I spent the last couple of days walking around Paris with friends, meaning hardly any time to prepare my usual Monday post. Here are just some autumn impressions.

Something happened with my blog, while I was personally absent from blogging: My blog was mentioned as a “Blog of Note”. The result has been a tremendous boom of visitors and “followers”. I feel of course very much honoured … and amazed by the impact that such an “award” may have!!
Love the autumn colours, is it geting cold there now, i am thinking of visiting very soon. The bottles are a sign that the french have good taste! And we already knew how good your blog is, thanks for the lovely photos
Hej peter,
Ja vi är ju lite förre häruppe ;-)
I helgen försvann den gyllende tiden
och vi övergick till en grå med små
käcka inslag av rost och vin ;-)
Ha en fin vecka!
Hei fra Norge! :-)
Jeg har nettopp 'funnet' bloggen din, og bare mååå kommentere det nydelige høstbildet øverst! Spectacular!
Ha en fin ny uke! :-)
I love your second picture.(not that I dont love the others!) Imagine sitting in front of that and looking at that yellowy greeny trees. Absolutely beautiful.
Wonderful colours! Autumn must be magical!
And many congratulations on being named 'Blog of note.' An honour very well deserved!
...and what lovely rich autumn colours they are too...for the first time here in Mexico City there are strong autumnal colours and fallen leaves - I love it!!
Yesterday i was thinking about this to post and landed here. I can feel the season sitting in India
I want to have a great journey too
et bien Peter tu as bien fait la fete ce weekend ;o))
Beautiful Autumn Pictures. Love the colors of Autumn any place in the world.
Congratulations on being a "Blog of Note"! That's wonderful, and well-deserved, Peter.
I am glad you got a chance to be out and about in Paris (I had guests this weekend, too, and was at many of the spots you have photos of here), and the fall colors you caught are gorgeous.
Be well!
I love the bottle bank photo :)
Hi there! I'm your newest follower! I love all things Paris so I knew that I had to be your follower! : )
Looks like you took a photo of the bins outside my house! :)
Pas encore comme à Marseille.
ATTENTION hundreds of people from all over the world are dreaming this man, why? who is he? HAVE YOU EVER DREAM HIM?
contact us
wow, some really cool pictures! :)
love picture autum and cool
Congratulations on your award Peter. How wonderful that your blog was chosen, but of course it would be!
I'm laughing at the class recycling in the last photo. Last summer when we stayed at the apartment, Melissa and I cringed when we had to take our "stash" to the courtyard to drop them in, one by one. Hope the neighbors weren't counting. I rather thought the wine bottles here were from the protestors! :)
Hope things are back to normal in Paris soon. I"m sure it's been an inconvenience. I have friends that had some flights cancelled withing France so had to cancel their whole trip, just two days before they were to leave for Paris.
Peter! I missed that you got Blog of Note!! Congratulations, I am so proud and tickled for you! It is high time you received this well deserved honor. Fantastic. :D
Lovely Paris in the yellow trees. Even the bottles are interesting.
Nice images, thanks.
very nice .I really like them ^^!
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Very beautiful autumn colours, Peter!
Congratulations on your award! It's well-deserved!
Have a nice week ahead.
Thanks for the photos of my street after one of my parties / bottle recycle strikes (they look the same). Also, congrats on your well-deserved success, Peter!
That third picture. Hmmm :) Beautiful.
Congratulations on the award, Peter. You deserve it !
These photos are not "JUST" some autumn impressions, they are very beautiful, I love them.
nice autumn photo's
Congrats on Blog of Note.
Do you have any inside knowledge on strikes for the coming week?
Awesome pictures. This is why the Autumn is my favourite season.
The pictures you've taken and how you've described them is great :) fantastic job my friend keep up the great job !
You really deserve to be included in "blog of note". And I very much appreciated your blog
Belles couleurs d'automne et très amusant, ton gros plan sur les bouteilles en attente. Beaucoup plus de vin que de bière à ce que je crois voir !
I hope all "things"can be better this week there.I'm always worried about the news.
Heavenly Autumn... and that's a huge collection of scrap bottles... many are getting high! :P
wow. love the european cafés & lotteries, www.playeurolotto.eu
Great pictures.
Your photographs are beautiful! I would love to visit Paris in the fall (or any time of year for that matter) but fall colors are the best subject for photos. Again, simply beautiful!
Ciao Peter, the colors of autumn through the eyes invade
heart with joy!
From Barcelona congratulations for your themes and beautiful and interesting pictures.
No beer bottles; just wine... We're in France!!
congratulation -- your blog is certainly note worthy , your photography and history of Paris is one of the best source of information and stunning photo's we have available to us.
Would love to own a book complied of your work.
Congratulations Peter . Well deserved , your blog is amazing and with so much detail. Makes me miss Paris and friend so much.
Congratulations Peter . Well deserved , your blog is amazing and with so much detail. Makes me miss Paris and friend so much.
Congratulations Peter . Well deserved , your blog is amazing and with so much detail. Makes me miss Paris and friend so much.
Paris I came there once in winter, now I can see the Autumn color in your blog that make me like to come back again! Thanks!
Hello Peter,
Your blog is artful and informative. Thank you for sharing it. I plan to use it as a reference for selecting places to visit when I come to Paris.
Have you considered transforming it into a book?
Congratulations on your blog of note status, that's fantastic, and so well deserved. I love visiting it almost as much as I love visiting Paris.
J'adore les couleurs d'automnes! Les bouteilles vides bien rangées me font penser à des soldats. Je t'admire beaucoup pour tout ce que tu fais, un travail régulier et très riche. Ton blog mérite tous les compliments!
I envy you so much for living in Paris! I was wanted to live there or simply visit! It's such a beautiful city!
love the blog,
follow me
you so well deserve it!!
I like the bottle shot. I hope they have been picked up by now! Congrats again on your "blog of note!"
Je ne sais pas qui décerne le “blog of note” mais c’est bien mérité ici avec toutes ces jolies photos et ces informations.
When you see the leaves turn golden you really feel autumn is in the air.
Christmas is nearing because you can see the leaves of the trees are turning to gold and the wind is getting colder.
People are really anticipating autumn because its the start of counting down to Christmas, one of the most celebrated holidays every year.
Nice photos that you posted. You can really feel autumn is in the air. People are also anticipating soon that the snow will fall.
Kids and kids are heart are really excited to see trees which the leaves are changing color.
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