The top picture represents the North Rose Window from 1250 – it has its almost copy in the South Rose Window from 1260. Both have of course suffered from time and revolutions and been restored, but basically they are as they were. Together with the third Rose Window - behind the organ - they are certainly worth all our admiration!

Thank you, Peter, for this. I am embarrassed to say that I have not ventured into the church since my first visit to Paris at 7 years of age (a long, long time ago). That this genius of the 13th century still shares itself with us, along with the wonderful music of the same time and place (known as the Notre Dame School, and that I have a fondness for) truly sometimes makes me wonder about the way of progress.
Lovely shots as always - I particularly like that Rose window and the other shots of the stained glass..
It's a shame that photos can't convey the overwhelming majesty and grandeur of a place like this. But your photos do come close.
The first time I went there I was ten years old, your stained glass shots bring back many memories. If one can try to forget all the awful stories in the press these days about the Catholic church, and just appreciate a place like Notre Dame as the awesome work of art which it is...
As an architect, I am breathless with so many details and abundant beauty inside this cathedral. The light that travels through the colored glass is beautiful. Lifts anybody's spirit, doesn't it? Buildings like this remind me how great human beings can be.
Such beauty - and to think that Le Corbusier, in his urban renewal scheme for Paris - wanted to tear Nôtre-Dame down!
Les artistes de l'époque ont vraiment été inspirés! Une merveille! Et toute cette lumière.
Très bien rendu Peter. Superb!
That is an amazing place. I like to go there every time I go to Paris. Your photos are excellent!
Oh nice ones, Peter. I think I might have been there for a few of these. Mine were marginal. Got one or two that I'll have to remember to post and link of course to your blog as you do all the hard work! I especially like the little altars you captured. These beautiful Paris churches/cathedrals have so many wonderful details that it really does take many visits to capture. You know I'm willing to make those visits! ;)
Peter, I marvel at how well you captured the light coming through the rose window. Awesome!
les vitraux sont magnifiques, de superbes photos. C'est un sujet fascinant
Cela me rappelle notre visite avec Lyliane, Cristina et ses amis.
Quand je vais allée à Paris, prochainement, j'irai faire des pelerinages là où j'ai vécu et essayer de retrouver mes anciennes écoles. J'irais bien faire un tour aussi à l'Eglise St-Joseph de mon dernier quartier et je veux revoir le canal St-Martin.
Il va me falloir plus d'une journéesi je veux voir tout cela.
Juste un mot : magnifique.
On m'avait traînée à ND de Paris pour une messe de Noël une année, et bien que je ne sois pas quelqu'un qui va à l'église très régulièrement (juste pour les mariages, les baptêmes et les enterrements) ce n'était pas si mal que ça.
As tu parlé du point zéro pour calculer les distances qui est sur le parvis je ne crois pas l'avoir vu ds le previous message ? Est ce que tu as été sanctifié à l'intérieur de la cathédrale comme Paul Claudel ? Et as tu rencontré la chèvre d'Esmeralda ?
Les gargouilles servent pour les livres de photo pour expliquer la mise au point sur le paysage lointain ou le détail proche.
Been on a break and came back to find this spectacular duo of posts right at the top.
I can feel the luminosity from here. And I can almost here the organ and choral music and pastor speaking, smell the candle smoke and incense, here the muffled footfalls. Splendid, my friend. I love this space so much.
hi peter!
notre dame's exterior is as magnifique as its interior,
i love those gargoyles and intricate carvings done with such detail, no wonder it's awe-inspiring, simply not to be missed!
i know why you admire those stained glass windows, them alone, you'd be amaze as its beauty, be it,quatre or cinquefoil, images of the saints or repetitive patterns.
thnx for bringing us here. ^0^
I have the best memories of seeing the interior of the Notre Dame de Paris with my son, Sam, last summer when he came to visit me. It is such a stunning place.
Actually, now that I think about it, I also remember an argument with him about his sharing his Canon DSLR camera with me, lol! We were whispering quite heatedly at one point, I recall, trying not to disturb the peace, and probably failing. At any rate, we eventually restored peace (funny how having to whisper in a church makes a son and mother have to get along). I know we were both impressed with the interior and wanted to get photo shots like these. Wonderful! Always so impressed am I with your photographic vision.
(While I am here, I left a return comment for you on my recent blog post and wanted to let you know...Thanks again for stopping by there. :))
Enjoy the spring time weather and sunshine today! Finally!!
I hope this fascinating, famous building in Paris will not be missed on my wacation in France.
Browse by "This may interest you - Abroad Language (your right corner)
-I found a place where I'm living.
It inspired me to study English.
I believe that it is never too late to study.
Aren't we all glad Victor Hugo saved this magnificent cathédral?
Hi Peter! Those stained-glasses are awesome; in particular the Rose windows!!
I hardly ever go inside Notre Dame I'm afraid to say. When I go inside a church I'm not looking for anything spiritual, but I do like the silence of being alone, and this, unfortunately, is never possible here!
I'll do anything to visit again, absolutely charming and mesmerizing :D
L'intérieur de Notre Dame, c'est toujours un peu la "foire" avec des cohortes de touristes qui déambulent. Mais tu as tourné ton objectif vers le haut et on a l'impression d'être les seuls à visiter.
Ah...beautiful as always. This post grabbed me because I have almost the identical picture of the stain glass window you posted at the top. Except mine was clearly done without a tripod. Nice to see what it would have looked like if it wasn't so blurry.
"C'est Magnifique" Notre Dame is overwhelming --difficult to capture in photography because of the enormous amount of details.. no wonder it took so long to build.
Your photographs are much appreciated -- I am able to enjoy the beauty of this cathedral from my home -- albeit it would be better in person -- but this is most welcomed.
Missing time to comment your comments individually; sorry! Great thanks to you all!
Answering Cergie's question: Yes I have posted about the zero point! :-)
Hejsan! Laget? Manga fina Paris fotos som vanligt!
Vi aker til Sverige i uli/augusti med vara tjerer! Vi ser mycket fram imot resan!
Ha det sa trevligt!
I love Notre Dame. It is one of those places that... well, I have this feeling in places like Notre Dame that, if you can just be STILL enough, you can hear the history that happened there. I love to go and sit quietly, and listen.
Thanks for the mini trip.
I wish I'd had my current camera during my visit -- Oh, this brings back fabulous memories, but with better pictures! I have to say that while the highlight of my visit was a concert in Ste. Chapelle, another favorite was hearing an organ concert in Notre Dame. It was a tad more contemporary than I would have chosen, but to hear that organ filling up that cathedral was absolutely chilling in all the best ways! Lovely as always!
Breathtaking photographs! so beautiful. I have never been to Paris and it is clear to me I am missing out on something truly good.
Greetings from Spain, Peter.
... and I say great thanks also to you, Leif, PattiKen, Jeanie and Saray!
Notre Dame is a place I've never been. But your pictures speak so many words. Breathtaking. Thank you!
Thanks for finding my blog and for leaving a kind comment! :-)
C'est marrant que tu aies attendu si longtemps pour faire un billet (enfin, deux) sur Notre Dame mais tu as eu raison de ne pas sombrer dans la facilité au début, c'est bien !
J'ai quand' même fait la Tour Eiffel! :-)
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