You're a busy guy. We're always happy to see your photographs! I think I was at your elbow, or maybe lagging behind your elbow, on the top photo! Such a beautiful day that was. Paris is beautiful in autumn.
My previous blog, PHO, was in operation for a year, beginning in March 2007. It contains similar posts as this one, basically talking about different well known or more secrete sites in Paris. You can reach it by clicking HERE.
Si vous cherchez quelqu'un à Paris qui ouvre des portes, normalement fermées, et qui sait tout sur l’histoire de Paris, vous pouvez contacter Marc Soléranski, conférencier national, historien, tel. 01 42 78 14 96.
If you look for someone in Paris who can open doors which normally may be closed, who knows everything about the history of Paris, you can contact Marc Soléranski, lecturer and historian, phone +33 1 42 78 14 96.
You needn't write anything more than this to have a perfectly gorgeous post. Paris in autumn. Splendid!
These pictures bring me hope. Thank you !
The autumn colours are always gorgeous, no matter where they are.
You're a busy guy. We're always happy to see your photographs! I think I was at your elbow, or maybe lagging behind your elbow, on the top photo! Such a beautiful day that was. Paris is beautiful in autumn.
I ask myself if your little garden would have the same colors as those leaves.
Superb photos! Thanks, Peter.
No words necessary, Peter - gorgeous colours!!!
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