Before returning to my normal blogging about Paris, I would like to finish my « report » from my visit in Sweden last week.
Two smaller “events”:
I went to a small village, the place of origin of my mother’s family, some 150 km (90 miles) from Gothenburg (Göteborg), A meeting between cousins had been organized. The place is called Håverud and used to have a now closed paper mill. It’s along a canal called “Dalslands Kanal” connecting a number of small lakes to the biggest Swedish lake (the third largest in Europe), “Vänern”, from where a river (“Göta Älv”) connects to Gothenburg.
The canal goes here via a number of locks and an aqueduct and is crossed by a rail and a road bridge. The canal dates from the 1860’s and is today basically used for tourism.
Unfortunately the weather was grey and slightly rainy. I managed to make a few shots of the place and the lake late in the evening and of a small steam boat on which we made a tour. 

The second “event” was that I assisted in Gothenburg at the yearly carnival parade held on the Walpurgis Night (April 30th) by students of the local Chalmers University of Technology. The parade was preceded by female horse-riding police "forces".
This is a great and popular tradition since almost 100 years. Some 250.000 people assist, which is not bad for a city of about 500.000. It’s all for fun and the parade is there to depict, in a satirical and comic way, the events of the year, internationally, nationally, but also and particularly, locally. 
As some more general information about Gothenburg, I could mention that it’s Scandinavia’s biggest port, used to be a shipbuilding centre, that it’s the home of Volvo, which originally was created as a subsidiary to an older Gothenburg company, SKF, still number one in the world on (ball) bearing manufacturing. For those who are interested in photography, Gothenburg is the home of the Hasselblad camera. It has today also Scandinavia’s largest university.
Two smaller “events”:
I went to a small village, the place of origin of my mother’s family, some 150 km (90 miles) from Gothenburg (Göteborg), A meeting between cousins had been organized. The place is called Håverud and used to have a now closed paper mill. It’s along a canal called “Dalslands Kanal” connecting a number of small lakes to the biggest Swedish lake (the third largest in Europe), “Vänern”, from where a river (“Göta Älv”) connects to Gothenburg.

The second “event” was that I assisted in Gothenburg at the yearly carnival parade held on the Walpurgis Night (April 30th) by students of the local Chalmers University of Technology. The parade was preceded by female horse-riding police "forces".

wow, you are lucky to be there in time for the parade! Glad to see the pics and I'm sure you had a gr8 time there.
BTW, is the spelling of police,spells as POLIS?
The gals-brass band must be so entertaining!
What a beautiful lake Peter and the buzz from the parade, fantastic!!
Thanks for introducing Sweden Peter ;)
la première photo est superbe, elle nous repose totalement , on est bien......... et puis d'un coup on passe aux danses, a la musique pour le carnaval ;o). Superbes les chars du carnaval.
En 1968, j'ai eu l'occasion d'utiliser les services d'un garage de Göteborg pour réparer ma déjà très vieille chevaux Citroën.
Beeau reportage qui me doCque je ferai dans quelques semaines pour y retrouver ma fille et ses enfants près de Lund.
Salut Peter
Le bateau en bois est très beau. On n'en voit plus beaucoup comme cela en France, et tous ces lacs donnent envie de naviguer.
Tu as eu le temps de faire plein de choses en peu de temps. Ta photo du lac est formidable.
nice pictures of women ... i mean buildings :-)
am surprised of verandahs incorporated with swedish architechture.
Ta première photo est à couper le souffle. Le petit bateau m'a fait sourire, on dirait un jouet d'enfant, tu sais, ces petites boites métalliques qui avancent grâce à la chaleur d'une bougie...Je connais tout près d'ici un boatshop qui retape des vedettes et autres bateaux suédois. On en croise parfois sur le Golfe. Certains ont peut-être été construits par ton grand-père, qui sait?
J'arrive ! C'est vrai que la première photo est très belle, reposante, et puis on passe à des photos très colorées. C'est sympa de nous faire partager ton séjour dans ton pays !Je suis comme Alice, j'aime beaucoup le petit bateau. Un jour j'ai vu un téléfilm tourné en Suède, Les paysages étaient de toutes beauté.
pour répondre a ta question, c'était tôt le matin. je préfère prendre mes photos tôt le matin ou tard le soir.
I see: a short trip to Sweden but many interesting events. Sometimes it's nice to visit the family. Astonishing that there is carnival in Göteborg, too.
Ton pays est magnifique. Je le connais un tout petit peu à travers les romans de Henning Mankell et le blog de Fredrik enfin surtout la région d'Ystad du coup !! Je viens d'attaquer les Stieg Larsson, je vais encore apprendre.
J'ai pensé à toi à Paris car je suis allée dîner "Rue de Tourtille", une rue perpendiculaire à la "Rue de Belleville" et je suis tombée sur l'œuvre de Ben et la fresque en hommage à Fantômas
Bonsoir Peter,
Tout à fait superbe ce post ... et ces photos d'eau... dont j'aime tellement l’ambiance.. Et pour cause... Etonnante également cette explosion de foule et de couleurs...
Un merle pendant que j'écris se balade sur la terrasse en sifflant... la porte fenêtre et ouverte pourtant, et puis.... il n'y a pas de serpent ici, juste des petits lézards complètement inoffensifs...
Bonne soirée Peter le soleil est doré, c'est un moment agréable...
A pied, à cheval, et en bateau à vapeur ! Et elles ont l'air bien jolies toutes ces jeunes suédoises du défilé. Dommage que l'on ne puisse pas agrandir les photos... Mais pour le calme, je préfère encore le lac, à demi estompé par la brume. Cela correspond bien à l'image que je me fais de la Suède.
Du calme des lacs à la folie du carnavale, il y en a pour tout les gouts en Suede... :)
Bienvenue Peter, you have posted some super pictures of your home town. One day I should love to go to Sweden. The architecture is lovely in Goteborg, and what fun to go out on that little steam boat.... reminds me of the movie "The African Queen". I love those gateposts and the art deco gates... glorious! And all those decorative balconies... what can I say... it looks wonderful! Glad to see you are home safe and sound.
Love your coverage of Sweden. Am learning a lot about the country from your photos.
As a kid, I always thought Sweden was (1) very sexy because of the stereotypical Swedish girls in American movies; (2) very talented because of ABBA; and (3) industrialized because of Audi and Volvo.
Okay, I was a kid then so my impression was purely superficial. But somehow it was stuck in my head.
Pictures from both the events are wonderful. The first picture of lake is sooooo go that I want to be there.
Thanks for introducing us to Sweden in a great way.
Hey Peter,
I just saw and red this post (leter) about you "volvo" from Sweden, do you know that there's also a Dutch type of Volvo? I knwo because mine is made in Holland. Relly the truth! I did not know that's possible, but it is, I was so surprised because I thougt that Volvo's were only made in Sweden...
I have a Volvo-car thats ;'why'
Quelle belle visite Peter.
Ce petit bateau est trop mignon !
Pour le carnaval, je regrette les photos un peu trop petite pour vraiment voir les costumes et les détails.
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