The Paris church, Saint Esprit, is a catholic church, built in concrete and covered by red bricks outside. Tens of artists participated for the interior decoration, rather with frescoes than by mosaics – as in the “original”.
You will be impressed by the specific architecture, the width of the church and the size of the cupola. Some apartments are integrated in the front and backside of the church.

(For those who have asked about my absence: My mother was hospitalized, is OK, but must now leave her flat for a home for elderly people. Looking for a suitable place - which may take some time. I will probably soon return.)
(Thanks for your comments about my b&w photos. Back to colour... and maybe a b&w now and then!)
Welcome back!
So sorry to know you mommy was not well!
I hope your mother be fine soon!
Great pictures!I can't choice only one, I prefer the whole package!
God bless you
So sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she is feeling better soon. Beautiful pictures. I have never been anywhere like that.
So sorry Peter, I know how difficult this must be for both you and her.
The photos are wonderful and now another place to add to my list. It's getting so long.
Sorry to read about your Mom, hopefully you will be able to find a nice home for her.
The pictures of this church are magnificent. I haven't visited this church, so I will look for it the next time I'm in Paris.
Best wishes for you and your mother in this difficult time.
This is a very interesting church cool art deco look.
Oh Peter, I'm sorry to hear that. It is so very hard to watch our parents decline. She is in my thoughts and you as well as you try and take care of her and all of the details long distance.
The church today is especially lovely with the gorgeous mosaics and grand scale. I think you captured the light here so very well. It seems so enormous. I think I'd like to see it first hand. Now how many churches have I added to the list ????
Pardon!!! I didn't realize you had posted 500 recently. That's a grand milestone, Peter. Bravo!! Here's to 500 more. That's worth a glass or two of champagne in May!
Tu n'as donc pas encore trouvé de solution convenable pour ta maman ? J'espère que tu as toutefois eu des avancées positives.
Tu n'as pas pris mal mon comm / ton blog qui ne te ressemble pas, n'est ce pas ? Je n'aime pas les messages postés en automatique, j'aime sentir que quelqu'un est là et va bien, comme lors de "still painting". Tu peux mettre autant de photos en NetB que tu veux, enrobées de ton humour... si suédois cela passera comme une lettre à la poste.
Elles sont douces les couleurs de ton message d'aujourd'hui. "Chuch". Tu continues une série. Cette église me fait penser à l’Église Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul du quartier italien de San Francisco sur Washington Square, dont la façade encastrée est si souvent photographiée par les touristes.
Splendid pictures Peter! very well presented!
On a different note, I wish your Mother a speedy recovery. I will keep her in my prayers!
Peter, It is difficult period now for you and your family, and it is my hope that you find living quarters that is pleasing to both your mother and you. I'm sending good thoughts and high energy over the cyberwaves (is that such a thing??) These photos of the "newer" church are as interesting as many of the older buildings you have posted.
une architecture révolutionnaire, elle est vraiment magnifique et surprenante cette église. Tu as de quoi faire un beau livre de photos avec toutes ces eglises parisiennes
Ah, c'est bon de te retrouver! J'espère que tu vas bientôt trouver le meilleur endroit pour ta maman qui s'y sentira bien. Ce n'est pas une période facile, ni pour toi, ni pour elle. Bises!
It reminds me to this church in Brussels...
and Hagia Sophia as well.
Regards for you and your mother
Désolée pour ta Maman. J'ai en ce moment les mêmes problèmes avec mes Parents. ma Mère est tombée et a du aller aux urgences. Rien de grave, mais c'est elle qui fait tourner la maison et tout le reste. Elle à 86 ans passés et Papa bientôt 89 et ne peut plus rester tout seul. Il ne veut pas quitter sa maison, mais je crois qu'avec ma soeur et mon frère, il va falloir que nous prenions une décision.
Quant à cette église, c'est sûr qu'elle est d'un autre style et c'est bien de nous la faire découvrir.
Glad att lasa att "allt" ar ok i Goteborg. Det ar inte sa latt att satta in sina foraldrar pa servicehus (om det heter sa i Sverige) men det kan visa sig nodvandigt i vissa fall. Tyvarr.
Eglise très intéressante, et post itou.
Welcome back.
Tervetuloa kotiin.
Hi Peter. I hope everything will be better soon for you and your Mum.
I used to live right next to this church but never went inside. I'll make sure I do next time!
Brilliant images, Peter!
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope the two of you find a safe and comfortable place for her to live.
I've enjoyed your black and whites but I'm glad to be back to color. Beautiful church.
The new church is quite appealing in it;s new history. I am sorry to hear about your mother. I hope for her better health and you find a new suitable place for her.
Finding a Home for one's family member is a hard moral adjustment for both sides. Hope you find the best solution soon.
La fresque est magnifique! J'aime beaucoup trouver de la couleur dans les églises.
de vieux souvenirs d'enfance.
J'habitais le XXème arrd. et, pour aller à la foire du trône je passais par ce quartier. Je descendais la rue des Pyrennées et repassais ensuite l'hopital Trousseau, redescendais l'avenue de la porte dorée.
Au fait, Papa, maman j'y allais en cachette mais il y a 30 ans et je pense qu'il y a prescription car je pense que je n'irai plus à la foire du trône.
Oh, this is a kind of architecture I don't like at all. But it's good to show it with your photos because it IS reality and it's one of the variety of churches. (Btw: I don't like baroque either.)
When you wrote you had to go to Sweden I instantly guessed there was something with your mother. So I'm unfortunately right. I hope she will be better soon and will have a good life.
My mother lives in a flat of her own but in a house with a lot of other old people. Every day she has one to talk to there.
I am so sorry to know about your mother. Old age brings so many complications with it. Old age homes are good idea and sometimes the only option left.
I hope she recovers soon and get a good place to stay.
P.S.- The church looks very big.
I'm very sorry to learn of your mother's problems, but glad she is feeling somewhat better physically. I hope the move to a care facility won't be too traumatizing for her.
Difficiles moments où il appartient aux enfants de s'occuper de leurs parents. Les rôles sont inversés et il y a tellement d'affectif qui s'oppose aux décisions qui s'imposent. C'est dans ces moments là que le vie nous met à l'épreuve. Puisses tu trouver la meilleure solution qui vous satisfasse, ta maman et toi. Amitiés.
Je ne connaissais pas cette église. Il faudra que je la localise et que j'aille la voir. Ces piliers sous la coupole me semblent manquer de finesse, mais si la décoration est faite sur le modèle de Sainte Sophie que j'ai visitée, c'est évidemment magnifique.
Je vais rarement dans ce quartier.
Don't recall seeing this church when I was there but glad you blog about this here ;)
Sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she is well taken care of now.
Superbe photo d'intérieru d'église un travail de pro
Hi Peter!
The catholic churches have usually a beautiful, specific architectures.
Saint Esprit really impressed me.
Thank you for great photos!
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! Hope you'll find a good place for her very soon and she will be well.
My thoughts are with you.
Take care, dear Peter!
Hi Peter!
Yes its me from a public Library and still suffereing from PC( Data-loss and crashed)
Great photo's I had to see your blog and letting you know that I won't forget you, its just more difficult to visit everyone. I refreshed mny blog last week.
(from the library Public PC)
thanks for the walk through this inner part of the church. it's wide ... it's tall ... huge.
you remind me of my mother so gotta call her after this.
Peter - thank you for "following" my blog. So many photos on yours! I'll look through them during our layover in Chicago or when we arrive in Paris. Looking forward to meting you on Monday.
It is a beautiful architecture greatly, please make it known.
hugs friendly affections always
I try to make the package reasonable, but as always, I have some difficulties!
The church is really different!
Yes, the list gets longer and longer. You may have to move over for good! :-)
Dakota Bear:
Do it if you have the time; the church is really different!
A great difference between the exterior and the interior!
Too many churches now on the list! You must make a choice! :-)
Virginia (bis):
Do we need an excuse for the champagne? :-)
Bien sur que je ne me suis pas faché; avec toi - jamais! :-)
Cergie (bis):
Oui, elle peut faire penser à d'autres églises, mais si différente entre l'intérieur et l'extérieur!
Double thanks!!
I appreciate you cyberwaves, thanks!
Tu connais un éditeur? :-)
You are right about the comparison! Of course the Brussels one is not squeezed in between other buildings.
C'est ne pas facile de devenir vieux!
Ja... tyvärr!
Yes, if you are around there again, do it!
Yes, I believe I will after all concentrate on colours!
Dusty Lens:
It was very dark inside, surprising atmosphere and architecture!
C'est sur que je visite les églises d'abord pour l'arhitecture, les oeuvres d'art ... et les concerts! :-)
Je n'ai jamais fait la Foire du Trône (même en chachette)! :-)
The problem is to find the right talking partner(s)! You need a bit of luck!
Thanks! Yes, it's amazingly big - especially you get this impression inside!
Thanks! Let's hope for the best!
This church is not in an area you mostly visit during more or less short visits! :-)
Un grand merci!!
You are definitely right!
Merci pour ces mots!
Si tu ne connais pas le chemin, tu peux peut-être demander à Eddy? :-) Sinon, je suis là! :-)
Krystyna (bis):
Thnaks a lot, I appreciate!
I'm not forgeting you either! :-)
Yes, you must not forget your mum! :-)
Looking forward to this as well! :-)
Lully Desnuda:
Welcome here! I at least started to make it a little bit better known! :-)
Peter, you and Bob and Carolyn will have a grand time. I've warned him that they need to leave me some wine for my visit! And BTW, heavens no, we never never need an "excuse" to drink champagne! HA
I saw my name, and thought I had already commented here. But, it wasn't me, after all!
Thank you for your beautiful photos. I really love the way you present them. it is like taking a little journey each time I come back to read.
I am sorry to hear about your mum. I hope that she settles in without too much difficulty.
Looking forward to meet your friend Bob + wife! Don't worry about the wine and champagne supply; there is plenty around! :-)
Yes, like Peters, there are a few around! :-) Thanks for your kind words!
Hi Peter! Glad to see you back... Hope things are running better now...
It had to be you to find this one! Completely off the beaten track: Paris for experts!!
Wow, impressed is correct! Your Paris is continually surprising me.
This is just magnificent! I'm speechless...
Paris expert... ? You seem to be the globe expert! :-)
Still more to discoer! :-)
I'm also without words! Thanks for the compliment! :-)
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