. Et pourtant tu y es allé sans doute avec Mattias et Paloma.
Le père noël suédois à Paris a-t-il d'ailleurs déjà terminé ses emplettes ? Et qu'a-t-il demandé pour lui même ?
Sans doute un bac à champagne....
Les moules à kougloff me plairaient s'ils étaient en terre.
Je vais aller sans doute à la maison de l'Alsace pour le marché de noël.
Did you push the kids out of the way to get the photos? :-)
the Galeries Lafayette windows are stunning, Peter. It would be my choice hands down. I wonder if the lights at night might have had an influence on them.
Believe it or not but when I was 16 years old this is what I did as an apprentice job in the summer. The job was called a "window trimmer" over here and we had some nice themes too.
They are both opulent. I like the food orgy feel of Galeries Lafayette, with the crooked candles. But I'll have to choose Printemps because of the trees, combining farm and Paris. I think I showed you the window at D&G when I was there in 2006 with hay bales and pitchforks? :)
I would hate to be asked to be the official judge to choose which window is better, they are all spectacular. Many years ago when my children were little, we used to make a special trip to downtown Toronto to see the Christmas windows in Eatopns and Simpsons. The big stores have changed to Sears and The Bay now, and over the years the displays have become more muted, but I hear that this year they are wonderful, so perhaps I should start a new tradition to take my grandsons to see them.
Les nounours me font craquer et la nourriture on peut la partager. Alors entre les deux, mon choix est fait.
Bonne idée ce post Peter.
Ça va être dur de résister , n'est ce pas Peter ;) ?
Sometimes much fancy but It's splendid!
Beautiful window displays to delight all the passers-by....Ah! to be in Paris at Christmas.......
Thanks for sharing these photos with us. Let's be glad that they are in friendly competition with one another.
I can that Christimas is coming heheheheh....all are so nice there and I'll spend all my time browsing and appreciating the display. Great Pics :D
What a great idea, Peter! I just loved the peacock set, but then I saw those beautiful forks and knives arrangement and now I think it's more powerful!
Je préfère le style "conte Russe" du Printemps. Ta première photo est magnifique, mais tu ne nous dis pas combien de gamins tu as été obligé d'écraser pour la prendre.
Oh my head dizzy! Seem terribly bright all the windows!
And you have done a really beautiful photo report!
Wonderful post! Thanks!
Love the female mannequins wearing white afros.
I love store window displays in general but Christmas store windows! Worth flying to Paris for...
Isn't it wonderful when the choice is so difficult and really -- you'd be happy with each? I think I'm "voting" for Galeries Lafayette -- love the creative take on all the food items and it's rather magical. And I'll hold to that, although if I'd only see ONE photo and it was the first from Printemps, that would win hands down!
Isn't it wonderful when the choice is so difficult and really -- you'd be happy with each? I think I'm "voting" for Galeries Lafayette -- love the creative take on all the food items and it's rather magical. And I'll hold to that, although if I'd only see ONE photo and it was the first from Printemps, that would win hands down!
Really not sure Peter, I certainly don't like the one with the Knives and forks in..!! First time I have seen anything from Paris and I am stumped for words..!
tough call - very hard to decide on this one!!
Wow! What a window shopping tour; I'm tired... But where is the foie-gras, the Dom Perignon and the caviar? ;))
Great job Peter!
Both Christmas windows are beautiful,
but I choose ... Printemps. There is show a beauty of winter.
Have a relaxing and wonderful weekend!
I saw your comment in Ruth’s blog, about the name of your blog, and came to take a peek. I am glad I did because now I can see what les vitrines ont cette année. When I was little it was always such a treat to go and watch those aux Galeries ou au Printemps with animated toys in them. They even had a small ramp for kids to walk along the windows so we could see better – do they still do that? I’ll come back to your blog for sure as you have beautiful pictures you place in a creative way.
Wonderful photos, Peter!! I love how you arranged them.
Funny, I was hoping to post mine yesterday, too, but did not get around to it. I went this past Tuesday to check the windows out. Mine are here in this set, if you want to look at them:
I liked seeing the similarities and differences in some of the photos we both took. For some of yours, I thought, "Oh GREAT angle on that one! I wish I would have done that!"
Thank you very much for sharing! :)
I'm going to go with my gut and personally crown Printemps the winner here. Though both are certainly spectacular, Printemps seems to me to have gone the extra mile/kilometer this year. I love the fact that there's a competition between the two... everyone benefits from it.
Amazing photos as usual, Peter. Now I'm going back to examine them more thoroughly.
Oh, and thank you!
David *
Spectacular! The window displays and of course your photographs, Peter. Seems to me if we want to get in a Christmas mood we should be in Paris. Fist the trees you showed yesterday = the shots, just fabulous - and then looking at those amazing window displays.
hi peter! ^-^
erm... i'm torn bet. the two! both of the displays look amazing and festive and colorful!
Gosh! isn't that like a dreamland!!! Its all so fascinating!!
I always thought the windows in New York were amazing, but these are downright spectacular. Truly gorgeous.
The same, whoever you are! :-)
Anonymous bis:
One point for GL! :-)
I don't think it's you! :-)
It may probably be time for sales when you arrive! :-)
Noté! :-)
Tu évites Paris? :-)
I agree, real art! :-)
Quelques vitrines pour les enfants encore, mais plus pour les adultes! :-)
Pour une fois! :-)
Le banc moussu:
Il ne faut pas se mettre en face! :-)
Finalement peu de vitrines pour les petits! Les outres questions: Non! :-)
Cergie bis:
Mes "enfants" reviennet d'Alsace! :-)
Of course not! Only, I'm still a bit bigger than them! :-)
Not surprised that you also did this!
So, 2 votes for GL! :-)
2-1! I remember your D&G window, which I also photographed last year. :-)
Please do! :-)
GL leads 3 to 1! :-)
Je suis allé après la fermeture des magasins! :-)
Yes quite fancy and not always affordable! :-)
Christmas is not bad, but April is perhaps even nicer... or September, October...! :-)
Yes, Christmas is really approaching! :-)
4 - 1 for GL! :-)
4 - 2! Ecraser les enfants, quelle idée! :-)
Happy if you enjoyed! :-)
Sounds like 4 - 3 for GL! :-)
Please fly! :-)
Shall we call it a 5 - 3? :-)
I take this as a 5 - 4! :-)
Neutral? Some Swedish or Swiss origins? :-)
In my fridge of course! :-)
It's getting tight! 5 - 5! :-)
Nice to see you here! Yes, there are ramps in front of the "toy windows"! :-)
I went to see yours! Yes we saw the same windows! I have the same remark to do, somehow you feel that you could always have done better! :-)
So now Printemps takes the lead! 5 - 6! :-)
Menton and Gorbio have other advantages! :-)
Should I give them both half a point? 5.5 - 6.5! :-)
Yes, dreaming is perhaps the word! To buy the stuff is something different! :-)
Cat Sitter:
Wes never in NYC for Xmas, but if you say so...! :-)
Bonjour, Peter!
I used one of your lovely black and white photos on my blog post this morning and put a link to your website so anyone who reads my blog can check out your Christmas windows post. I plan to show it to my students in class tomorrow!
Merci beaucoup!! Your photos are so incredibly beautiful.
And just in case you are still counting, I vote for Galeries Lafayette!
The Sabbatical Chef:
A great honour to be quoted and linked on your blog!
So, if no more answer coming is in here, it's a draw: 6.5 - 6.5! :-)
OK! Keep it there; my trip is a bit delayed... ;))
Don't worry, I will renew! :-)
Hi Peter, I vote for Printemps. I lighting is very dramatic and the designs are bold and large in scale.Thanks for your wonderful blog.Peace
Welcome here! So, now a small advantage for Printemps! :-)
Figured I better provide a 60th comment here, seems a shame to stop at just 59...
Tis the season to be merry ...
Nice of you: :-) (... which makes it 61).
Well 62 is better and with a few more we'll reach your age, Peter ! :-)
(or have we gone past it already ?)
Gorgeous department stores windows, thanks for that Peter.
La crise ? Quelle crise ?
Pas de doute, nos petites villes n'arrivent pas à la cheville de Paris quand il s'agit d'animations de ce genre. C'est époustouflant !
Je suis revenue dans la soirée me faire une petite séance de vitrines illuminées la nuit.
Et ça fait 63 !
Je me demande si tu es à nouveau en blogueuse compagnie ce soir, en train d'arpenter nocturnement les trottoirs parisiens ?
Oh zut, il en faut encore deux pour arriver à ton âge...
... Il faut que tu arrêtes de vieillir, c'est fatigant :-)))
En effet, j'étais avec une jeune femme à un concert ce soir! (Elle a un bf, aucun "danger"!)
Je crois que maintenant tu as réussi as atteindre mon âge (en nombre de messages, je veux dire)! :-)
Quelle chance d'etre devant mon petit feu de cheminee sans la foule
et de pouvoir admirer les vitrines de Noel des grands magasins Parisiens!
Tes photos sont comme les vitrines superbes!
Tu sors quand' même beaucoup! ... et toutes les photos de NYC? :-)
Two things strike me - the effort and splendour of the displays. (What happened to our new-found need for austerity!)
And here, in Venice at the moment, there is barely any sign of Christmas.
What is in the show windows is one thing, what people buy may be something different? :-)
Habituellement, on s'arrête à la première bien exceptionnellement je resterai sur l'une des dernières, et sa pièce montée en ce que je crois être des macarons. Ma gourmandise prend le pas sur le plaisir des yeux. Et oui ! ce n'est pas respecter "l'esprit blogueur" mais chacun a le droit à son petit écart, quelques fois.
Galeries Lafayette gets my vote!
Je prends ça comme une vote pour Lafayette! :-)
.. and one more for Lafayette! Maybe the last vote? Finally a very slight advantage to Lafayette! :-)
My vote goes to the first set. They used a variety of colors. The second set had a lot of pink (not a color I like)!
Finally, they seem both to be winners!
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