In one corner of the “Bois de Vincennes” (see preceding post) is the Paris “Parc Floral”. It dates from 1969 and is used for flower shows, exhibitions… There is an open theatre, an “exotarium” (exotic fishes and reptiles), a lake…
It’s particularly a place for just relaxing, picnicking, walking around…
… and the place for some great playgrounds.
Sorry! Since some time I have been too busy to make the tour of blogs, to comment... Furthermore, I will be absent the coming week, but have pre-programmed a few posts, including this one.
Wow! Colours of spring! Brilliant pictures here!
Hi Peter !
Been a while getting back here, work has been too crazy...
Love the Bois de Vincennes, have a brother in law who lives very close to there. It's good to see alot of trees are back, I went in there in the days just after Christmas 2000 when the big storm blew down trees all over the region, Vincennes looked like a war zone, many many trees had snapped off or become uprooted...
Greetings from all of us...
It looks like spring is in all of it's glory in Paris.
une superbe journée de printemps, cela fait du bien et je vois que les enfants parisiens ont en bien profiter
Creating and or preserving green spaces in our cities are important -- they provide so much joy in the natural world. Beautiful photos once again.
I have a question for you--
have you ever done anything on the Palais Garnier, also known as the Opéra de Paris or Opéra Garnier and photos of the underground with the lakes and all? I have seen some photos recently and I know not where but would like to look at them again?
Ok, be well, Peter, I miss you. But thank you for the parks and flowers, sun and people. Stay happy.
This place is beautiful and your pictures are great, thanks so much for sharing!
I specially loved the flowers and for sure the cute kids!
Have a safe trip, I miss you!
your friend
Bonjour Peter!
ça va?
I like that kind of relax, be outside...
Many bloggers are busy or even stopped blogging and some blog only weekends...
Interaction takes time...
Awesomely beautiful if there is such a word...
Spring has really hit Paris on the head!
Well that playground will be just the thing for Eva and Davis this summer. So this place is on the list twice. Paris in the springtime..........very nice.
My WV is phowers. The "phowers" you posted today are beautiful! :)
PS at last had time tonight to go back and re-visit Easter Sunday and put together a little post about a few bloggers on their day out...
Tu es dans la visite des parcs et des bois en ce moment, c'est bien malheureux que tu n'ais pas visité mon petit parc avec le petit bois derrière chez moi
Une promenade parmi les fleurs, quel bonheur !
I still have yet to visit this parc! But after your photos and the many wonderful things I've heard, it's on the list! :-)
It was great to meet you - thanks to Owen!
I have Canon too... :)
All this splendor enclosed in a single post ... oh thanks, really a series of wonderful photos!
what lovely spring flowers right now - looks a great place to stroll - except maybe the tulips a rea a trifle too regimented for my taste!!
Sympa de nous faire faire le tour des jardins de Paris ! Les jeux d'enfants sont bourrés à craquer, ça doit être les vacances...
Another amazing post, keep drawing me back here :-) They do have lovely parcs in Paris, and some hidden.
My list keeps getting longer and longer :-)
Looks like a great spot to spend the day. Thanks for introducing this park. It's excellent.
The best park in Paris, especially for kids! However, for the last two summers they've had problems with some kind of caterpiller that lives in the trees and tends to fall on people, causing nasty allergic reactions! For that reason, large parts of the park tend to get roped off. That's nature though I suppose!
Wow! What a gorgeous place! I would love to be there walking and enjoying the beautiful Park Floral!
Have a nice day!
Un photographe s'est glissé parmi les fleurs....Sauras tu le retrouver ?
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