
Eiffel Tower - 120 years

The Eiffel Tower (see previous posts) can take different colours, including the fact that it’s repainted every seven years. The colours are also brought by light. Here you can first see what the Tower normally looks like during the dark hours. Since a few years, you have now also a blinking light for 5 minutes, every dark hour. We remember that the Tower got the European Union colours (see previous post) during the second half of 2008, when France had the leadership of the Union.

... and now we can see what has been done to celebrate the 120 years of the “lady”. Every evening until December 31, after the five minutes of blinking lights, during twelve minutes, the Tower takes all colours (at 20.05, 21.05, 22.05, 23.05).


Karen said...

Peter, that is amazing the way you captured all the different lights. Much better than the video. Would be neat to have actual photos and flip them and make a movie with them
I'm home finally and very tired. I had a wonderful trip and thank you for sharing the tower with me.

from cali said...

I keep forgetting to check this out via video! Thanks for the reminder and for these photos. She looks as if she were covered in multi hued crystals. Beautiful!!!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! Looks magnificent!

alice said...

On dirait qu'elle danse!

SusuPetal said...

That must be so beautiful to watch live!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Amazing Peter, I want to go and see this, read about it last week, will have to sort a trip out!

Fantastic photos captured to perfection!

White Rabbit said...

Amazing! I can't wait! I'll be in Paris on Saturday so I will definitely have to see this.

I will wrap up though :D

Adam said...

Excellent work Peter - it looks like something from a disco now!

Bagman and Butler said...

Incredible. Must have had some great esspresso to stay up the whole time!

Cergie said...

Je savais que la tour frime beaucoup en ce moment et grâce à toi j'en ai la preuve. Mais il va te falloir payer des droits à l'image à présent pour montrer au monde entier (et booster tes visites) ses jeux de lumière.

Anonymous said...

Really a stunning set of photos, Peter.

Anonymous said...

Really a stunning set of photos, Peter.

hpy said...

Diamonds are forever. Jewelry.

Cezar and Léia said...

It's art!
Wonderful idea!

Wania said...

Amazing, Peter

The Eiffel Tower is the most precious jewelry in Paris!
Light, more light for her...

Excellent post.
Beautiful photos!!!

Have a nice week, my dear friend,
Kisses from Brazil!!!!

Gaëlle said...

Je suis d'accord avec Alice on dirait presque qu'elle danse et qu'elle bouge les bras.
Que d'agitation pour une dame de son âge !

Baglady said...

J'adore the lights!

Owen said...

Awesome assembly line of Eiffel Towers there ! Wow ! Funny, I had a t-shirt once that had a series of Eiffel Towers in different colors, but only four of them, not forty five ! Nice job...

Mr London Street said...

Fantastic shots Peter!

Catherine said...

what a wonderful ensemble montage...beautiful

Virginia said...

Well I never tire of "her" as you well know, and I love it that you don't either although you see her much more often. Merci for this fabulous light show. How did you do that!!!! Perhaps I'll see her again after the first of the year. Who knows ........:)

claude said...

Elle est pourtant âgée cette belle grande Damme de Fer, mais quelle jeunesse elle a sur tes photos.
Elle est belle en bleu la nuit.
Elle brille de mille feux.
Comme Mr Eiffel a été bien inspiré de la bâtir, pour une expo universelle, et pour l'éternité.

Moi aussi je vais me faire piquer contre la grippe normale car bien je ne fasse pas partie encore des vieux, je suis classé dans les cas à riques. Ce n'est pas mieux, tu vas me dire!!!

Parisbreakfasts said...

Oh I LOVE this!!
I never thought it would happen to me...Eiffel Tower Lover #1

Alain said...

Elle semble faite en cristal, je ne vais pas rater ça !

Mo said...

Oh no it is getting too gaudy. It's a bit too LA now.

♥ E.T. Suzy ♥ said...

Wonderful photos, Peter! The Eiffel Tower is an endless source of joy for me. Long may she shine.

PeterParis said...

A lot of courage to already comment! :-)

From Cali:
I saw some videaos; ,ot as good as the real thing! :-)

Yes, not bad! :-)

PeterParis said...

...en changeant ses costumes! :-)

Of course, live is the best! :-)

... and next time we will meet! :-)

PeterParis said...

Au Lapin Blanc:
Trus that I will hear from you! (email address in the "profile)! :-)

The Tower is getting very modern! :-)

Gagman & Butler:
No problem with the espressos! :-)

PeterParis said...

Ne me dis pas ça! :-)

Thanks! :-)

Always thinking about the same thing! :-)

PeterParis said...

Happy you liked! :-)

Thanks ... and kisses from Paris! :-)

Bleeding Orange:
C'est vrai... je n'avais pas vu les "bras"! :-)

PeterParis said...

Good! :-)

I can see that you counted, 9 x 5! :-)

Mr London Street:
Welcome to the Paris streets! :-)

PeterParis said...

Glad you liked my little collages! :-)

On you way again! Good! :-)

Oui, merci M. Eiffel! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, I suppose you must be surprised to see the Tower! :-)

A bientôt! :--

Well, as long as it's temporary! :-)

PeterParis said...

Eiffel Tower Suzy:
A real fan!!! Welcome here! :-)

Virginia said...

Maybe neige å Paris??? That sounds nice. Hmmmm

Shionge said...

Paris ROCKS :D

PeterParis said...

For a day, OK! :-)


Starman said...

You forgot the Turkish lights. I loved it when it was blue for the EU.

PeterParis said...

I know, I missed the Turkish colours! Sorry! :-)

The Sabbatical Chef said...

I just found your blog courtesy of Paris Breakfasts!! Je l'adore! Je suis prof de français et j'adore tout qui est français. Je pourrais mettre un lien de votre blog sur le mien?

PeterParis said...

Bonjour Teresa!

Avec plaisir!

Marie-Noyale said...

Quel superbe spectacle.
Heureusement que tu es la je n'en ai entendu parler nulle part!!

PeterParis said...

Oui, je suis là. ... et toi, tu nous tiens informée sur l'actualité à NY et environs! :-)

Kate said...

My favorite Paris icon of my favorite Paris photographer!!

Babzy.B said...

Amazing collage !

arabesque said...

wOw! a myriad of fotos,the flickering lights are just wOnderful... how long did you have to wait and click those non-stop shots? ^-^
le tour d'eiffel whatever its color is...c'est toujours magnifique!

PeterParis said...

Thanks for these wonderful compliments! :-)

Thanks and thanks for your visit here! :-)

I think it took me about the ten minutes that the lights are there, then a bit more to make the collage of course! :-)

Nisha said...

May I still say that you've captured the lights and the mood so amazingly?

Maybe a slide show of these shots ?

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

What a wonderful tribute to Tour Eiffel that you created with you stunning images.
Wonderful work as always cher Perter...bisous...xxx

PeterParis said...

Of course you may; thanks! Maybe I will try a slide show. :-)

I guess it's worth a tribute! :-)
... and bisous to you as well! :-)

Paris Poodle said...

C'est magnifique ce montage ici- tres impressionante!

Paris Poodle said...

C'est magnifique ce montage ici- tres impressionante!

Paris Poodle said...

C'est magnifique ce montage ici- tres impressionante!

Paris Poodle said...

C'est magnifique ce montage ici- tres impressionante!

GMG said...

Another reason to get there...

PeterParis said...

Paris Poodle:
Merci de la visite et pour les mot gentils! :-)

Yes, but do you need any particular reason? :-)

Bev1616 said...

I so hope to visit Paris some day....a girl can dream!

PeterParis said...

I trust you can do it... and then feel free to contact me if you need a "guide"! :-)

Maya said...

I'm just trying to catch up on your blog. Wow, you've been busy! I love all the colors of the Eiffel Tower! I wish we had seen some of this. I also really liked the Asterix and Obelix entry. I used to read a bit of that comic when I was a kid.

PeterParis said...

Thanks for makeing the tour! :-)