This is my 93rd post this year, a bit less than last year, but… (You can “see” them all on the illustration above.) This will be the last one this year (the coming days will be too busy for blogging), a good reason to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I had hoped for some nice snow photos when I was in Sweden a couple of days ago, but… So, instead I went out for some Paris pictures with hopefully some season feeling.
I headed for the traditional photo of the Galeries Lafayette Christmas tree. Seeing the crowd in front of and inside the department stores it’s difficult to imagine that we are experiencing a crisis. 

I ended up at the Louvre and went down under the Pyramid to listen to a free concert by the “Orchestre de Paris”, with the now 86 year old, still going very strong, Pierre Boulez as conductor. We were some 2500 people sitting on the floor listening to Arnold Schönberg and Bela Bartok. Ovations, bravos…!!
So, once more, enjoy Christmas and the couple of days until the end of 2011! See you in 2012!
belle mosaique pour tes voeux et paris merite bien son nom de ville lumiere.
Bonnes fetes de fin d'année
Joyeux Noel, Peter. God Jul.
What a wonderful selection - a great Christmas gift to all your readers. Merci beaucoup, Peter. I will be looking forward to visiting your blog often in 2012! Joyeuses Fetes! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Come to Poland and we will meet :-)
Happiest of holidays to you Peter ! May 2012 be rich in all things, especially in the continual discovery that it is evident you take delight in.
Brilliant post, as always. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a wonderful year ahead.
What a wonderful way to spend the evening! Thank you for your Christmas photos, Peter, and I wish you a very happy Christmas and all the very best in the New Year!
Place Vendôme, my favorite place in Paris! So beautiful!
Happy Holidays, Peter.
Merry Christmas Peter!!!
La crise... Quelle crise ?
Thank you for bringing Paris to me, when I can't be there myself.
I enjoy all your posts and thank you for doing such a huge job all year around.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Peter.
Joyous Noel - I love your collage of all your posts - the Nureyev mosaic is still my favorite - Happy New Year and hope to catch up with you in Paris in 2012
Merry Christmas to you and your family Peter. I'm impressed that even for your Christmas post you put in so much time and effort!
May your holiday be filled with joy and much laughter, Peter. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a lovely "Christmas card collage"! A very happy holiday season to you and your loved ones, Peter. God jul!
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and thank you for all your wonderful posts throughout the year.
What a wonderful collage card, Peter!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År!
What a gorgeous Christmas Present, Peter! Thanks for the wishes and I extended the same to you with the added hope that 2012 will give us the opportunity to meet more often and explore some of the city together!
Gott Nytt År!
Joyeux Noël, mon ami!
Ciao Peter, your photos are a wonderful magical world!
Merry christmas and happy new year!
Salut Petel! Merci pour le partage durant cette année 2011, pour ta bonne humeur et tes commentaires pertinents sur la blogosphère, pour ton amitié et ta gentillesse. Et on remet cela pour 2012, bien sûr!
Je t'embrasse bien fort.
Ovations and bravos to you, my friend, for all the light you share from the City of Light. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, Peter!
Wonderful Christmas captures from your magical city.
Merry Christmas Peter from across the miles.
Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas to you Peter.
Je te souhaite un JOYEUX NOEL peter
Hi Peter! Merry Christmas!!
Boulez for free is great for the crisis... ;)
Have a great holiday season!
God Jul med mycket lycka.
Joyeux Noël Peter and a very happy, healthy new year!(as well as your followers)
Just loved following you around Paris in these photos, dear Peter. I wish you a Happy Christmas and everything you wish for in 2012 - who knows it might include a trip to Menton - I hope! Bises Jilly xxx
Wonderful post, as always, Peter!
Paris is really a "Cidade das Luzes" ("City of the Lights")
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Christmas and a New Year full of peace, health and happiness!
Thanks for sharing with us all year long, those marvelous posts!
Dear Peter,
You always amaze me with your wonderful posts, this one is adorable!
Thanks so much for your friendship, your words and your always support.
This Christmas is very special because my son Gui is here with us .We are going to spend some days in Switzerland, doing tourism with Gui ( I hope to see some snow there! hehehehe)
Hugs to your sweet heart,
always great energies and a Happy New Year,
Thank you-- merci beaucoup-- Peter for these lovely photos. What a beautiful Christmas present! If I can't be there in person, at least I can look at your photos!
Bonne Année!
Belated Christmas greetings to you, Peter. I fear it got the best of me, and now I'm catching up on visiting. I couldn't have landed on a better spot, to see beloved Paris at Christmas as seen through your wonderful eye. I hope your holiday was lovely indeed and that 2012 will bring our visit to Paris and perhaps a walk with you! (We are looking at May, maybe June, though more expensive -- but before the tourists arrive en masse!)
Happy Boxing Day, then, and a happy new year, and I hope your Christmas was just what you wanted it to be!
Oh Peter, I can't imagine sitting under the pyramid listening to this orchestra. How marvelous. Thank you for sharing that with us!
I'll hope that maybe a few decorations will hang around for me in janvier. That said, they can pack up that rock n roll tree at GL the sooner the better! Whose idea was that!
Enjoy your blog holiday! Rest up.
La musique cela conserve et le blog aussi ?... 93 messages cette année ? Du coup j'ai compté, j'en ai publié 96.
Les lumières de Noël s’éteignent, la fête fut belle qu'elle fut paillettes ou intime. A présent place à l'amitié ! Bonne fin d'année Peter, et à plus tard...
Bravo pour ce dernier billet de l'année, tu finis en beauté ! Je n'ai finalement vu aucune illumination de Paris, nous avons passé Noel dans la maison de campagne de ma maman à 40 km de Paris et je n'ai pas mis les pieds en ville. Tant pis, ce sera pour une autre année et j'apprécie d'autant plus d'avoir pu voir Paris par tes yeux !
BIG MERCI for the glam photos of Paris!!
a delight as always
Thank you (always) for sharing your beautiful photos. May the new year bring you good health & a handful of happiness!! :) Much love... Alina Abas
Happy New Year! Urte Berri On! (Basque language)
Definitely Paris is a christmas city...
Happy New Year 2012!
Thanks for all your posts which inspire me during my trips to Paris! Gott Nytt år 2012!
Your photos, as usual, are wonderful, Peter! Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2012 be full of happiness and good health, good food, good fun, and many more of your lovely photos and blog posts. I would love to visit Paris again soon.... maybe 2012, maybe 2013! Be happy, and always keep that smile on your face!
How wonderful to see the illuminations of Paris at Christmas. You take such marvellous photos. Hope you passed a great Christmas en famille and dare I hope that 2012 might bring you once again to Menton...?
With love,best wishes for 2012 and a big hug to you, dear Peter xxx
Happy new year !
What a Blast embracing the new year Peter...Here's wishing you a blessed New Year 2012 :D
Bonne année 2012 dans la ville lumière !
Bonsoir ces photos sont toutes aussi belles les unes que les autres
Merci pour ce partage bonne soirée
ET Bonne Année
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