If you have the courage to walk between Place de la Bastille (see previous posts) and the Père Lachaise cemetery (see previous posts), you could preferably follow Rue de la Roquette. I already posted (here and here) about the particular curiosity on the more eastern part of the street (in yellow), where some olds prisons and one of the guillotines stood.

In the daytime, you can in the backyards find some old traditional activity, but nowadays also a number of smaller enterprises; architects, publicity agencies…
A special attention could be drawn to the side alley, Cité de Roquette. Some carpenters and interior decoration professionals are active here. At the end of the alley you will find a table and a sign indicating “Au Bois d’Amour, Restuarant”. I guess it’s rather a table used by the local artisans.
Looks like there are some good places to poke around in there !
Peter, it was absolutely great to meet you today, it was a wonderful afternoon... really good to put a face and a voice on the spirit that one senses from a distance behind the blog pages...
A bientôt...
PS by the way, what is the title of Catherine's blog ? And also the one you mentioned in New York by the person who does watercolors of the scenes she photographs in Paris ? many thanks...
Le Cite de Roquette really looks like a little town in itself. It must be nice to have an office there and be so close to the Bastille. Enjoying the good weather there? Have a great week Peter!
That looks like a nice walk. I'm sure I would enjoy it.
Waouhh les souvenirs qui remontent, j'avais une petite amie (quand j'allais a l'ecole dans Paris) qui habitait ce quartier, merci pour ce coup de vieux ;o))
Peter, your wanderings around the narrow streets of Paris are inspiring, The traffic and people all look so vibrant and alive! Busy busy busy all the time.
I'm sure you made that long walk quite easily! Is this artist area the one we talked about close to Opera Bastille ?
Greetings from Casablanca!
Now I need to study French - quick!
You really need it...
We love it here!
Air is clean, traffic is not bad, we can walk again and there are lots and lots of coffeeshops!
I post pictures later when I have better internet connection...
We've made that walk a few times.
I cannot tell you how much I love your blog. I subscribe to a few about Paris, but yours truly transports me back to Paris.
This is another part of Paris «Louis» has missed...
Tu n'as pas écrit beaucoup cette fois-ci! Es-tu fatigué?
Bonne semaine!
A lovely set of photographs, Peter. I can't say which looks the best as they are all good to see.
Smoking is one of those things that will catch up with you. Shortness of breath is the beginning of trouble and ends with using oxygen just to sleep or with a little exertion. I wish you good luck in life and I hope you have better luck in quitting someday.
Place de la Bastille, old prisons, guillotines... a real scent of the French Revolution! :-)
Le Bois d'Amour n'assure pas le service non stop, on dirait ! Si en plus il y a des horaires d'ouverture !
Je connais bien par là, mes gosses m'ont trainé, moi et ma carte bleue, plus d'une fois rue Keller...
I would love to walk around this lovely place and good to see that it is not populated by too many tourist. Sometimes I would prefer to visit less touristy site.
Thank you Peter and Happy Belated Easter :D
Narrow streets are the best.
I've tried to remember have you been posting about any flea markets in Paris? I remember one big, when I was there ages ago.
And then, sometimes, it would be lovely to look at shops that sell artist's stuff: paints, brushes, canvases, everything! I know there is one very old shop of that kind, but I can't remember the name!
Je préfère la roquette en salade! Mais le quartier me semble bien sympa...
Great as always
It's a long, long way...
Yes, I also appreciated meeting you and some other old and and new friends! Thanks for the initiative!!
The blogs you refer to are "The Five of Us" http://catherinefiveofus.blogspot.com/
and "ParisBreakfasts" http://parisbreakfasts.blogspot.com/
A bientôt! :-)
Yes we had a great spring weather today (actually yesterday), but rain expected tomorrow (actually today)! :-)
I'm sure you would! :-)
Elle habite peut-être encore? :-)
Maybe the streets I prefer! :-)
I don't know if it's specifically "artist", but you may add the area to your list! :()
It seems that you are perfectly happy with the change! I checked your blog! :-)
Good! :-)
Thanks so much! Nice to find you here! :-)
How could you! :-)
Un peu fatigué, en effet! :-)
Will I ever quit (smoking)? :-)
There are many traces! :-)
Il faudrait qu'on trouve une autre restaurant, je crois! :-)
As you have been around a few times, next time try the not touristy places! :-)
I made a post about the St. Ouen flea market: http://peter-pho2.blogspot.com/search/label/Flea%20Market%20Saint%20Ouen
I will do something about your wish! :-)
Thanks! :-)
Not that long! :-)
Thanks for the link of you flea market post, I'll check it.
Good! :-)
It is now on THE LIST! :)
How many pages your list? :-)
This post (and many others including the current one) remind me how much Paris is an excellent walking city, so many a-b routes that include a lot of interest on the way - especially with a good guide and eye for hidden details
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