I have done such large posts recently that I believe I have the right to make an easy one. It’s time for the mid-month theme “subways” which I share with bloggers from NYC, Budapest and Stockholm.
This time, I didn’t even have to take a photo – Virginia, who together with her friend Karen recently made the trip from Alabama to Paris, volunteered to replace me! Sincere thanks!! Virginia has now also a specific blog for her amazing pictures from Paris - "Paris through my lens"!
This photo, thus by Virginia, was taken at the Concorde metro station (line 12), where almost each tile has a letter. If you start reading, you will be able to read the Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen - the French Revolution documented version of Human Rights, Bill of Rights.... This may remind us that December 10 was the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
You can find today’s and some related posts by using the following links:
New York City Daily Blog - Stockholm by pixels - Budapest by Andrea Gerak – Peter’s Paris
(You can also find some other related posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)
This time, I didn’t even have to take a photo – Virginia, who together with her friend Karen recently made the trip from Alabama to Paris, volunteered to replace me! Sincere thanks!! Virginia has now also a specific blog for her amazing pictures from Paris - "Paris through my lens"!
This photo, thus by Virginia, was taken at the Concorde metro station (line 12), where almost each tile has a letter. If you start reading, you will be able to read the Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen - the French Revolution documented version of Human Rights, Bill of Rights.... This may remind us that December 10 was the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
You can find today’s and some related posts by using the following links:
New York City Daily Blog - Stockholm by pixels - Budapest by Andrea Gerak – Peter’s Paris
(You can also find some other related posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)
Well done, Virginia.
Happy subway day !
That's quite a nice photo. Well done , Virginia.
And Peter, yes you should relax in between. :)
Il y a de quoi faire des posts pendant je ne sais combien de temps sur toutes les stations de métro (au fait, combien il y en a dans Paris? tu t'es sûrement déjà posé la question.)
Peter - No worries to let Virginia "fill in" for a moment for you. Great work you each do on your posts! Love visiting - you do an incredible job. Keep up the wonderful sharing - I - for one am loving it.
Ah,a good memory (and another less good too...)!
belle photo, tu l'as prise au bon moment, bien trouve l'affiche et le couple.
Ce n'est pas mal comme concept dans ces temps de crise - une seule photo, au lieu de trente-sept.
Le commentaire de la dame du Nord m'a bien fait rire. :-)))
Moi je trouve que pour limiter encore plus les choses, on ne devrait pas mettre de photos, pas de texte, juste un titre.
Ce serait un style tout à fait épuré.
Bon, trêve de plaisanterie, la photo ma plaît beaucoup mais il faudra dire à la dame que mâchouiller son crayon, ce n'est vraiment pas des manières. :-)
bonne journée et bises
There's something special with this photo! It's such a so good composition!
cher Peter, être photographe c'est aussi participé, car l'après midi j'ai pris + de 200 photos d'enfants (et adultes) avec le père noël, et c'est du boulot ;o)) a en avoir une indigestion de père noël (et d'enfants) pendant + de 100 ans ;o))
ooooh nice shots from the subway/Metro Peter,
You did your very best already by showiung the VENICE, with that pretty collages, now take your rest :)
Answer on your comment on my blog: No I was.nt (or I am not only) posting for sky-watch but this sky was so pretty...
This coming week I post 3 more post, WATCH today Monday,and tomorrow TUESDAY , the last post on THURSDAY , and than.....
...than a break for Christmas.... we are leaving for a holiday at the end of the week.
Greetings from JoAnn's D Eyes /Holland
At last! A black and white photo on Peters blog!
I like Virginia's photo very much. Such a nice metro station.
I try to remember this station by this lovely romantic shot. My other memory of this station is not so pleasant. Virginia took this photo the day after the pickpocket hit and I was very cautious as she snapped away. Looking at everyone with a new eye.
Hope you have a nice holiday season.
Ha, it's only partially BW! I tried to put up the BW version of this one and Peter liked the color better. Actaully, I think he's right because you see the blue of lettering.
Karen, actually didn't I take this just minutes before you got your wallet lifted? Sorry , I know this station has bad memories for you!
Excellent photo -- love the colors and the context.
It seems that Ming and Andrea have forgotten about today's subway post! Maybe later today? :-))
As you say!
I have a nice relaxing day! ... especially yesterday, having nothing to prepare!
297! Trois postes / semaine... j'ai pour deux ans!
This may the beginning of a regular collaboration! ?
It seems that Karin's wallet has been found. What's in it is another question.
Ce n'est pas moi, c'est Virginia!
Ce n'est pas bien de se moquer des gens! :-))
No seulement HPY e moque de moi; tu ajoute en riant!! Tu as une proposition pour le titre d'un post sans texte et photo? "Post"?
Bises! :-)
Per F:
The "Virginia touch"!
Dur, dur le travail de photographe!
I have some very calm days!
You dream b&w! The colours are there, of course! :-)
Yes, some metro stations are nicer than others!
Karen D:
Happy that you have not only bad memories of this station!
Always defending the colours!
Excellent indeed! ... and where is yours? :-)
I agree with Virginia, it was just before our delightful meeting with these girls who wanted to see what we keep in our handbags...Sorry again Karen.
For all you "Peter Groupies" I will be returning the favor on Friday on my Paris blog. Peter will be my guest blogger and in living color of course. Richard, what would happen if I desaturated them before I posted? Oh nevermind, I wouldn't do such a thing! :)
Virginia and Peter: good job on a bicolor picture!
I think you two had a Wonderful idea! I like this "guest host for one day".
We should think about it..
Bravo Virginia,this shot is perfect!
And Peter, you are right, you deserve a small rest after those long posts.
Peter - he he - I think the one on the wall is completely black and white!
Peter Groupies...? Gee, I must have missed something essential in blogging. Why don't I ever meet any of those? ;)
Girls are nice, but obviouusly there are sme exceptions!
Don't dare to transform them to b&w!! :-))
It's Virginia's job!
Glad you appreciate! Any idea about further changes?
Photo taken by one of your friends? :-)
Per S:
Yes, I'm afraid you may have missed something! :-)
It's nice to take a break. Expecially after all the beautiful pictures you have been posting on your trip. Hope all is well.
That Virginia gets everywhere these days, now she's muscling in n the photography, and good photography too! Tell madame she has nailed it. I'm putting her in the sin bin now for being too good now. I'm a professional Dahlink and times are hard for poor penniless photographers without talented amateurs raising the bar.
Madame, no need to worry about moi! I am most penniless as you know. Maybe this next trip to Paris I hope I will need the "SIN BIN" ha
Merci for following me to Peter's Paris!
Per, Oh there are groupies I can assure you. Pay attention mo ami!
Marie-Noyale, It's the least I could do for his wonderful Tours by Peter! Didn't we have fun! How about meeting us in June????
Oliver, I am flattered you thought it Peter's.
What a coup - that you two are collaborating...mixing Virginia's artistic eye with Peter's attention to detail is a combination that I can really admire - here's to more collaboration and plus de chamapagne!!!
I think I can speak for Peter on this one. Champagne is always appreciated. Peter what do you say? Mary if you can fly over this summer we will all share some together!
Merci to Peter, and my new and old friends for making me feel so welcome here today. Please stop by on Friday and see Peter's photos on my blog!
Peter - it's a wonderful collaboration on a regular - or irregular - basis! The "best of both worlds" for us visitors - oops, sorry - "groupies" that is. Looking forward to Friday!
Merci pour l'info, j'ai encore appris de toi sur le métro parisien.
Paris est une ville inépuisable pour les photos, voilà pourquoi tout le monde l'aime!Et c'est formidable de la redécouvrir avec d'autres yeux, avant je n'y faisais même pas attention...
Hah, didn't know we have the midmonth theme, looks cool, Peter, Nice job!
Everything is fine thanks, especially after all these nice visits I get to my blog .... without any efforts!
I can see that Virginia (below) has defended herself! :-)
Wonderful, not only you make my posts, you also take care of the commenting! :-))
More collaboration, more champagne... with pleasure!
Good, you made "my" right comments again!
Welcome among the "groupies"! :-))
Moi non plus, c'est l'esprit bloggueur!
There are many "themes" around. This is the only one I'm following. I understand that you at present building your metro in Hangzhou. Maybe you can join the theme (later?)?
Un seul post pour deux sujets. Bravo Peter !
Magnifique collaboration avec Virginia pour ce message. La photo est splendide ; mais Paris et ses stations, dont tu es le plus charmants des guides (new) retired Swede, aussi !
... ou deux bloggeurs pour un sujet? :-)
Tu veux collaborer un autre mois?
Brilliant subway shot! Congratulations, Virginia and Peter too for the wonderful post.
Peter, what can i say. I just got so comfortable over here reading all the nice comments, I just jumped right in and took over!! ha Well you said you wanted a break, so I gave you one! Thanks for being a great host.
Thanks for passing by again!
You are welcome! It was your post! Thanks!
Fantastic photo! Glad I popped over.
Fantastic picture!
Congratulations to Virginia
Greetings! I followed Virginia's (Birmingham Daily Photo) direction to visit here. Excellent photos! We visited Paris this past April, really enjoyed the city. I was fascinated by the Metro. thank you, now I know what this Metro station was about; I wondered about the lettered tiles.
I'm also happy that you popped over!
Dusty Lens:
I also learnt this recently, so now we both know!
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