I started to clean up my photo files and discovered a few things that I should perhaps show you... in a complete disorder.
The top picture is showing a small corner of the Pantheon (see previous post) and the Saint-Etienne-du-Mont church (see previous post)... and of course, the moon. Together with Karen from Florida (Kissimmee DP and Collage Maven’s Haven) - we were on our way to enjoy the “Nuit Blanche” (see previous post).
A long time ago I promised Terrie (Feasting with pixels), living close to Chicago, with strong Paris attachments and an excellent guide especially for good eating, to take some photos of Square-du-Cardinal-Wyszynski, Paris 14. The famous cardinal was a relative of hers! The square is just in front of the interesting church Notre-Dame-du-Travail (see previous post). I tried a few times, never felt I could get the pictures I wanted, but anyhow, here are a few examples.

I thought that our NYC macaroon expert, Carol (ParisBreakfasts) may have missed this patisserie with the inscription “Bourbonneux – ses macarons”, to be found rue Monge, Paris 5? ... and I’m also rather sure that these flower shops are in her taste, one in the Belleville area (see previous posts). The other one is “my” flower shop, in the Batignolles area (see previous posts).

Serge Gainsbourg, famous songwriter and singer, Gauloise smoker, closely “related” to Brigitte Bardot, Jane Birkin, Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Adjani..., died in 1991, but the wall in front of the house where he lived, rue de Verneuil, Paris 7, is still covered by graffiti. Also the decoration of his grave at the Montparnasse cemetery (see previous post) is a bit surprising.

To park in Paris requires sometimes some difficult exercise. Better avoid Hummers.
This may look as if some old foundations have been kept when this house, rue Pierre Nicole, Paris 14, was built in 1979. It seems however that it was all just added as a decoration.

Oscar Wilde died here, Hotel d’Alsace, rue des Beaux-Arts, Paris 6. His grave is at the Père-Lachaise cemetery (see previous post).

Well, I may have to continue the “cleaning” another day!
what a wonderful pot-pourri of Paris in this post...I love that Gainsbourg graffiti wall..
Tu aurais du mettre des numéros pour voter...
Les macarons Bourbonneux ont vraiment retenu mon attention.
How surprised I was when I saw Gainsbourg's house for the first time. And you captured the "Parisian touch" with the cars! Another surprise for these eyes from the USA.
Was this Hummer advertising Calvin Klein? I saw a similar one 2 years ago. lol.
These photos brought back many nice memories. A good start to my week. Thank you, Peter.
Disorder is a delight for our eyes. I especially liked the top photo, the graffitis and that narrow parking photo.
Have a nice week, Peter!
There is an orderly delight in your disorder. :-)
I liked the parking photos, it tells us to go for cycling, the environment friendly way.
Superb! Loved these pictures! The graffiti looks amazing!
And as far as parking goes - I realize its not just India that faces woes! :)
Tu fais tes fonds de tiroir !
Rue Monge, ce n'est pas loin des arènes de Lutèce, mais je ne sais pas si ton pan de mur date vraiment de Jules César. La station de métro, aussi, est originale
Moi, j'aime bien quand tu fais le ménage!
Well thank you for cleaning up and showing your disorder.
The top photo is so lovely. I think the Saint-Etienne-du-Mont church is where Ernest and Hadley Hemingway had John christened.
Parking is a big problem. (I'll stay at the countriside...)
St Etienne du Mont et le Panthéon sont sans doute tout ce qui a à sauver dans ce coin si déprimant (hormis le jardin du Luxembourg en face)
Les macarons ce sont les soeurs du même nom à Nancy et personne d'autre ! (J'ai travaillé lors de mes études rue des soeurs Macarons)
Gainsbourg, Wilde passons, deux cimetières différents et des tombes plus recherchées que celle de Maupassant, Vercors ou Apollinaire et Pierre Bourdieu
Et le parking ! nous en avons bavé et sommes garés tout au coin de la rue d'Etienne dans le 11éme samedi, mais ce n'était rien / les embouteillages d'avant et d'après match et les détours du coté du Grande Stade de France.
(Les petits squares se ressemblent tous...)
You should "clean" more often. I love the house at rue Pierre Nicole.
Moi, j'aime bien ce désordre.....
Il y en a pour tous les goûts; C'est parfait.
Insolite le mur de Gainsbourg dans cette rue. Qui l'aurait cru ?
C'est aussi en désordre que ma maison!!!Depuis 8 jours maman est hospitalisée, j'ai du temps pour moi le matin, mais je tourne en rond, il faut que je me secoue.bises.
I can't believe the parking. Wow. It will take a miracle to get that little red car out.
Patty has her 73rd birthday today. My wife for the past 54 years has a blog. If you have time, take a look and say hi. Old Lady Lincoln
Greetings from Lahti this time! A plenty of leaves are still in trees here and many also fallen down.
Cleaning photos is very demanding thing almost as difficult as cleaning old things away home :)
My time is still occupied by children`s families, our sixth grandchild will be born any day now.
I wish you all the best, Peter!
Si tu vides les fonds de titois les prochaine photos pourront s'y garer plus facilement ;-)
Hello dear Peter,
wow this first picture is magnificent!What a perfect artwork, so romantic scenery , with a lovely and nostalgic touch!
Yesterday I studied about the French artist "Robert Doisneau"and his photography artwork, I'm enchanted by his art, in fact I almost cried seeing those beautiful slides.
Is there here some post about him? I mean some post that could show something about Robert Doisneau, or that you mentioned , I don't know how to search it in your labels.
Your pictures are excellent!I enjoy a lot this post, many thanks dear friend.
Beautiful and interesting post: I love the disorder if that's the result!
I like to see the parking limit and
the iscriptions color but my photo favorited is the first, a rose, very romantic detail: gorgeous!
But that's an old sign over Eric Kayser patisserie..still it's true I never saw it.
You catch so many things Peter that I miss in my tearing around.
Hi Peter!
I love the cleaning up, you have unearthed some great photographic treasures! I saw some parking like that when I was in Paris, I don't think I would like to drive there. Even if I had one of those tiny Smartcars, I'd still be unable to park like that!
Love the cleaning up of your files and your "complete desorder" are great!
The top photo is stunning and love your tour too!
Thanks for sharing those pictures and the links.
I wonder if it will stay for ever? :-)
Alors, c'est le no. 1 pour toi? :-)
From Cali:
This Hummer was neutral. There a few - very few - around in Paris. :-)
You sure do get around Peter ! Incredible what you've been collecting in your drawers (desk drawers I mean !)...
But it might have been good to explain to your foreign readers who haven't necessarily been to Paris, that most cars in Paris now have a special button on the dashboard for parking situations like these; when pressed it turns the four wheels of the car 90° so that you can roll straight sideways right out of, or into such parking spots... and parisians never mind a few scratches on their bumpers
So, glad you liked most of it! :-)
Walking, biking, going metro (or like me, also using a small electric motor bike) are better solutions! :-)
There are many places with too many cars for comfortable driving! :-)
. J'adore les mélange Peter!!! A good archives cleaning (dumpster diving I call it) is good for the soul. I'm LOL at the cars. That's what I call the "French Kiss" you know, when they are bumper to bumper. :)
And seeing Serge's abode was a good memory as well. I don't mind the graffiti there at all for some reason!
La station de métro? Il faut que je regarde mieux mes photos! :-)
Il faudrait aussi que je m'en occupe de ma maison! :-)
I believe you are right; they lived just round the corner with John as a young child! (See also my post tomorrow.) :-)
Well, you have to learn to push a little bit! :-)
Je sens quelques notes négatives? Bien venue t'installer à Paris! :-)
I have certainly some more cleaning to do, just have to find the time! :-)
J'ai essayé de faire un peu d'ordre dans le désordre! :-)
Secoue-toi... doucement! :-)
In Paris we just push a bit forward, a bit backwards... normally it works! :-)
Nice to see you around again, but priority to family! :-)
Tu as raison! Alors, je dois continuer! :-)
No, I haven't made anything about him ... at least yet! Maybe one day? :-)
This confirms then that I chose the right photo to put on the top! :-)
Maybe you look more on what's in the windows than on the decoration on top of them !:-)
I'm sure that with a little bit of training...! :-)
Happy if you are pleased! :-)
Good that you added this information! :-)
We may all have different definitions of "French Kiss"? :-)
I certainly don't want to replace the "real one"! Oh my , my, my ! ;)
Merci mille fois for the image of Square-du-Cardinal-Wyszynski...
My family will love to see this as my images were so bad...lol...
You are VERY kind to remember...bisous...
Happy that at last you got some pictures! :-)
I just love the first picture, the one with St Etienne Church! It is a special and beautiful church. It is very cosy and it lets you with a nice feeling after you visit it.
It's fascinating how we find photos that at the time we didn't use. You are so right to use these. You take my breath away with this 'feel' of Paris - the mix of everything one could imagine. The first photo is stunning but then so are the others.
Glad you found and know it! :-)
The Paris feeling you have it, or you don't... Of course after 35 years here...
Ok, we'll take everything you clean...
I guess more will follow one day! :-)
I posted on Bourbonneux ses macarons today!
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