Saturday I found a large group assembled on Place Pigalle…
The new
French government has proposed to introduce similar laws as applied in Sweden
since some ten years, followed by a few other countries – trying to ban or
diminish prostitution by punishing the clients rather than the prostitutes.
What I saw
was a demonstration against this proposition, organized by some “sex workers syndicates”. They claim “rights” rather than repression and penalization. I recognized the
(university educated) young lady appearing in front of the “Syndicat du Travail
Sexuel” (Sexwork Syndicate) banner from different television interviews lately.
News media
were of course present and the demonstrators could express their opinions as well
by slogans as by interviews.
After the more
or less rainy meeting, the crowd marched (I suppose) in the direction of Place de la
un long débat, en effet ils veulent prendre en exemple sur la Suede, ou il parait que le resultat n'est pas si bon que ca
"...punishing the clients rather than the prostitutes"...
They do that too in the US, they even set up operations to arrest people...
Thks for the news!
I'm not sure how I feel about this. There are so many variables.
Moi, je dirais que c'est un sujet qui ne m'interpelle pas de trop. Comme il paraît que c'est le plus vieux métier du monde, je pense qu'il ne disparaîtra pas, même si répression il y a. Comme dit mon Chéri, ils ont qu'à ré-ouvrir les maisons closes pour ne pas dire autre chose.
Figure toi que j'avais montré une ancienne maison close située près de la gare de Boissy-l'Aillerie, transformée en restaurant. Depuis que j'y suis allée déjeuner (en famille), elle a fermé définitivement pour raison de sécurité car elle penche de + en + pour cause de sol mouvant.
Interesting subject and nice photos. It seems like there were as many members of the press present as demonstrators!
Very interesting photos. But why is the government trying to change the legislation?
Diminish prostitution?
Ban prostitution?
Are you sure the new French
goverment is terrestrial?
Great post, Peter!
Surprising that given the ancient history of the profession that such questions weren't resolved long, long ago. Like other subjects, to criminalize simply creates a black market. No easy answers.
As I was posing my remarks, thankfully Owen answered pour moi! In the U.S., we have much bigger issues, not that we address them.
protests seems to common around there, same here though, but as long as it's not violent...
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