

Before closing for Christmas and New Year, just some photos from Paloma’s (my granddaughter) last dancing lesson of the year. Parents (and grandfathers) were invited to see what the group had learnt during the autumn.


krystyna said...

Very Pretty is your lovely Ballerina!
And great photo from great grandpa.
Thank you for sharing!

Best wishes to Paloma!

Michelle said...

She is darling! I be you are so proud of her. It looks like she really enjoys dancing.

Marie-Noyale said...

From the look she has towards you on some picture I can see that she must have been very happy her grandfather was there watching her!
They are so cute and "Pretty in Pink"

Shionge said...

Oh Gosh...they are all so pretty, cute & absolutely adorable :)

Thanks for sharing this moment with us, truly appreciate it.

alice said...

Les plus fiers n'étaient peut-être pas les danseurs...Je crois que Paloma a beaucoup grandi depuis la dernière fois que nous l'avions vue par ici?

Mona said...

The prettiest little dancer I ever saw!! (HUGS)

Karen said...

How sweet and lovely. Little girls are so cute at that age and take their dancing very seriously.

claude said...

Cela me rappelle les cours de dans à l'école et après dans le passage des Panoramas. Nous étions en bleu. Une petite tunique en tissu saztiné en bleu clair avec une belle ceinture en velours bleu marine, avec un pointe en haut et une en bas sur le ventre. Que de souvenirs ! Elle est toute mognonne ta petite fille.

Anonymous said...

Oh she's grown up now !!

And very conscious too. *smile*

Thérèse said...

On peut même apercevoir le petit clin d'oeil au papi... adorable!N'ayant que des garçons autour de moi (pour le moment) je fonds toujours devant les filles des autres...
Bonnes fêtes Peter!

Virginia said...

Oh what a treat to finally see your precious Paloma! Thank you for sharing her obviously very special talent as a petite ballerina. Since you are responsible for taking her to her lessons each week maybe Grand-pere needs to take a deep bow as well!

Anonymous said...

Very cute, all those little girls in pink. And Paloma is the prettiest of all.

PeterParis said...

Thanks all for your kind comments. I will transmit to Paloma (should I?)!

Kate said...

Good morning, Peter (early afternoon for you, tho), I have been surfing your posts that I have missed the last several days, and, altho, many are spectacular, my favorite of course is this one. It demonstates the loveliness of childhood innocence and the natural beauty they all possess. Lucky girls to have these wonderful opportunities. My favorite child naturally is Paloma! She is very lovely, and how proud granddad must be. The world is made for grandparents and grandkids!!

PeterParis said...

Thanks for these late but very welcome and nice comments!

Anonymous said...

Bottom row, extreme right photo: M. Degas would be so proud of that pose of your Paloma. She's beautiful and by the way she looks at the camera, it's obvious that she has a great connection with you. Brava, Paloma! Bravo, Peter! Maria O. Russell