
More spring signs

I guess some (not all) of you have felt that there has been a bit too much of cemeteries, statues… lately and some – in the northern hemisphere - have expressed wishes for proofs of spring. So here are some signs – photos from yesterday from “my” local park, Square des Batignolles. It’s still quite grey here, so you have to look closely, for the little details…
This duck looked at little bit depressive; only male ducks in sight.
Also, the pigeon seemed confused. Maybe he (she?) had understood? The municipality has kindly offered some nice lodging to the local pigeons; bed and breakfast. The problem – at least for the pigeons – is that what they eat lead to sterilized eggs. This is how the municipality tries to control the number of the pigeons. It’s clear that in the meantime, they are clearly attracted by these “hotels”. They have abandoned some of their previous favourite trees in the park and have adopted another one, just close to the “hotel”.


Cheryl said...

Beautiful! Though it's probably not t-shirt weather yet.

Segun said...

The pictures are lovely!

Unknown said...

They are nice!

cocoa and coconut said...

There's nothing prettier than Paris in the springtime as they say. Your photos are pretty and bright!

joanna said...


Thank you for this stroll in the park, attention to detail shows in your beautiful series of photo's. Too bad about the pigeons and their eggs. Man trying once again to control nature.
Very nice capture though of this lovely pigeon in macro.


Owen said...

Fabulous Peter, Spring must be right around the corner...

For some unfathomable reason this song came to mind :


Don't let it give you any ideas !

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant pictures!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Spring is definitely peeking up its head - yay! The feathered friends are stirring a bit more and the plants and perinneals are popping up from the ground... I hope to see you soon...

Studio at the Farm said...

BRILLIANT spring colors, and your duck looks like he's smiling for the camera. It is good to see the spring photos, as it is -16C here tonight, and Bruno is wearing 3 blankets [He is quite warm]

Alain said...

Les canards participent sans doute à l'émission "Une semaine sans les femmes".

Cezar and Léia said...

The male duck mallard is so adorable, isn't it? :)
Beautiful collages and pictures very perfect.I also love the reflections on that pond.
Ahhh Spring and the sweet energy from the flowers!


claude said...

On commence à se sentir mieux avec tout cela. Le temps des bourgeons et des fleurs, c'est magnifique, on se sent revivre.Superbes photos, Peter !

Ola said...

This is real spring! And here is still snow and -17:(((
pretty pictures!

Delphinium said...

C'est assez fou quand même, Paris est plus au Nord que Lausanne, me semble-t-il et pourtant il y a plus de signe de printemps chez toi que chez moi. Chez moi, hier il neigeait jusque par terre. :-) Et aujourd'hui, il y a un brouillard froid qui traîne. Je t'embrasse.
Ah oui, je préfère les photos de printemps que les photos de tombes. :-) C'est plus vivant.

Synne said...

Oh, the photos of the cherry blossoms are almost painfully pretty. Oslo is all about snow and the skiing world cup at the moment, and it's very ambient and lots of fun, but I can't wait to see green grass again!

caterpillar said...

The first picture and the one of cherry blossoms were blew my mind off...very nice...and the duck looked like he was smiling. Maybe he was posing for the pic...:)

rauf said...

welcome change Peter. Riot of colours, pleasant side of nature.
Enough to make one happy and forget the monotony of life and survival. Beautiful pictures once again reflect your versatility.

Sad when we try to control or tamper with nature. Sterile eggs is not good news Peter. We do not know how small we really are.

Chemokiki said...

Beautiful Peter!
We are under snow and gray skies but your buds of Spring lift our spirits once again!
I love all the bits of information about the parks and surrounding hotels. Sparks the urge to travel.
Merci beau coup!

ApartRentals said...

Merci Peter, par ces images vous avez su relever la sensualité par les formes et les couleurs que le printemps laisse présager...
Continuez à nous faire rêver.

Bettina said...

What wonderful spring photos ! I can't believe it is allready looking like this in Paris.
In Denmark we still have snow and minus degrees :o(

Simon said...

Great photos of spring. It is still summer here, Down Under but the chill of autumn is in the air.

Virginia said...

Merci for this wonderful little stroll through "your" parc Peter! You promised me some Paris spring and I'd say it's just around your corner! I've never seen Paris at this time of year. When I was there in March 2007, there wasn't a bud or flower in sight. Le sigh!

SusuPetal said...

It's comforting to know that spring hasn't altogether disappeared. It just likes to take time arriving to Finland.

Thanks, Peter, for the colors!

Simony said...

Peter, now you are making me really jealous with your Spring on the way.
This week the kids only had school for 1 and 1/2 day. As the snow storms continue to hit us and deposit on our roads more than 20cm of snow, plus the occasional rain that turns into ice!!
I am so desperate for Spring signs...

Starman said...

Yay for sterilized pigeon eggs.

Maria O. Russell said...

There's so much beauty and poetry in each and everyone of your photos here, Peter. A true feast for the eyes! Thank you so much.

Jeanie said...

Well, I can't get enough of cemeteries, unless of course I'm planning on residing in one soon! But these springy flowers are a welcome joy to this Michigan girl who is looking at many inches of snow with more to come!

Hana de Prague said...

Merci pour les premiers signes du printemps, nous en avons besoin, il fait encore trop froid a Prague (-12°). Quelle envie de partir pour Paris!
Hana de Prague

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Wonderful shots of spring ...nothing like that here yet.

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a gorgeous photos of spring, Peter! It's summer here and we have much heat and much rain at the end of the day or at night.
Thanks for such beauty!

wockley said...

Wonderful shots as usual Peter! The snowy weather seems so distant when I see the new life, though I know that March & April can have a nasty twist!. fantastic colours, though I think the duck looks a little haughty rather than clinically depressed!!:)

Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

What beautiful close-ups of all the buds and blossoms. You certainly have the eye. Thanks for giving us a ray of sunshine and hope for Spring. Love the pigeon "hotels"! Great site.

Shammickite said...

So nice to know that somewhere in the world Spring is on the way, showing signs of new growth. Here in Ontario it's cold, grey, windy and snowy, so your pictures have warmed me up considerably, thank you Peter!

Trotter said...

Hi Peter! It looks great! We had some 20º on Thursday and Friday... Spring is on its way!

Blogtrotter Two is strolling in Southern France amidst the best of the fragances... Enjoy and have a great week!!

Parisbreakfasts said...

Hope SPRINGS eternal does it not?
Lovely pictures...

arabesque said...

hi peter! tnx for showing your side of the Spring season.
although we don't have it here, it's nice to see how the flowers bloom and how colorful they looked.
the pigeons and the ducks are well photographed, nice close ups. ^0^

Barbara L said...

As always, enjoy coming over here to see your latest photo posts!

Aitor Artaitz said...

Thanks for these remembrances of spring... i need it. Sadness has wrapped me and I am not sure of arriving to the summer

Catherine said...

what a beautiful selection of spring colours....

Anonymous said...

Just came across your wonderful blog.
Stunning photos.

Shionge said...

Flowers always cheer me up :D

Nathalie H.D. said...

J'adore tes billets sur le printemps, chaque année je trouve que tu fais ça avec un grand talent. Je ne sais pas si c'est moi qui sors moins (je me suis bloqué le dos samedi dernier et j'ai passé cinq jours à me trainer jusqu'à ce que j'aille voir un ostéo hier) mais j'ai l'impression que je ne vois guère de bourgeons et de fleurs encore ici... je me rattrape en te faisant une visite !

Nathalie H.D. said...

Je ne connaissais pas les hotels pour pigeons, voilà une bonne idée !

jewelry said...

Wonderful photos of spring, i like it very much.I am so happy to read this. This is the kind of info that needs to be shared

Maya said...

Oooh, flower p*rn and birds! Love it!