I have been a bit unfaithful to Paris lately (Zürich, Lausanne, Rouen...), so maybe time for something very typically "Paris", the Eiffel Tower! I happened to pass by Trocadéro the other night, from where you have the most traditional view of the Tower and I thought I should show what the it now looks like during the evening and night hours. This is a special feature during the six months (July-December 2008) that France holds the EU presidency. 

I wish you a very nice weekend!
when comes Paris, i think you are the most faithful in history after helen of troy
nice pictures there!
Elle est quand même belle notre Tour Eiffel, même quand elle est européenne. Toutes ces photos sont excellentes, Peter ! Bon WE à toi aussi !
Elle est belle, Madame Latour-Eiffel, vêtue de bleue et parée de son collier de diamants. Elle brille de tous ses feux.
Pour la petite histoire, ses dessous sont en rouge et blanc.
Bon week-end et bonne fête nationale, bien que la fête ne nous concerne ni l'un, ni l'autre vraiment officiellement. (C'est quand, la fête des suédois?)
Oh, you've been to Switzerland while I was away på stugan. Nice photos, make me want to travel too. But I will! Next weekt to Stockholm for a few days!
Eiffel tower is beautiful. I, of course, went up there to look, no problem, but coming down in the stairs was horrible. I'm no phobic but heights aren't my pleasure. About a thousand school children ran down the stairs, shouting and laughing, and I just grab to the rail. The whole tower shook, I can assure you:)
Have a nice weekend!
It must be a great view to see Eiffel tower like that. So this has replaced the blinking light installation.
wow it´s eurobeautiful!!
Nice weekend Peter
Wow, not only blue sky, but also The Eiffel Tower! Lovely...might become one of my 'Blue TM in the future, if you don't mind....tehehhehe:p
Hope you are fine and gr8 over there.Take care.
Hello sir,
Thanks for thheese pics.
I am seeing effel tower with lights 4 the first time in my life.
Really amazinggggggggggggggg.
I think you have made up for your little "crime", Peter. You clearly spend at least 1 hour doing penance.
Quelle merveille que cette photo du dessus ! Ces étoiles, cette tour bleue dans ce ciel noir !
Quel beau message, juste à la bonne place et au bon moment.
Je regrette de n’avoir pas immortalisé la Tour habillée en rouge (à partir du 24 janvier 2004, jour du Nouvel An chinois) en l’honneur de l'Année de la Chine en France.
A l’époque, j’avais encore un enfant en prépa et donc il avait une chambre de bonne à Paris 15éme qui avait vue sur la Tour Eiffel.
(Chacun sait qu’elle se voit de partout à Paris, même de ton appart maybe.)
C'est amusant, bye night également sur ton post d'aujourd'hui.
Mais la différence ici, c'est gandiose!
Paris et sa grande Dame ne supporte aucune comparaison.
Bonne journée et bon WE.
Good day Peter.
Yes we must hurry to visit the EIFFELTOWER! Because IT WILL BE CLOSED UNTILL the year 2015!
..... did you hear that too?( we hered it on our DUTCH news!) That the EIFFELTOWER is going to be renovated ?? So soon until 2015 nobody can visit this tower!
The FRENCH Government is going to renew the elevators and they wanted to make new /more little shops and restaurants, once people are upstair in the Tower....Also they want to mak it possible that visiters can buy their entrance tickets in advance throught the internet, so you have NOT to wait in line as we are used to....
This renovation will cost a good 170.000.000 euro's!!! Yes As if it is nothing, but the government would like to please the visiters form the EIFFELTOWER....
Wishing you and all others,
A Happy weekend!
Now this would definitely be something new for me and it is absolutely gorgeous.
I can never get enough of the Effel Tower morning noon or night and gosh...you have ticker me to want to visit Paris again Peter.
You have an awesome weekend too and thank you so much for your lovely comments :D
gorgeous picutres congrats!!!
There's something magical about her no matter how she's dressed, huh? Do you think the Eiffel Tower is as iconic to the French as she is to the rest of us who dream of our next trip to Paris? Thanks for your lovely photos!
That's pretty cool. I used to think that decorating the Eiffel Tower was silly but I changed my mind. This is definitely an improvement to the flashing lights, though. Thanks for the pictures, Peter! Have a nice weekend.
J'en avais entendu parler mais je suis contente de le voir !!
Sur un degradé de ciel bleu c'est superbe et tres sympathique de nous le faire partager!
Bon WE Parisien apres tous ces periples..
Again, Peter, you have posted a lovely reminder of Paris! I like the blue lights on the tower.
When Olderson was in Paris, there was a big Olympic sign on the tower, but then London got the games instead.
When I was there, it was flashing lights.
But I like the look of this European circle of lights.
Ta Tour Eiffel avec son pyjama bleu et sa broche aux douze étoiles est magnifique(pourquoi 12 et pas 27 ?). Je n'ai pas encore fait le déplacement, mais cela me donne envie d'y aller.
Stunning pictures Peter!
I wish you a lovely weekend as well!
Aaahhhhh.....the most beautiful sight in the most beautiful city in the world. Good job, Peter.
I love those pictures Peter!
Merci Peter pour ce billet touristique et magnifique. Bon week-end à toi. C'est vrai cette fermeture jusqu'en 2015 pour rénovations?
I didn't know, and this is wonderful. That is what I call French blue, how appropriate. Fantastic, thank you.
OK, the EU might be in trouble, but the French Presidency knows how to handle the crisis... At least the Tower is, like Matriensis noticed, absolutely eurobeautiful... ;))
Loved to see your Lausanne! Guida has a cousin, married to a Swiss guy, who lives up the hill close to Lausanne; so that's a usual destination for us... and I can perfectly understand what you mean by steep streets from «Ou...ch(y)...ie» to Lausanne up the hill... ;)) And the picture of the lake ship and the swan is perfect!
Finally, it seems you had a great time at Rouen with the Armada. The pictures are gorgeous, including the Monets! The team with Lucie, Helen, Lyliane, Alain and you must have had a great time! Place for another one?... ;)
Hello Peter,
I must admit the Eiffel Tower is quite handsome decked out in blue and gold stars. It makes a statement to be sure and your photos of it are really nice ones.
I also came to thank you for visiting my blog and commenting there.
Thanks again.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
We must be faithful, mustn't we?
Nice to see you back here... and thanks!
N'importe quel habit... la Tour est belle!
6 juin!
A bit higher than the Olympic Tower in Helsinki! You know that one of the best views of Helsinki is from the women's toilet Hotel Torni? (Don't aks me if I have been there!)
Have a nice stay in Stockholm!
It still blinks (also).
Of course I don't mind!
Nice that I managed to amazzzzzze you!
Actually some 45 minutes!
Vive l'Europe!
La Tour en rouge, oui c'est dommage que tu nas pas photographié! Non, malheureusement je vois que l'immeuble en face!
Il y a aussi des villages qui sont très beaux la nuit! Tu l'as bien prouvé!
I trust and hope that this i false information. There are always some improvement works ungoing, but I haven't heard of any closure!
You know that I'm waiting for you and your family!
senorita puri:
Thanks for this kind visit!
I'm sure we all love the Tower!
The flashing lights are still there, but only for a few minutes every hour.
C'est un plaisir de partager!
As said above, the flashing loghts are still there - but of course not the olympic signs.
Il a été décidé de maintenir que les 12 étoiles dans le drapeau. Tu connais le chemin pour aller la voir en nature!
The most beautiful... Thanks!
For me the exotic picture would be of Taj Mahal, which you can see from your terrace every day!
Je crois (et espère) que c'est une fausse information!
French or European blue?
There will ceraintly be other meetings. Feel welcome!
Yes, I believe we all agree that this decoration is quite nice!
What a lovely sight it is !! Blue Eiffel ! Never seen such a scene !
Thanks and you are most faithful to the city. Cheer up !!
OK Peter
The news in Holland maybe gave me the false information? They keep saying it over and over, well lets hope not that the E is closing down as said...
Paris and Elffel Tower during the night - amazing!
Thank you Peter for this beauty!
Peter, I missed so much while I was sick and away from blogging. I am so happy that I scrolled back and found these totally delightful photos of the Eiffel Tower. Makes my heart glad!
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