
Seine bridges - more night shots

Referring to my post last Friday with night shots of Paris Seine bridges, I promised some more, weather permitting. The weather last weekend was excellent - full summer, so here are some more! These bridges are the ones linking Ile de la Cité and Ile Saint Louis with the right and left Seine banks (plus one between the two islands).

Some of these are among the oldest and perhaps the most romantic in Paris. Unfortunately for a night photographer, they are not all so well lit up, so in some cases I had to wait for some of the river cruising boats and their floodlighting to get some of my photos.

I concentrated a bit on the Pont Neuf (also the photo on the top), the oldest, early 17th century bridge, which fortunately is well lit up!

As said, it was a real summer night, and the banks were crowded with people, dining, singing...

For more details about these bridges, please refer to my previous daylight Paris Seine Bridges posts.

I wish you a nice weekend!


Eli said...

beautiful photos Peter - I adore the bridges at night but know how difficult it is to capture them

Jessica said...

Mm. Paris is beautiful at night. Eli's right--you've done a masterful job of capturing it.

Virginia said...

Magique! I do love the Pont Neuf and I especially like your shot of the tour boat going under the bridge. What a great capture! Summer nights along the Seine are some of my best memories. Thanks for the nice photos to remind me Peter!
BON WEEKEND to you as well.

Thérèse said...

Joli travail Peter. Mais tu passes tes nuits dehors si je comprends bien.

Olivier said...

ca y est, tu es devenu insomniaque toi aussi ;) quand on fait des photos la nuit, on devient vite accro, il va falloir créer une association pour se désintoxiquer. Tres belles photos, j'aime la nuit, et tu as la chance de vivre dans la ville lumiere

alice said...

Ahhh, le Pont Neuf! C'est décidément un très beau pont, de jour comme de nuit. Bon week end, Peter.

hpy said...

C'est une vraie promenade pour des amoureux que tu nous montres cette fois-ci. J'espère que tu étais accompagné pour faire ces photos.
Bon ouik'nd.

claude said...

Merci pour ce partage Peter ! Tu touches vraiment mon coeur de Parisienne.
Tu prends plaisir à faire toutes ces photos, ça se voit !

Cergie said...

A quoi mène la passion pour une ville ! Maintenant voilà c'est fait, tu couches avec elle sous les ponts...

SusuPetal said...

I've sailed The Seine with those river boats in the evening and it was just as beautiful as in your photos.

Have a nice weekend, Peter!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful post dear Peter! Congratulations!
Léia :)

Claudia said...

Ah! Thank you, Peter. Have a great weekend.

Claudia said...

P.S. - I hope you get some good night shots during tomorrow's Nuit Blanche... I never managed to.

arabesque said...

deja vu! ^0^ mais, still wonderful photos! oh, is the weather gettin cold in paris as early as october?

i didn't get a chance to comment on ur last post about anne of austria and the church, the interiors are just stunning!
esp. the baroque detailed altar.

arabesque said...

deja vu! ^0^ mais, still wonderful photos! oh, is the weather gettin cold in paris as early as october?

i didn't get a chance to comment on ur last post about anne of austria and the church, the interiors are just stunning!
esp. the baroque detailed altar.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Paris by night is delightful. I was treated to a wonderful picnic of the Seine when I was there, it was brilliant. I need to learn how to take photos at night! Thanks for sharing ;-)

rauf said...

Sheer delight Peter, 2010 calender of the city of Paris with these pictures would be wonderful.

Escapist said...

Night has charmed your pictures....


Mona said...

wow! those bridges look awesome by night! Great pictures!

Starman said...

When, and if, I ever get to Paris again, you've got to teach me how to take such beautiful night shots. I've been away too. If you're interested you can read about my adventures here: http://lerevefrancais.blogspot.com/

Catherine said...

love those shots of the Pont Neuf...beautiful

Anonymous said...

Most of your bridges look like they are made from stone or cement or both. I don't see many made out of steel. So you don't have the rust problem we have here. Nice photos.

PeterParis said...

Thanks for visiting and thanks for your kind comment! :-)

Happy to see you back here! :-)

I have a feeling that you will soon come back! :-)

PeterParis said...

Je me couche souvent tard! :-)

Tu ne veux pas qu'on se promène ensemble? :-)

En effet! :-)

PeterParis said...

Tout seul :-(

Je sais que tu es amoureuse de Paris! :-)

Presque! :-)

PeterParis said...

That's another nice way of doing it! :-)

Congratulations to you as well... you know why! :-)

The weekend was nice! Hope the same for you! :-)

PeterParis said...

Claudia bis:
A few, but it was not easy! :-)

It's still quite warm, mostly well above 20°C! No heaating needed yet! :-)

If you do it my way, it's just more or less automatic settings! :-)

PeterParis said...

That's a nice compliment! :-)

Sincere thanks! :-)

They ARE nice; you should come and check! :-)

PeterParis said...

I will check where you have been! For the night photos, I guess there are better experts! I take a lot and hope that a few are OK. :-)

Good... and thanks! :-)

Most of them are by stone, yes... and some are some 400 years old! :-)

Ruth said...

My god they're brilliant! And so many of Pont Neuf, which makes me very happy. I have not seen it so beautiful. Did I never notice it at night?? Can there be a more beautiful bridge?

To walk in Paris on a night like that would be so very enjoyable.

We on the other hand have had a chilly autumn so far.

PeterParis said...

I look forward to a night walk with you, Claudia... ! :-)

GMG said...

Wow! You definitely have to make the CD!!

PeterParis said...

... or at least think about it! :-)

Marie-Noyale said...

C'est bien dommage que la promenade doive s'arreter...

PeterParis said...

Oui, les dernier ponts en aval sont moins spectaculaires la nuit. :-)

Catherine said...

C'est beau Paris, la nuit ! La nuit apporte de la sérénité à tes photos par rapport à l'animation incessante et tourbillonnante de la vie parisienne en plein jour.

PeterParis said...

Bien content de te retrouver ici - et ailleurs!
Oui, c'est beau Paris la nuit ... et la journée a son charme aussi! :-)

Nefertiti said...

Paris la nuit,superbes photos

Unknown said...
