
Mid-month theme - subways. Urban art again!

In some of my recent posts I have talked about “urban art”, “street art”, “graffiti”) ... (see post 1, post 2). I referred to a special event taking place past weekend including visits to artist studios, organised by the “Lézarts de Bièvre” and that each year an “urban artist” is in particular honour. This year they are actually two, working together, “JanaundJS” (see their site here). I met them last Saturday at the bar “Chez Fernando”, Rue Arbalète, which I revisited – with pleasure! I really got the confirmation that this bar is a central meeting point for the “street art” artists in Paris!
Jana and JS (the young couple top left on the collage) had some of their works for sales, including the above metro picture, which (I bought and which) gave me the link to the mid-month theme - subways.
The night before I walked by the bar late evening, when the shutters were closed, and I could take a picture of the total outdoors decoration, obviously shared by “Artiste-Ouvrier”, but also by “JanaundJS” and several other famous “urban artists”.
I cannot avoid showing you some additional samples of what you find around Rue Arbalète and the crossing more famous Rue Mouffetard. Under the label “graffiti” you can find even more examples, also by other artists.
The subway theme is shared by bloggers from New York, Stockholm, London, Budapest and Sydney. You can find today’s and related posts by using the following links:
(You can also find some other related older posts on my previous blog via this link: PHO.)


stromsjo said...

Now those are some colourful expressions. We'll continue along the art track as well today.

Happy subway day !

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello Peter!
A great collection of beautiful graffiti shots!
Sometimes I get myself thinking how you manage these wonderful posts!I see you like an investigative reporter who is always searching by new and amazing details to enrich your stories!
Many thanks dear Peter!

James said...

I love your photos and explanation. The artwork that you bought is really nice.
I'm sure I would enjoy looking at the artwork displayed also the graffiti.

Catherine said...

This type of street art seems to be taking off all over the world right now and is becoming gallerified too...should it be displayed in a gallery?? what do you think??

Julie said...

This is a wonderful post, Peter. The art work is so atmospheric. In response to the last comment, by Catherine: I think this should stay out on the streets from whence it came and where it will have the most impact.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! This is superb! Isnt it amazing to see such wonderful works of art?

Great that you showcased it so well!

Olivier said...

une superbe découverte cet artiste, c'est magnifique ces créations. J'aime beaucoup les dessins en forme de Polaroïd. merci de nous avoir fait faire un tour dans son monde.

SusuPetal said...

Interesting art, I like them. Cool.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Ah, magnifique, ta photo pour le thème du jour. Décidément, tu te débrouilles pour être bien créatif à chaque fois.

J'adore l'art urbain, ce post me comble. Et j'aime beaucoup ta nouvelle photo d'identité. Prise par Richard en noir et blanc ?

Adam said...

Very interesting your choice of image for this theme. Interesting too that these 'street artists' should create a print and sell it! It does seem that the distinction between the street and the gallery is narrowing but I'm not sure if that is a good thing. That's not a judgement on the art itself, but more on the spirit of the art.

hpy said...

Le tigre est magnifique! (J'ai un faible pour les félins, je crois.)

Mo said...

What a cool place. Definitely must go there.

Catherine said...

Le type de dessins qui attire l'oeil. On se prend au jeu de la chasse aux grafitti dans ce quartier. On y trouve aussi des Space Invaders.

Virginia said...

Oui! These do look familiar. I was hanging over your shoulder watching you take most of these but some of them are new to me as well. You have captured so many! Of course I love the bar on with the painted front. We walked that street many times a day. I laughed at your photo of the "good ole boys" at the bar. I think they were there the day we had a sip. Are these the first of your "100 French Strangers" Peter?

alice said...

Tu commences à en avoir une belle collection!

Lara said...

we were just discussing today that in Bucharest they didn't manage to get to the "real" urban form of art, remaining to rather depreciative and lame drawings. what you have here it's fantastic!

krystyna said...

Absolutely interesting!
Thanks, thanks Peter!

Have a wonderful week!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Great theme, Peter. What an amazing lot of grafittis!

I am glad you like my return to Leaves of Grass. You are always welcome to my "house".
Have a nice week ahead.

Shionge said...

Very creative & artistic...I often wonder where they get their inspiration :D

Anonymous said...

Vive l'art (or how you put it in French)!

Andrea Gerák said...

Wow Peter, this is sooo much Paris! And such wonderful art! I am normally not a big fan of graffiti (because the guy kind of enforces his work onto the viewers, but these are beautiful!

Cheryl said...

That cafe sounds fascinating! I'll have to add it to my must visit while in Paris list. along with all that wonderful street art!

Bettina said...

Urban artists are just the right expression - because they really are artists. I think grafitti has a more negative tone and make you think of vandalism, but this is really art and gives so much to the city.

I love the picture you bought, Peter. It seems very different from their street art.
Thank you for going back and sharing this with us.

Bettina said...

BTW;Virginia & Peter you are so lucky to be able to spend photo-time together in Paris. It sounds as if you are having a great time - enjoy ;-)

Unseen India Tours said...

Wow these are some really fantastic captures !! I really loved all of them...Great One..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

Zhang Chunhong said...

Tu as une manière spéciale de rendre une vie à tes photos. La mise en page est admirable, au moins pour moi. Il faut que je te prenne comme prof.

Blind Fly Theater said...

Why can't I capture beautiful urban art like this!? Probably because we don't have the Paris community mentality here...
Oh well...
Thanks for the beauty, Peter...

Starman said...

The métro picture looks like a painting.

Unknown said...

Great post! A fantastic collection of fine street art.

I've never travelled on a cargo vessel but I surely prefer that to a cruise ship... I hate mass tourism! :-)

PeterParis said...

I got this kind message from Jana and JS:
Pas de bêtise, et merci de nous dédier un article sur votre blog.
Nous ne manquerons pas de le re-visiter.
Une petite précision néanmoins, les volets de Fernando ont été peints effectivement par Artiste-ouvrier et nous, les autres étant Marybel (qui est dans le collectif WCA avec Artiste-ouvrier et nous) de Dash3ultra (qui vient de Hambourg et appartient au collectif ASA fondé par Artiste-ouvrier).
Merci encore,
Bien cordialement,

Jana et Js"

PeterParis said...

Art is important! :-)

Thanks! I do my best! :-)

You should say thanks to the artists! :-)

PeterParis said...

It has already taken this direction and I believe it's quite normal. In some cases, I suppose that this is the way for the artists to get known. It can lead to official street decorations, but of course also to expositions in galleries etc...

In some cases I believe that the art exposed in the streets also fits elsewhere. The style can be recognised, the format may be different...

Thanks! :-)

PeterParis said...

Ils sont deux, travaillent en couple, Jana et JS. :-)

Good! :-)

Bien! La photo est de Virginia. Elle aussi aime le n&b! :-)

PeterParis said...

As I said above, I believe that this is normal; these artists may not wish to stay as more or less authorised urban artists for ever? :-)

Je ne suis pas étonné! :-)

The street and the bar have a lot of charm! :-)

PeterParis said...

Il faudrait sans doute aussi faire un post sur les Space Invaders! :-)

I guess they were there, but the photo was taken the following day! :-)

... et toutes le photos que j'ai en réserve! :-)

PeterParis said...

NYC and Paris may be leading? :-)

Thanks, thanks ... and the same to you! :-)

Yes, I was happy to find it again! .. at last! :-)

PeterParis said...

I forgot to ask! :-)

Peter F:
Good! Correct! :-)

It's the question of what and where! :-)

PeterParis said...

Would be happy to join you! :-)

Urban art, street art, graffiti... but no tags? :-)

Bettina bis:
Always nice to meet other bloggers, including Virginia of course! :-)

PeterParis said...

Unseen R:
I will check the "unseen R"! :-)

Je serai ton prof avec plaisir! :-)

Maybe in NYC, SF...? :-)

PeterParis said...

It's some kind of painting! :-)

What about the urban art in Lisbon? :-)

Parisbreakfasts said...

What a fun day that must have been!
Very invigorating efforts. I'd have loved to see it.
Your new profile pic is terrific!

Antoine said...

Superb photos with an excellent framing. Great work. I like it. Antoine.