
I want to go back...

So, again, we were lucky to find a fabulous villa for our annual holidays, kids and grandkids, all together. We stayed in a little village, Sant’ Agata sui due Golfi. The house was excellent and we got perfect service. If you wish, I would with pleasure give the address to the agency. (I have no commission. :-) )  From my sleeping room terrace, I had a nice view of Capri!

In the village you will also find one of Italy’s best restaurants, “Don Alfonso”, a fantastic experience - I probably had my best meal ever! (Again, I have no commission. :-) )

Here are some pictures from the Sorrento Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast…, including from the village Amalfi. I have the feeling that I never managed to take the “perfect photo”. The best views are often when you are on the road and the roads are narrow, with no chance to stop and park… Anyhow, you have to believe me. It’s really beautiful all over!


Olivier said...

de superbes paysages

Anonymous said...

Vir 'o mare quant’è bello,

Ispira tantu sentimento...

Naturalmente si torna a Surriento!


Virginia said...

I believe you Peter. Oh my, that looks amazing. Funny, I just had prosecco with a friend here in B'ham this week, that goes to Italy twice a year and does cooking etc. They were in Positano this year and as I follow that daily blog, I knew all about it. She said it was as beautiful as you described. I"m so glad you and your family found yet another fabulous holiday spot. Now I want to go too!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Hah ! I see you chose one of the best part of South Italy. as Italian, my compliments !

Amanda said...

Absolutely stunning! I want to go too!

worldofdiamond said...

I liked all the pictures. You are lucky :)

Cezar and Léia said...

The church is magnificent!Your pictures are fabulous, I want to visit there someday!

Dédé said...

Un petit air de vacances chez toi, bienvenue pour les gens qui comme moi continuent vaillamment de bosser dans la canicule.

Thérèse said...

Si on en croit les vues que tu nous présentes rien à redire. Seulement une envie de te suivre à la trace... :-)

Daryl said...

ahhhh .. you want to go back, i would love to just go there

hpy said...

Il n'y a pas que Dédé qui bosse dans la canicule - pour qui elle se prend, celle-là?

Bon retour!

Jeanie said...

Well, if none of those aren't the perfect photo, then it must be all the more beautiful -- and it looks pretty amazing. I love all that blue -- I just want to jump into every single one of your photos! Yes, I can see why you want to go back. And I have a sneaking suspicion you will!

Starman said...

Of course, we believe you....and you've got these great photos to prove it!!

claude said...

Je comprends que tu veuilles y retourner. Purée, c'est super beau par là-bas !

claude said...

Moi, avant d'aller si bas en Italie, je voudrais déjà visiter Rome, j'ai déjà trouver mon guide.

Synne said...

No wonder you want to go back - this looks and sounds delightful!

Cergie said...

Cela a dû en effet être fabuleux mais sans doute aussi assez caniculaire et moite à la fois < la mer tout alentours...

Shionge said...

I want to go too...in fact I want to go back to Italy too. You took great pictures Peter :D

M said...

Absolutely stunning! What a pity you had such a terrible view from your room!! :) We didn't get that far south on our trip to Italy ... After seeing these photos, it is a MUST visit on my list! Welcome home!

melinda said...

my friend in VA goes to Italy often & rents various places, she would love this, could you send me the details, please?