
A walk through the Batignolles area

I have already made a number of posts (including on my previous blog) on the Batignolles area in the 17th arrondissement, where I live. Here are some more shots taken in a limited part of this area during an afternoon walk earlier this week. I don't think that many words are needed; this is just supposed to give you a general impression.

There happened to be a temporary ecological open market.

I wish you a nice weekend!


Ruth said...

Peter, if I had to pick a part of Paris to live in, that would be it. Lucky, lucky you. The light!

Bon week-end, enjoy spring!

Simony said...

What a lovely area to live, Peter! It looks very cozy and alive.
Can you pack some of this "Brebis Chevre" and send it to me?
PS: Not enough red in this post!

Vagabonde said...

So many pictures to choose from, Peter, all of them vibrant and sunny. I like the cheese but also the table with the water bottle, the windows, the doors, a great palette of the 17th. Bon week-end.

Corine said...

I love your collages...especially of the food...yum!! You must love waking up to that scenery everyday. The greenery and flowers are gorgeous too :) We are finally beginning to see a touch of Spring around here too.
BTW, what is the situation in Paris with the volcanic ash???

Virginia said...

Of course I love them all. I think your neighborhood is lovely, Peter. I"m really interested in the artists you showed us. Maybe my next visit I will have a look!

Thérèse said...

L'impression générale est bonne, très bonne même!
Bon week-end!

Dakota Bear said...

Seeing these pictures are making me travel sick to come back to Paris for a visit.

Catherine said...

Je vois que les tables sont dressées à La Bonne Heure.
T'as réservé une table à l'extérieur ?

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! Thats a very interesting place to live at!

Do have a good weekend!

hpy said...

Mais où sont partis tes phrases habituellement beaucoup plus longues?
Bon weekend, et promène toi encore!

joanna said...

Endless fascination...

Peter said "I don't think that many words are needed;"

A rose is a rose by any other name is a rose,, You are so right few words is all that is needed..


lasiate said...

encore un coin agréable à découvrir

claude said...

Chaque quartier de Paris a son charme. Ses boutiques, ses beaux immeubles, ses parcs, ses marchés qui mettent l'eau à la bouche.
J'aime assez la photo avec les ta bles du resto.
A bientôt !

Karin B (Looking for Ballast) said...

It's on my list!!

I think this is an area that more people should check out. The 17th is not a very common area for visitors to frequent, but I think that many would appreciate the area, especially those who do not like the more touristy areas.

Thank you, as always for the Peter Perspective on another part of Paris. You know how much I appreciate your work! :)

Cezar and Léia said...

hummm les fromages!Just delicious and a great idea for the weekend, cheese and wine! :)
I loved that "gazebo"and all beautiful green in Paris. Here weather is better today, I'm positive for this weekend.
Have a nice Friday,

Adam said...

This is your daily routine isn't it Peter? And a very nice one it is too!

You're right - no comments are needed for these pictures.

Cergie said...

Joli parc avec des canards je présume, un quartier sympa avec des services et l'électricité (cf lamapdaires). S'il y a le téléphone et internet illimité, c'est le must...

Bagman and Butler said...

I visit your blog so regularly that sometimes I wonder if I live in Paris. Hmmm. Maybe I should consider that?

Delphinium said...

j'ai repéré une enseigne "fabrique de bouchons". :-)))))
ça m'intéresse. Qu'est-ce qu'ils bouchent les fameux bouchons? bises et bon WE

Starman said...

The first picture is amazing. I haven't seen that many TV antennas in one place for a very long time.

Baglady said...

It looks gorgeous. Is it me or is the whole of Paris completely lovely?

arabesque said...

this arrondisment is certainly interesting, very quaint.
what fascinated me was the wallpaper where a line of workers were having a siesta, we have one of those here too, exactly la même in some italian pizzeria, i think the store might have copied it. ^0^

Parisbreakfasts said...

That marche looks so familiar...
and yet i do not know this one.
wonderful shop facades!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Super la balade dans ton quartier ! Tu as raison, c'est juste une question d'atmosphère et ça fonctionne super bien, ça donne envie d'habiter dans le coin. Je vois que Delphinium s'intéresse aux choses importantes (pop!) et que Catherine connait les bonnes adresses - moi j'ai repéré les nus des artistes. Chacun sa faiblesse !


Marie-Noyale said...

Avec tout ce que t'offre ton quartier tu n'aurais presque pas besoin d'en sortir!!!

Kate said...

The market would be one of my favorite places. Great photos of so much of it!

Jeanie said...

Every time I visit, I fall in love with Paris all over again!

Trotter said...

Nice walk; and we have «Les Copains d'abord»...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just discovered your blog through the fourth apple entry. I too live (one week/month in the Batignolles area (rue Pouchet). Your blog is excellent, very well documented - I intend to read a lot more. Félicitations, Carol Dumousseau