
Tuileries Garden - awaiting spring

My shortest post so far. (A combination of a PC problem and a flu.) 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo!
I'm so glad those trees are waiting for spring.....
Get well soon, Peter.

Julie said...

Good heavens, yes! However, brevity is the soul of wit.

Nice shades of grey, although even this useful photographic expression, has been commandeered of late by 'the dark side' ...

e said...

Lovely photo...Feel better soon.

Virginia said...

Peter, did it take the flu to persuade you to do this in black and white? I love this so much as it reminds me of my first trip to Paris with Melissa and Eva. The bare, pollarded trees caught my eye. Now I look for them always.

Hope you feel better soon.

Gunn said...

Vakkert i s/h.

Fantastiske trær!

God bedring til deg som sliter med forkjølelse og influensa!

Betty Carlson said...

But a beautiful post! It really captures the dull, end-of-winter feeling that is February.

Alain said...

L'élagueur était sans doute un ancien coiffeur de l'armée.

PeterParis said...

Virginia: Thanks, but it's not a B&W picture. Don't you see the colours? :-)

claude said...

Je suis comme les arbres du jardin de Tuileries, j'attends le printemps.
Soigne bien ton PC et toi-même !
J'aime bien le com d'Alain.

Jeanie said...

Oh Peter -- had the flu in December and it was terrible. I hope your case is short and that you're feeling better soon. The same goes for your computer!

Anonymous said...

Winter's beauty - Thank you for posting in spite of not feeling well. Take care.

Christine said...

Hope you're taking plenty of Honey and Lemon!!
The gardens are not the only ones waiting for Summer .... really miserable weather here.....
Hope your PC's better soon and yourself back to exploring the City.
Take care and stay warm

Alexa said...

It's a great shot, Peter—so evocative. And I hope you and the machine are both up and running very soon.

Harriet said...

Hope you'll soon be feeling better! Try zinc lozenges.

Lois said...

It does look quite different from when I was there last summer!