Today we will make a walk in the Latin Quarter, along some streets which are relatively less visited, a little area between the beginning of the Boulevard Saint-Germain and the Seine quays – Quai de la Tournelle and Quai de Montebello.
Walking along the quays you may concentrate on Notre Dame and the book stands, but turning your head you could also look at what’s on the other side of the street. You will find some attractive old buildings, a small square... and a number of narrow 13th century streets with a view in the direction of the Pantheon.
Let’s start with Rue des Bernardins which got this name as it was leading to the Collège des Bernardins (see previous post) and its gardens. What today remains as interesting is perhaps particularly a covered gallery, part of a 16th century mansion house.
Rue de Bièvre was originally following one of the embouchures of a small river, Bièvre. The river still exists, but is totally underground when passing Paris. There are some efforts ongoing to make it partly visible again. On the plan below you can see what the landscape looked like before it was inhabited. We can also see how the Seine was split in two arms; the smaller arm became marshland – Le Marais. Today the street is perhaps especially known for having been where François Mitterrand had his private home, where he received all the local and world political leaders. His widow still lives there.

Rue de Bièvre was originally following one of the embouchures of a small river, Bièvre. The river still exists, but is totally underground when passing Paris. There are some efforts ongoing to make it partly visible again. On the plan below you can see what the landscape looked like before it was inhabited. We can also see how the Seine was split in two arms; the smaller arm became marshland – Le Marais. Today the street is perhaps especially known for having been where François Mitterrand had his private home, where he received all the local and world political leaders. His widow still lives there.

Rue Maître Albert has got its name from a famous 13th century philosopher and theologian. At number 1 you have a restaurant, L’Atelier de Maître Albert, one of the places directed by the renowned chef, Guy Savoy.
The street leads (in an L form) to Place Maubert, which probably has got its name through a transformation of Maître Albert; this is where he used to gather his pupils. The lectures those days, in the very beginning of the universities (what in Paris became the Sorbonne), was to high extent held in open air. In the 16th century this was a place for executions and since about the same period it has been an important open market place – no market the day I passed.
I wish you a nice weekend!
The pictures are wonderful but bitter sweet since it will be several months before I return.
Why are places of executions turned into open markets? I ask that sarcasticly because I encountered the same thing in Charleston. I cannot wait to see the Notre Dame in person and to go eat at the L'Atelier...heard so much and read so much about Guy! Thanks for the wonderful pics. I love the narrow streets and tall buildings...there is such a sense of grande intimacy!
On sent qu'il faisait bien froid lorsque tu es parti te promener...
Encore une belle balade et de belles description.
Bon week-end!
Oh nice. I spotted le Remenet, a spot I've enjoyed and hope to visit again. Thanks Peter for this nice visit back to places I remember and some new ones for my next visit. And your maps always help me get a sense of where the things I know are in relation to the new places your show us. Merci mon ami! :)
And a bon weekend pour toi aussi!
I think your Networked Blog is working! C'est bon, or is it C'est bonne? ( Je ne sais pas! ) :)
j'adore ta première photo, elle me rappelle le temps ou je vivais à Paris et je passais mes samedis a faire les bouquinistes a la recherche d'éditions originales..
Hi Peter, thank you, as always, for another great tour... Keeps me going til my next trip :-)
Hope you have a good weekend .
Paris semble un peu pollué en ce moment, mais toujours aussi beau.
As always your photographs are of excellent quality. I love the fact that you are using aerial shots so we can see from a birds eye view what you are describing. when we are at street level there is a lot you do not notice. Which brings me to another wonderful feature you are providing the attention to detail while we are looking at the neat rows of newspaper at the book stands, and focusing on Norte Dame we are probably missing the other side of the street which is also noteworthy.
Like Alice in the Looking Glass if only I could step through your photograph and come out the other side of the camera lens -- and be in Paris-- if only
Have a wonderful week end,
Your photos here are fantastic. You must have been very happy to see a little bit of sun again after all the grey skies we have had.
See you later on!
Des rues avec des vues agréables, des rues où il fait bon se promener. Bon ouick.
Il y a la rue de Bièvre à Bourg la Reine aussi (souviens toi que j'y ai habité une rue des Rosiers)
Juste assez de lumière pour illuminer tes images mais pas trop pour ne pas les écraser, ce qui aurait été dommage avec ces ruelles étroites. Paris finalement a des cotés "petit village de province" adapté au pas du promeneur
It does me no end of good to see the sunshine in your Paris pictures. It pours between those high walls like pure joy. You must be happy for spring to come as you tromp around the city with your camera.
Happy weekend, Peter.
Brilliant pictures!
Do have a wonderful weekend!
Another wonderful tour of Paris, Thank you so much Peter, brightens my weekend!
Hope you have a good weekend . r
Excellent, Peter!
«Louis» walked most of these streets when he lived in France.
I felt like I was walking through the area! Latin Quartier... I heard so much about it from my French teacher.
Looking at your pictures just make me want to visit Paris more and more!
PS: I didn't buy the Gruyere cheese in Gruyere, but we had some good fondue over there at that little restaurant!
I made a point to visit L’Atelier de Maître Albert last fall. Apparently, it has the oldest operating fireplace in Paris, dating from the 15th C. Somehow I did not venture as deeply into this area as I should have. Well, next time ...
Dear Peter,
These streets and buildings façades are so charming!I love your collages and pictures from the romantic Paris.
I also did a post about our trip in Paris, at Luna's blog.
Of course, nothing to compare, I did a funny collage at Luna's blog to catfriends, just it! :)
Have a nice weekend dear Peter
Thanks for the walk, I enjoyed the snow-less streets a lot!
Have a nice weekend!
What a wonderful tour THANKS :-)
So many amazing shots !!
Have a relaxing weekend :-)
Oh, Peter -- I walked these streets so many times, looking up. Always up -- for the buildings were so lovely. This is exactly what I needed to have a wonderful brief Paris visit in a terribly hectic, frantic day when Paris seems VERY far away indeed. Merci!
Peter, love seeing these familiar sites. I stay at a little hotel in this area.
Some beautifully atmospheric pictures. Make me want to rush to Paris for the weekend.
such imposing impressive facades!
Tu as trouvé une très belle lumière (matinale?) pour arpenter ces rues. As-tu croisé le fantôme de Mitterrand rue de Bièvre?
As many others have commented, excellent photos. I especially like the first one of the street looking up to the Pantheon, and then of course the similar one with figures. Interesting that one can take photos in Paris that are not encumbered with lots of 21st century stuff - cars for example. I also like the very first one.
Corine wondered why places of execution are turned into open markets, but maybe it's the other way round?
Looking at your photos gave me “heimat” about Paris. I explained on my post what that is – I heard this German term on my friend’s blog Friko’s Musings. Anyway it is more than homesickness. So looking at your pictures is sometimes difficult. When I go to Paris though I usually spend a day in the 5th arrondissement to see if anything has changed and eat in one of the little restaurants on an off street. In these pictures you have really caught the atmosphere of the area. And now I am nostalgique.
Better late than never! :-)
Executions used to big events, with large crowds watching!
On voit même un peu de neige! :-)
I was quite sure that you would see the Reminet! :-)
Virginia bis:
Yes, I believe; great thanks for your help! :-)
Un peu de nostalgie! :-)
So, next trip is when? :-)
C'est juste un peu de brume! :-)
I went to see Alice on your blog! Fantastic pictures! :-)
Yes... and it didn't last! :-)
En effet! :-)
Pas facile en ce moment, la lumière! :-)
The spring hesitates a lot! :-)
V Rakesh:
Thanks! :-)
Anne bis:
Thanks! :-)
... and he would like to walk them again! :-)
Simony S:
If my photos brings you here, I'm happy! :-)
At least you probably had a nice meal! ... and next time! :-)
I will have a check on Luna's blog! :-)
Sorry, but iof you look closely, you will find some snow! :-)
Thanks! :-)
Nice if I could remind you of some nice experience! :-)
Good choice for the area! :-)
Finally, you didn't make it? :-)
Good if you like it! :-)
Non, assez tard dans l'après-midi! You can now read "DM" on the bell at the gate! :-)
To recieve compliments like this from a photographer like you! :-)
It's nice to feel Paris as ones's "Heimat"! :-)
I love your "tour" of Paris..nice pictures!
I like this! My favourite part of town; probably because it was where I stayed the first time I was there in 1969...
Oh, how I love the Latin Q. I love Paris! It offers such richness for the eyes and soul!
L' ATELIER MAÎTRE ALBERT- I LOVE the paintings on the walls with the ecriture..I've only seen photos
Have you been?
Is it $$$ ?
Lunch looks doable!
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