
Why are ducks sleeping on one leg?

Did you ask yourself why some birds, like ducks, sleep on one leg – at least when the weather is cold? I did. It’s obviously to regulate the body temperature, exposing only one unfeathered leg and foot at a time to the environmental temperature. They change from one leg to the other now and then. Also, like horses, they can lock their knees. (Thanks Google.)

The Seine River is a bit too full of water again, but not as much as in June 2016 (see my post here). For the moment the water level hardly reaches the feet of the Zouave at the Pont de l’Alma. In the grey weather, the Tower is partly hiding. 


Jeanie said...

Yes, I have asked myself that. And no, I've never looked it up! So thanks, Peter, for solving a mystery!

Thérèse said...

Nous quand cela nous arrive on est bien embêté!

Anonymous said...

Never saw a duck standing on one leg! That is, before I started, years ago to see your photos of them. Thanks for telling us about why it is so. They're such fascinating creatures.
And...no less fascinating is your photography.

Thank you, Peter.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful post! And, about the ducks - many thanks. That was informative!

claude said...

Coin coin !
Quand j'étais môme, j'avais vu le zouave du Pont de l'Alma bien trempé.

Studio at the Farm said...

Lovely post about the ducks, though not about the flooding. I hope you are well, and safe and dry, Peter!
